Autoflowers: Topping, LST & defoliating


Well-Known Member
Hi all! :ciao:

I've read quite a few different opinions on how best to train autoflowers, and get more light through your canopy.

So, I'll bring this question to you knowledgeable fine folks. :)

What's best for autoflowers? LST? Topping? Defoliating? Why?

I know topping is said to be hard on autoflowers because of their shortened veg cycle, but as I'm on my first grow I have no way of knowing how accurate that info is. Also, lollipopping is frowned upon I've read. Just curious from people who have hands on knowledge!

Thanks! :Namaste:
Done all of the above extensively with autos. I never defoliate them because those leafs are solar panels and they need as many solar panels as they can have to help them grow the fastest that they can. I always do pretty strenuous LST on my autoflowers and I am also a big fan of topping them but only if done at the exact right time. I only top autoflowers that seem to grow pretty rigorously. And I always taught mine right around day 14 or as soon as I can possibly but very carefully top above the 4th node. If done at the right time and the right way I don't think it slows them down whatsoever. That being said since you've never done it I would suggest doing a whole bunch of LST on one Autoflower and on another one do the same LST methods and top it as well and see what your results are like.
Done all of the above extensively with autos. I never defoliate them because those leafs are solar panels and they need as many solar panels as they can have to help them grow the fastest that they can. I always do pretty strenuous LST on my autoflowers and I am also a big fan of topping them but only if done at the exact right time. I only top autoflowers that seem to grow pretty rigorously. And I always taught mine right around day 14 or as soon as I can possibly but very carefully top above the 4th node. If done at the right time and the right way I don't think it slows them down whatsoever. That being said since you've never done it I would suggest doing a whole bunch of LST on one Autoflower and on another one do the same LST methods and top it as well and see what your results are like.

Thanks for the info! I'll be sure not to defoliate at all. I'll try doing both techniques on my next grow as I plan on growing 2 plants of the same strain. I currently have two strains going so I don't want my results tainted by the fact that they're different strains. For this grow, I'll stick with some mild LST. This is what I have going currently...


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Thanks for the shout Teddy! I got 6 ounces dried off the LST autoflower in that thread.

Just got done taking a look! Beautiful plant for sure! From the pics I included above, will that be enough bend? I was afraid to put too much pressure on the stalk.
It's hard to tell in just an overhead shot, but all LST is done slowly so as not to stress the plant. Done correctly you'll never break a branch.

Post a few side view pics and post some details on the the strain and soil and how old it is from sprout and I'd be happy to help.

Thank you so much!

I'll have to get pics in the morning. Closet is in the bedroom, wife's sleeping. ;)

Strains are super lemon haze and gorilla glue, both autos. Sprouted 16 days ago. Medium is 60% coco, 30% lite peat moss soil and 10% Perlite. Roughly. Currently using Phlizon 600w. Changing to a Mars hydro 600w eco. Adding 2 105w 2700k CFL bulbs during flower :D
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