Adjusting PH in root zone


Well-Known Member
Growing with Edna's Best, an organic potting soil. Tap water PH is 8.5. I adjust it with lemon to 6.0-6.5
Run off is 5.0. I seem to get a magnesium deficiency in some plants as they mature.
Any advice is appreciated.
From what I understand how pH works, if you are watering with 6.0 water and the run-off is 5.0 then your medium is 4.0. So if you watered with 8.5 water, the run off should around 6.2/6.3, right where you want it basically. I would try watering with unadjusted dechlorinated tap water and see if this helps with your deficiencies and run-off.
Thanks Colorado. If I add in my nutrients to 8.5 ph water will the soil then act as a buffer so I don't get a nitrogen lock out? Magnesium seems to be one of the few nutrients that have a better uptake with PH in the 7's.
Magnesium is very easy to give plants. Epsom salt 1tbs to gallon mix and spray plants and the will turn nice and green...
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