DWC water temp


Active Member
I use 5 gallon. Dwc bucket I've completed the grow ran in few problems with water temp i use water ice water bottles to keep temp down but that temporary fix I'm wondering any got any other ideas besides ice I need to get a a cheap airconditon unit for my grow tent (8×4 5gallon dwc bucket called root spa system ) like i said I had successful grow but had root probs I had air stone 2 pumps hose lines in each bucket out of 8 bucket I just could keep temp of water down room wasn't hot humidity was good just water temp would run hot than room 75 degrees at time 76 and lower when lights off but I've seen it up to 80 on hot day in was think of what ideas do you got for newbie lol here what I grew in dwc I moved to soil but plan on going back to hydro after this soil / coco grow this is some blue zkittlez and a lil biscotti
Thanks appreciate your info here pic of my grow now I got 10 strains belive lol I cropped the zkittlez in the pic up there on I cut Down June 9 here there soil /coco gro now


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I got one light in there that is blue led may that idk which plant I want to know lol
Hydroguard will definitely keep things clean in your buckets even with higher res temps. Now obviously there is a limit to that so i wouldnt push it. But hydroguard has kept root issues out of our reservoir even with water temps reaching as high as 73*. Bigger buckets will help, or go recirculating and keep the big reservoir outside of the tent.
Yea now that I think about how successful my last grow was it was probably due to hydroguard I just realized I was using it threw the grow from beginning to end and was successful I made to harvest I just forgot what that stuff was for it was my first grow and they recommend at hydro store I just used and forgot what it did lol


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Wow didn't consider that keeping pump out side tent so if air in tent hot and air pump suck in hot air it pump to root zone and the heat exchange creates less oxygen for root y heating water up and allows harmful pathogens to form. I see now it make sense that's what was happening to me
The root zone gets overlooked a lot when it comes to hydroponics.
When the temps get over 70 I tend to raise an eyebrow. 72 deg and above is where problems begin to rear their heads.
Also, air pumps were mentioned. This is a big enough issue on it's own merit, I designed the return to oxygenate the reservoir via a waterfall effect. The amount of heat an air pump can introduce into a reservoir is uncanny.
On my 6 plant personal grow I use a small 1/10th hp chiller to keep the reservoir temps in check, and the smaller the room the more issues with heat you will have. If you can keep radiant heat from your reservoir, that will help. Insulate the tote with a few wraps of bubble insulation. That alone should knock a solid deg or so from reservoir temps.
Good luck!
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