Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Ha! I've never noticed the floppy emoji! šŸ˜
I actually started using the emoji search function- saves a pile of time waiting for the emojis to load...

Of course, it may be my old turd of a computer that's slowing stuff down on my end...:hmmmm:
I actually started using the emoji search function- saves a pile of time waiting for the emojis to load...

Of course, it may be my old turd of a computer that's slowing stuff down on my end...:hmmmm:
What kind/year of computer do you have? I need a good chuckle! :)
It's an apx 12/13 year old Toshiba laptop-
been ok till lately, now the wi-fi shuts off whenever it wants to- only way to fix it is to restart..
I hate getting new computers, but it's time, real soon...
Ha! No, I just blew the dust and cat hair out of it a few weeks ago... šŸ˜
It's just dying a slow death..
It's an apx 12/13 year old Toshiba laptop-
been ok till lately, now the wi-fi shuts off whenever it wants to- only way to fix it is to restart..
I hate getting new computers, but it's time, real soon...

No laugh emoji from me. I know how quickly computers age and you've done really well to get to 12 years without spazzing out from performance frustration.

But. It. Is. Time. :rofl: (Oops!)
But. It. Is. Time. :rofl: (Oops!)

That's the longest life in a computer I've seen Carcass! Run with it! To the store and get a new one!
Yeah, you guys are right..this ol' relic is starting to piss me off...

Best Buy it is, tomorrow a.m.!šŸ¤‘

While I'm here, here's the first pic of the passenger for the outdoor SIP...:fastwinky:
( Forbidden Fruit/AP Origin)

She's only been in the cup for about 3 hours, so it's gonna be a day or 2..
Space is at a premium in there now, and it isn't going to get any better, so I hope she does the right thing...

And this one is 3" taller than she was on Monday....she can grow an inch a day for 8 more days, then things start to get dicey in there...
20 inches tall.jpg
Carcass, I didn't know another was on the way. More fun in the sun! :Rasta:

Geezer advice on the computer -- get the biggest screen that you can! šŸ„ø
Do bigger screens come with bigger fonts? Asking for a friend.
I plugged my desk top into my Amp & 55" TV & got a wireless mouse & keyboard it is awesome being able to lay on the sofa watch TV & switch to the computer during commercials, 55" computer screen or bigger is the way to go
Fingers crossed!
No action in the cup, but the big plant only grew a half inch overnight, instead of her usual inch..
so she may be slowing down a little.. šŸ¤šŸ˜ƒ
Carcass, I didn't know another was on the way. More fun in the sun! :Rasta:
I just dropped the seed in some water and waited for a tail, which showed yesterday- no tail, and I wasn't going to mention it yet.....although, it's been a little while since I've killed one..... but luck can change...
Geezer advice on the computer -- get the biggest screen that you can! šŸ„ø
Thanks, GDB!
I'm good with a 15.5", so the one on the way (here Monday) is same size as this turd...nothin' fancy, but I'm hoping the wi-fi works better than this one...$400, Acer/AMD Ryzen 4.6 ghz - I don't need much, this should do it.. ...funny, the first computer I built, like 30 yrs ago, was a 5mhz- so this one will be 940 times as fast as that one was...:fastwinky:
Do bigger screens come with bigger fonts? Asking for a friend.
No, but they are adjustable!
55" computer screen or bigger is the way to go
Damn TV is only 48"!
I had a big monitor when I had a desktop, but since I went laptop, it is what it is..:)

I'm sure I could plug my laptop into the tv, but If you
knew Mrs.C., you'd know it's probably better not to mess with her tv...šŸ˜„
How about a little end of week update on the outdoor girls?

Very little sun this week, but they don't seem to miss it much-
CK 34- S 27.jpg

I started them on RxBlend last Friday- just the basic stuff, it'll be awhile before I need flowering nutes for these girls...
Critical Kush is 34" tall, so she's grown 30" in 27 days- those lower fans are bigger than my hand...
My daughter stopped by yesterday and saw those leaves, now I have to save them for her for an art thing...
(hey @Trala- my daughter also does shitty arsed craft!... šŸ˜„ )

Somango isn't growing quite as fast as the CK- she's only 27" tall...
Somango 51724.jpg

I've been watering them every other day, just a half gallon each- I think they're finding water farther down...
Both 51724.jpg

Something is already munching on the Critical Kush a little bit..not a big problem, it just stopped by for a taste, and moved on.... (i hope)..

And that's about all there is to say about these 2 right now-
Thanks for looking!
And have a wonderful weekend!:peace:
They're having fun in the sun! :Rasta:
Hopefully, either/or, they'll "weather" it! :Rasta:
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