A Newbie's forum request


Active Member
High everyone, excuse me if my first thread is a request. I am glad to have found this forum, there's a lot of interesting info here, but for a noob like me, it is hard to read as it is all mixed: what a new grower should know with what experts growers says with complex information hard to understand for us noobs.

I understand that asking a simple question that everyone should know in the middle of a thread where experts discuss would piss off these pros, they will receive a notification of something they are not really interested in. Also, I have noticed fortunately there are experts willing to help (thanks Emilya), but they are not the majority.

Why do I ask for this noob forum? New growers would find there the essential information they need to start and only experts willing to help would participate. Noobs would feel more comfortable asking those simple questions and people not interested would just ignore that forum.

Hope you will find respectful my proposal, I have to read tons and tons of thread pages to learn and many of them are like Chinese to me, I don't like to bother these experts in their threads unless they are willing to help, a way to avoid this is we noobs having our own playground , at least for me it makes sense, cheers ...
High everyone, excuse me if my first thread is a request. I am glad to have found this forum, there's a lot of interesting info here, but for a noob like me, it is hard to read as it is all mixed: what a new grower should know with what experts growers says with complex information hard to understand for us noobs.

I understand that asking a simple question that everyone should know in the middle of a thread where experts discuss would piss off these pros, they will receive a notification of something they are not really interested in. Also, I have noticed fortunately there are experts willing to help (thanks Emilya), but they are not the majority.

Why do I ask for this noob forum? New growers would find there the essential information they need to start and only experts willing to help would participate. Noobs would feel more comfortable asking those simple questions and people not interested would just ignore that forum.

Hope you will find respectful my proposal, I have to read tons and tons of thread pages to learn and many of them are like Chinese to me, I don't like to bother these experts in their threads unless they are willing to help, a way to avoid this is we noobs having our own playground , at least for me it makes sense, cheers ...

There's a section of this forum dedicated to new growers. The link is in my signature block. It's a good place to look for answers. The best way to get answers to further questions is to start your own thread. If you haven't started gathering equipment yet, it's a good way to to get input from the forum on your ideas. When you do start growing, start a journal. They are great to show where you've come from, and can show any developing problems.

Here's a link to a thread started by someone before they started buying equipment.

Most folks here will be glad to help you out.
Most newbies, hey we all are one at some point, start a thread, like u did here, and ask the question

I mean, asking HOW DO I GROW WEED, is a bit much, but most any question is usually answered

Ya popping into some threads may be a no no, but, I'd say ,89% of us won't care at all if you pop in and ask a question

This forum isn't like any other ones on the internet, we are here to grow, help you grow, and grow some more

So ask away my friend
@Old Salt Hi Old Salt, thanks for the link, I have already participated in that forum, but as I said the level many times is too high for us beginners. I am on my second grow and thought that a growing journal was a way for experts to teach the newbies on how to do it. I made many mistakes before and left back plants with mold os nutrient burn, wouldn't like those errors to be recorded for posterity and wouldn't be a good example for someone to read them.

I don't want to start a thread asking something that has already been answered, I prefer to search before, the problem is that you have to read a lot of info too technical and overwhelming, perhaps if you ask in a specific "new growers" forum, the expert would know the (low) level you have and would make the answer more affordable to you. I know there are many people here willing to help, sorry for the misunderstanding, I was pointing to really expert people, the ones that can give you the right answers ...

@Chris Scorpio Thanks Chris, I know that you're not part of that 11% of no no, but I am the first victim if people pop up in a thread with questions that are out of focus in what was the purpose of that thread. It is hard to swim around in some of them or maybe I am too lazy to read them entirely and would like better a "Reader's Digest", I don't know if you can understand what I am trying to say, it is not easy to explain ...
Hi George!
I'm sure it can be quite intimidating asking a question and not really knowing what kind of answer to expect. The forums are set up in such a way that information is readily available and most of it is in simple terms for new growers.
However, everyone's experience is different and what may make sense to me may not make any sense to you. So to start a new forum for noobs, as good as it sounds, there really is one. The FAQ section is the best place to ask any question, no matter how small it is and no matter what level of grower you are.
Yes, most likely it's been asked and answered, but for every question there's probably 10 different answers, so ask if you can't find the question you're looking for ;)
Frequently Asked Questions

You already know how to tag a member, so anytime in your journal if you need some help go ahead and tag us. Get to know the members and where their strengths are. I personally have none, but they keep me around for the laughs apparently :)

We are here to help.
High everyone, excuse me if my first thread is a request. I am glad to have found this forum, there's a lot of interesting info here, but for a noob like me, it is hard to read as it is all mixed: what a new grower should know with what experts growers says with complex information hard to understand for us noobs.

I understand that asking a simple question that everyone should know in the middle of a thread where experts discuss would piss off these pros, they will receive a notification of something they are not really interested in. Also, I have noticed fortunately there are experts willing to help (thanks Emilya), but they are not the majority.

Why do I ask for this noob forum? New growers would find there the essential information they need to start and only experts willing to help would participate. Noobs would feel more comfortable asking those simple questions and people not interested would just ignore that forum.

Hope you will find respectful my proposal, I have to read tons and tons of thread pages to learn and many of them are like Chinese to me, I don't like to bother these experts in their threads unless they are willing to help, a way to avoid this is we noobs having our own playground , at least for me it makes sense, cheers ...

I am a very low-tech grower, methods transferred over from my vegetable gardening days.

I invite you to look over the second completed grow in my siggy below. The highest-tech light I bought was a $70 MARS 300 LED panel. I actually bought 4, when my grow expanded to 2 tents. But now I'm down to 1 shelving unit in the corner of my bedroom, using two of them plus 3 pairs of 20 Watt CFL's to eliminate shadows lower down.

Also, navigate to my gallery, if you want to see all the pics from most recent, to when I first joined this forum. Media added by AKgramma

Feel free to share your experiences in my CURRENT grow (the top link under my siggy).
Welcome to 420 mag George :welcome:
Ya popping into some threads may be a no no, but, I'd say ,89% of us won't care at all if you pop in and ask a question
Chris is right - and I’d say the pecentage is probably higher than that! And also - what he said about it not being like other forums where folks like to bag other folks out. I’ve never seen that happen here and be ok - if it happens, it’s usually not met well by the majority members.

thought that a growing journal was a way for experts to teach the newbies on how to do it.
Journals can actually serve a lot of purposes. Actually for a newbie, doing a journal is the best way to get help.

When we need help, more experienced growers who might be able to help us need all the info we can give them about the situation at hand or they wont know how to help. Having a journal is totally the best way to do that because you can track your grow and others can see things that happen that you might not, as a newbie, even notice.

My journal also provides me somewhere to document my growing so I can refer back to it. Hell, I’ve noticed things myself while going over my journal that I didnt notice at the time.

PLus, journaling and documenting makes me take photos. There’ve been many occasions where I haven’t seen a certain feature of a plant (either good :yummy: or not good :eek:) until looking at the photographs. :D

So yeah, some journals get set up with a specific “come and learn this with me” kind of vibe, and others are just sharing their grow and sharing knowledge, laughs, cooking, processing tips, and experience with other growers as they go along.

So, I’d say the best way to get help is to have a journal.

The second best way is to find the growers who are growing the way you want to and get to know them a bit and ask them if you can drop some questions in their thread (I’ve never seen anyone reject this). Then, when you do ask, include as much info as possible and good photos.

Even if you dont want to make a journal, still check out this thread on how to make a journal, because it tells you what kind of info people need to know if you want to ask for grow help :)

I hope you find some comfortable places here. I feel like ther are plenty, so I’m sure you will land in with some like minded folk. My garden is 10fold what it would have been if I hadn’t started growing with this community.

@Mr Sauga Thanks for the link to the FAQ, I have already browsed it. There's a lot of info here but it is spread over many forums (like the How to Grow Marihuana Old Salt pointed), I even didn't notice there were a Website Help and Feedback (my apologies for that). Maybe you're right and it is just a question to read everything and make your own conclusions, but that is not easy (for example flush or not and if so, when to flush).

I'm beginning to think perhaps my perception of this community and its members was injust, sorry for that ...

@AKgramma You're much experienced than me, didn't even know plants can be revegged. I will check your grows even if I am a rara avis and actually use DWC ...

@Amy Gardner Thanks for the welcome, I should have introduced me in the thread that is meant for that, but I am a Spaniard and my English and growing skills are not very good. I think you're right and I will start a grow journal (now close to harvest so in spring), so as you say it will be easier to ask for help.

As for the second way, unfortunately, there are not many people growing in DWC, I think I have readen the whole subforum.

Thank you all for your time and input, I understand as you say that this is not a "normal" forum so my request makes no sense, I must accept the way this community goes and will like to be part of it, willing to learn ...
Lots of people use DWC, me for one

The sub forum is usually for questions and such

Most GROWS are in Journal in progress, that's where u find grows of people using specific methods

Ask questions, we will answer and help all we can

Good luck
English and growing skills are not very good
I think your English seems pretty great actually! So you’re growing skills are probably better than you think as well ;)

There are a few growers also that will probably have grown in DWC even if they’re not growing that way currently. Give it time, you will meet all the right people for you - you’ve met C Scorpio already, so you’re already on the way! @Pennywise has grown just about every method out there too, I think...
Maybe you're right and it is just a question to read everything and make your own conclusions, but that is not easy (for example flush or not and if so, when to flush).
Wow, my Mom always said go big or go home, and that topic is one that everyone has an opinion on. I read this article here and personally I do not flush my plants.
Now this isn't the thread to keep posting stuff like this on, but it gives you a good idea on what is available. If you can't find it, chances are someone can lead you to it.
A critical look at preharvest flushing
If I can add just one more thing that may help is the Follow member function. As long as the member you follow has the correct privacy settings set you can see them online. It's like having your own teacher at the other end. Don't be afraid to follow people you may not have met, but you like what they talk about. You may need to ask them later on down the road for some advice or help.
Thank you all for those useful tips, I have much to learn from you and this great community, the better I know the much I appreciate ...
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