First Grow Ever - With Bubbles Too!


New Member
soo got my medical card and i decided to invest some money into growing since in the long run it will be much cheaper, and so far, im really enjoying it! at first i had a broken ph meter so i was chasing ph around and im surprised i didnt kill the plants, or have signs of a bad ph level..must be some tough plants already!

i have no idea what strain, but the leaves are huge! my setup is the Deep Water Culture kit, 65watt dual spectrum lights,2 airstones, and im using the GH micro,grow,and bloom nutrients.the room temp is 72 degrees with 55-60% humidity.the res temp i have no idea.i keep the air pump away from the lights or any heat, so its probably around 65 degrees. and my ph is around 6.0

heres a pic of them about 2 weeks in..


heres them 5 days after that last pic was taken

i mist them everyday, and i kind of over water them, so im learning how much they need and like..but it seems like they are doing very well! and i just started them on the 2nd week of nutrients(30ml micro 15ml of both grow/bloom) i do have a fan blowing down on them, i know it should be blowing up through the leaves, but something is better than nothing!

anyways, let me know what you guys think!!
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

what should the res temp be?? i just checked it with a temp gun and it was 73 degrees.if its to hot, how do i cool it down? my air pump already is not under my lights.

but i just topped them today..they may be a little small(least i think) but they all had at least 3 nodes..the two bigger ones actually had 4 or 5.


so hopefully in a few days i will see some extra growth!

heres a shot of the closet its going to add that reflective sheets soon to help them a little can also see how high the humidity is..60%! i think the next grow i do i will pick a strain that likes temps around 73,and high humidity since my closet seems to maintain that pretty easily.


roots!! there is a little bit of brown in them, but i think thats the GH micro doing that..cus other than that they seem to be nice and white..notice all the bubbles from the two airstones!


im kind of suprised how well there doing because these seeds were in a mason jar in a garage for about 2 years..and they were not kept in a dark place they had a tough life even before they sprouted!

also,whats a typical yield for plants grown in the Deep Water Culture kit?? can i expect at least 2 ounces from each plant? i know the answer varies on many things, but im sure you could guess and probably get close..

anyways,ill keep you guys updated!
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

do you guys think its safe to take the water pump out?? its my first grow so im a little timid..if i do that will probably bring down my res temp to..right?
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

do you guys think its safe to take the water pump out?? its my first grow so im a little timid..if i do that will probably bring down my res temp to..right?

yes, and yes. with the pump off res temp will drop. and your plants have plenty of roots to support them self in a dwc environment. looking good for the most part only thing i see wrong is that your a card holder and your using cfls. i know this may be your first grow so take in all that you can and learn, but i would invest in at least a 400w. you would notice a difference in your buds when it came time. other then that things are looking great for your first run. but yeah pull out that pump you dont need it anymore.
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

yaaaa i know cfl's are not the best choice..unfortunately im on a budget tho...but i do have this light....


i got a from a friend who use to grow and he said its great for veg, but wont get the plant to i take it its on the wrong spectrum..if i put that light in my closet, do i need to take it out when i switch the schedule to 12/12?? and does anyone know what kind of light it is??
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

looks like a 150w or 250w metal halide
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

ok..guess i will add that to the grow room..when i switch to flowering ill hopefully have a HPS light..
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

Looking good! +reps for getting off to a good start.

That MH lamp will help a lot in the vegitative stage for your grow. IMO a HPS is a must for flowering. The spectrum and light intensity/watt is unrivaled.

Have a good one! :smokin:
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

should i just ditch the cfl lights and only have that one MH light?? its kind of a small space and considering the MH light puts off more heat, i dont want it to heat up wires etc..

now ill be looking for a HPS system!
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

actually, i decided against using the MH light..i kind of want to see what happens with these CFL's..for my next grow, i will get MH and a HPS for its whole growth cycle so i can compare not to worried about yeild or quality to much, im just stoked to see these babies grow!
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

Looks like you're on top of things, do you have an oscilating fan?

Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

actually, i decided against using the MH light..i kind of want to see what happens with these CFL's..for my next grow, i will get MH and a HPS for its whole growth cycle so i can compare not to worried about yeild or quality to much, im just stoked to see these babies grow!

i wouldnt worrie about that lamp putting off too much heat, my friend runs a 150w mh and 4, 42watt cfls in a little cab for veg. he only needs a fan to blow across the light and plants to keep it all cool. trust me you will want to use that mh, it thickens up the stems a lot faster then cfls do and over all you get a slightly larger yield.
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

Looks like you're on top of things, do you have an oscilating fan?

i have a fan blowing air into the closet from the top, and it funnels it down out the bottom..ill take some pics tomorrow..again, its not the greatest set up, but im making a list of what i will add for the next grow to make it better.for now im concentrating about not getting nute burn,making the ph stable, etc etc..and Roseman, your article convinced me to buy the stealth hydro kit, and its helped me alot so thank you!

and i will add that MH light tomorrow,and take a few more pics while i do the res change
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

reverse your fan flow, have the air come in from the bottom and go out the top. heat rises.. that way youll be sucking in the coolest fresh air in the room.
Re: first grow ever...with bubbles to!

Thats pretty pimp, I am using an Ebb and Flow system at the moment but the bubble looks alot easier to maintain. How have you found it to date?

I to am burning the CFL's 6500K 43 watt and 2700 lumens each X 2. Guys are telling me to add more of these up to six for my three plants? I am buying more of them but am curious what you are using there exactly as they seem to be doing awesome.

take care and here is my setup if you care to take a peak and feedback if you have time?
By the way I like the idea of having the reflector at the base of the plant :bravo: I am doing that to mine very soon, actually I am going to do it now, thanks
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Peace and happy happy growing
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