Australia: Medicinal Cannabis Supplier Vows To Continue Helping Sick People

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
A man facing criminal charges for supplying medicinal cannabis to chronically ill Victorians, including children with epilepsy, has vowed to continue to assist people until it is legal to do so.

Matthew Pallett, 54, and wife Elizabeth have been charged with possessing, supplying and trafficking a drug of dependence and will face Melbourne Magistrates' Court on December 2.

The couple face up to 15 years' jail for allegedly helping up to 100 chronically ill patients obtain cannabis for pain relief.

But Mr Pallett said: "All we are doing is helping people. I have not committed a crime. Compassion is not illegal.

"We don't charge (for the cannabis), but some people have given us donations.''

People with cancer, multiple sclerosis and children with severe epilepsy are among the beneficiaries of the Palletts' alleged law-breaking.


News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Medicinal Cannabis Supplier Vows To Continue Helping Sick People
Author: Alex White
Contact: Reader Feedback
Photo Credit: ABC21 News
Website: The Herald Sun
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