First grow startup question


New Member
Sup guys I have a question on my first grow just have a few questions.. This is what I'm aiming my setup to be. GL40 grow tent 16"x16"x47",Prosource LED 180 watt Illuminator UFO, 4 inch Carbon filter rated at 22 CFM-45CFM, S&P 140CFM TD series Inline fan, Qty of 4, 1 gallon smart pots which will all fit in the tent or Qty 1, 5 Gallon smartpot. I will be growing femenized white widow. Here are my questions. First question is, due to such a small space I will be growing in, I am going to put the inline fan on the floor in my closet and run duct. I am going to gradually make 1, 90 degree angle coming out of the tent going onto the floor. Is this fan overkill? Or since its going to be on the floor of my closet with a 90 degree angle and not hung near my carbon filter, will this be fine. Next question is the pot size. I want to use Qty 4 1 gallon for two reasons. One, because the pots are not as tall as one 5 gallon pot and two, this is my first grow. If something happens to one plant, I don't want the other 3 infected or anything. Is the 1 gallon per plant good? They are probably only going to be in veg for 2 weeks then the rest flowering. Any help would be awesome. Thanks guys!
if you decide to go with 4 or even 2 pots I suggest 0 veg time ... grow them from seedling to flower at 12/12. They will flower faster and grow straight up with few fan leaves.
I've always prefered space at base of tent for pots to max growing area !

Carbon filter & fan should always be placed at top of the tent... if confined for space once carbon filter is in place use a good strong cord/string to gerry rig 'n' hang fan at a slightly lower height if required.

Or even place fan on the out side of tent on top of it, to max total head room for plant once light/reflector & filter is in place !
So your telling me I should be more worried about the diameter of the pot instead of how tall it is? Do you think for the little space I am growing in, I could fit 4 plants in a 5 gallon pot? How far should I put the plants from one another? Now about the fan is the 140cfm overkill or do you guys think it will be just fine?
I'm considering getting the same equipment because i'm limited on space. Your the only guy in the internet universe I could find using this setup. Can you provide pictures of what your setup (position of carbon filter/fan, pot size#) looks like as well as your current grow? TKS and good luck.
If you would like to see how I have my box set up click on the link in my signature block.

Always better to have to much ventilation. You can always put a speed controller on the fan and turn it down. But, if you don't have enough air movement, you can't just turn it up if it's not big enough.

Your problem is with the carbon filter. You want your filter to have a CFM that is higher than your fan. Otherwise you overpower the carbon and it just doesn't work.

Figure out how many plants you are going to use and then buy the biggest pot that you can get to fit into your growing area. More dirt, more roots ... more roots, more growth.
Square pots might utilize the space better. The rule of thumb is 1 gallon for one foot of growth. Determine how high you can let your plants grow (considering the light, ducts and container size) and let that dictate the container.
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