Dick23rk's Tent Grow: Blue Dream Auto, Mantis Nutrients, 2 x BestvaLED P1000

**Update - Day 18 & 15**

Hey everyone! Back again with a quick update on the ladies. I hope you're all having a great weekend so far, this is the first day of our May long weekend for Victoria Day, 3 days off work for most people.

I had a peek in the tent this morning to see how things have been going after the feeding the other day. All 3 plants are excelling a growing a little quicker now so that's great to see after getting the first feed with roots in the ground. I hope they are settled in and ready to show that auto veg vigor.

Becky seems to be having some issues though and I have reason to believe that it's due to water droplets and the light intensity. When I was still using the humidity domes, this 1 plant happened to have multiple water droplets on it one day when I first noticed just a couple yellow spots, so I removed the domes and tried to get rid of the droplets. Now today this seems to be a little worse, so I'm wondering if I'm actually seeing a root zone / deficiency issue with this one. The other 2 are not showing any of the same signs and have all been treated the same aside from where they sit in the tent and how much light they're getting. I'm going to watch the new growth closely to see if it spreads.

Alice and Carla are moving right along now, Alice still being the largest and Carla the smallest, but they are both showing good growth and no real issues like Becky. Carla has a couple of tiny yellow spots at the very tips of the new leaves, not sure what this is about. Maybe it's just too high of a ppm for them right off the hop, but I'm not seeing any real nutrient burn signs, so I will continue as I was until I see solid evidence of a deficiency or ph issue. This is the same feed I gave all my photo seedlings.

Temps have been 22-27c and RH 34-47% over the past 24 hours, not horrible but not perfect either.
Here's some solo pictures and also a group shot with some of the fruit/veggies that wouldn't fit in the propagation side.


Alice - Day 18

Becky - Day 15

Carla - Day 15
**Update - Day 20 & 17**

Hello, hello! Back again with another update on how these little ladies are doing. I had a peek inside this morning to see that everything looks fine and still right on schedule. Looking at the hygrometer and I was surprised to see that at one point my humidity actually went up to 83%. This would have been due to the watering of flowers and veggies in the propagation side along with the few along side the ladies. We got a bunch of rain over a couple of days and now the ground is nice and moist, so most of those other plants will be kicked out by next weekend.

Looking at the blue dreams this morning and I was happy to see that there has been no further issues that we were starting to notice on the last update. Becky's new growth appears to be fine and the spots on the older leaves have not gotten worse, the spots just look more defined now. The edges of Carla's leaves have not gotten any worse either. I am chalking this one up as light burn from water droplets with the humidity domes on. Lesson learned with these more intense lights.

As far as growth, I looked back at the previous pictures and every plant is showing about the same rate of growth right now. Of course Alice is slightly farther alone being 3 days older but she is looking great considering how that first set of true leaves looked when she first emerged from the ground, she's coming around nicely. Carla is still a little smaller than her twin Becky, despite being born on the same day, Carla was a bit of a runt at first. She sure has come around and is making me proud.

Alice - Day 20

Becky - Day 18

Carla - Day 18

Not much else to report here yet. I am thinking maybe by this coming weekend I will be able to get them topped well before getting into flower. It would be nice to get them topped twice, but unless the auto growth vigor kicks in, they may not get done again in time. We will have to wait and see since auto's are so unpredictable.
Have a great week folks, I hope you all had a great long weekend for those that are in Canada and a good Monday for those elsewhere. Take care!
You got big Becky back on track quick , what was wrong ?
Pretty sure it was from when I had the domes on and condensation built up on the leaves causing burns from the light intensity. That's my guess at least.
Hey all! Been a little slack on updates this week due to the new job and long hours. Just stopping into my journals for a minute to let you know I'm still here. I'll be back later today with an update now that it's the weekend and I got some time.
Hey all! Been a little slack on updates this week due to the new job and long hours. Just stopping into my journals for a minute to let you know I'm still here. I'll be back later today with an update now that it's the weekend and I got some time.
**Update - Day 25 & 22**

Hello once again everyone, happy shatterday!! I got some pictures in the tent this morning and checked out the blue dream autos. With me working all week and being so drained I've basically only peeked at these girls to make sure things are going well and that they didn't need another drink right away. So now the weekend is here and they will be getting some much needed attention.

All 3 of these plants have shown some great growth since the last update on Monday, I'm quite pleased with how they are growing now. They will all be topped this weekend, I thought about leaving Alice alone and letting her grow naturally, but then I could end up with 1 taller unruly plant and uneven canopies. At a quick glance, Alice has 5 full nodes now, while Becky and Carla are just behind her with 4 nodes.

As for issues, there are none and that's really making me happy after everything that has happened in my other journal with hermies. Becky's spots have not gotten any worse and are not showing on any of the new growth, she looks very healthy, this concludes that it was likely light burn from water droplets. The other 2 haven't skipped a beat since righting themselves from the seedling stage.

Feedings will be done later on today sometime as the grow bags are starting to get a little lighter. Hopefully this next drink is what they need to start exploding, we are now into week 3 and nearing week 4 so I'm sure these plants are going to start their transition soon and start showing some real vigor. Hoping it's not too late for topping as well, but I think we should be fine and right on track.

That's about it for these gals, I'll be sure to drop some photos after they are all topped and ready to go. Hope you all have great weekend! I'm going to try and relax a little, but still some outdoor gardening to get done and I'd like to get out fishing for a bit as well, see how that all goes lol. Take care and keep it green out there!

Alice - Day 25

Becky - Day 22

Carla - Day 22

Group Shot

Hey matey
How’s you doin? Haven’t seen you in a bit?
Hope y’all well :)
Hey bud, been doing alright. Working lots of hours during the week and been super busy, so I haven't been on here much aside from weekends. Going to try and do some catching up on journals this weekend along with my updates. Hope all is good in your world.
Hey bud, been doing alright. Working lots of hours during the week and been super busy, so I haven't been on here much aside from weekends. Going to try and do some catching up on journals this weekend along with my updates. Hope all is good in your world.
Looking great, taking along for this ride. I did two Blue Dream grows (different breeder) and they were good producers and potent.

Have you grown with Mantis nutes before? I'm looking to change it up from MC next time.
**Update - Day 32 & 29**

Hey all, back again with another update. Sorry I've only been able to get on here to update during the weekends, still getting used to the new job and been working some pretty steady hours so I've just been zonked along with everything else that needs to get done in a day lol. It doesn't help that the last few days here have been abnormally hot for the start of June. Yesterday we worked in 38C weather and the other days were around 34, quite the heat wave here. Needless to say that is just killing us :laughtwo: Although it's helped out in the tent, temps and RH are sitting in a decent spot lately, this morning when I looked it was 25C and 60%RH.

So the girls are all pretty healthy looking in the tent, they have all the space back in there now that we got the vegetables outside and in the garden, just some flowers left to be planted from the propagation side that will be going out soon as well. All the plants were topped last weekend after the update as I had seen signs of pistils and the plants were over 3 weeks old.

Alice has sprouted up quite a bit and really stretching compared to the other 2. She is the oldest by a few days and has been showing pistils since the beginning of the week. She seemed to be a different phenotype than the other 2 right from the start of this grow. I'm guessing this is the start of the transition and vigorous growth that we all see in the auto's when that time comes. This could be a lanky one to try and train if it keeps growing the way it is, but we will handle it as always.

Becky is starting to take the show here in my books with the way she is growing, so far she's shorter and bushy. I had a closer look while taking pictures and I can now see some pistils starting to emerge, for this girl I do hope there is a little bit of vertical growth, but not as much as Alice. There is lots of nice foliage growth on this one as well which will likely need to be dealt with going into flower to reduce the chances of any mold due to rising RH, fans and turning the exhaust up may be needed as well.

Carla is falling behind a little bit but is still very healthy. She almost seems to be a different phenotype as well but it's still early to tell, could be a mix of the 2 by the way she looks right now. I had a look for pistils but didn't really see much, could be a couple more days. I have a feeling she will stretch up some like Alice did but will still be little bushy. Otherwise I won't complain with a healthy and happy plant, they will grow the way they want to.

And now, we have another little addition to the tent. This is one that didn't make it outside for my outdoor autos this year and I'm kind of glad I didn't spend the time. I'm really not being that impressed by the genetics, or seeds for that matter, from Garden of Green and Expert seeds. I will say, GOG did end up sending me a replacement pack for the Blueberry Cookie Autos which was nice, but I've since had the same issues with the other 2 strains from Expert Seeds. I have not tried popping all of those beans yet though.
Anyways, this all leads to this 4th plant I put into the tent, it looked good in the beginning so I planted it. I don't even know what day it's on because I lost track, but it's likely about 10 days old and is growing very strange. This is an Expert Gorilla Auto. The first leaves are very odd and there is some lower node growth happening. The top seems to have started to only grow on one side? It's basically a mutated runt, not sure what to think of her, but maybe it will surprise me. We will let it grow and see what happens anyway. Lets welcome, Dorothy to the group.

That's about it for this week, I don't think I really missed anything here aside from a group shot. Everyone is healthy and chugging along. Oh, plants were all fed on Thursday evening as well. 1ml/L calimagic and 5ml/L Mantis, they are loving it as always.

Take care everyone and keep it green out there! Thanks as always for stopping by to check things out!
Looking great, taking along for this ride. I did two Blue Dream grows (different breeder) and they were good producers and potent.

Have you grown with Mantis nutes before? I'm looking to change it up from MC next time.
Thanks tim! Pull up a seat anywhere.
This is my first time growing Blue Dream so it's always good to hear that.
I have been growing with Mantis for a few months now, but have not completed a grow yet. I am using it in my other older journal currently at week 6 of flowering I believe, it can be found in my signature below if you'd like to have a look over there. I'll be updating that one this weekend as well, lots going on around here aside from the 4 plants here in the tent.
Guys...he's so on top of it that he posts twice! Haaa haaa....teasing man. Glad you got hours to work. Many don't still. Blessings and looking forward to the update.
Haha, I didn't have a clue what you meant until I scrolled up after posting my update, then I seen it :rofl: Thanks for pointing it out, 1 of them should be removed soon since I reported it to the mods lol
I'm glad too, I didn't like the fact of switching jobs again but things are getting better. I got on with a rig crew that is pretty steady and has weekends off for right now, that could change if things get busy.
I'll be getting over to your journal at some point this weekend to catch up!
Welcome Dorothy you ugly freak you! Glad you're giving her a chance Dick. She'll reward you for the compassion. #allladiesneedlove
:laughtwo: She really is a bit of a freak, I'm not sure what's going to come of her yet. If that top doesn't want to grow anymore after a few more days I will just cut it off and let the 2 lower nodes grow out. I don't want to wait too long on an auto to make that decision, cause clearly it need to get growing haha.
Thanks tim! Pull up a seat anywhere.
This is my first time growing Blue Dream so it's always good to hear that.
I have been growing with Mantis for a few months now, but have not completed a grow yet. I am using it in my other older journal currently at week 6 of flowering I believe, it can be found in my signature below if you'd like to have a look over there. I'll be updating that one this weekend as well, lots going on around here aside from the 4 plants here in the tent.

Haha, I didn't have a clue what you meant until I scrolled up after posting my update, then I seen it :rofl: Thanks for pointing it out, 1 of them should be removed soon since I reported it to the mods lol
I'm glad too, I didn't like the fact of switching jobs again but things are getting better. I got on with a rig crew that is pretty steady and has weekends off for right now, that could change if things get busy.
I'll be getting over to your journal at some point this weekend to catch up!

:laughtwo: She really is a bit of a freak, I'm not sure what's going to come of her yet. If that top doesn't want to grow anymore after a few more days I will just cut it off and let the 2 lower nodes grow out. I don't want to wait too long on an auto to make that decision, cause clearly it need to get growing haha.
Nice update, Dick.

Regarding that freak, @Carcass had one like it and did what you said you may do. Topped it right away. It turned out to be a beast of a plant!
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