Glookies? I’m having a couch locked coma flashback. Never 👎 again for me thank you 🙏. Smh CL🍀. :hookah: :drool:
The smoke reports on Apple Betty and Blueberry aren't changing your mind? :)
If I do an outdoor grow someday it will be an autoflower. I won't feel as bad when someone steals it.
Is your neighborhood bad for that?
Some of my plants got stolen on a previous grow, and it can make you question whether or not to try again.
Is your neighborhood bad for that?
Some of my plants got stolen on a previous grow, and it can make you question whether or not to try again.
It's getting better but their are still some bad players around, in particular my next-door neighbors on both sides!
It's getting better but their are still some bad players around, in particular my next-door neighbors on both sides!
I should clarify. It's not even my next-door neighbors, but their two no-good, 20-something sons. I don't trust either one as far as I can spit a hair! :straightface:
Glookies? I’m having a couch locked coma flashback. Never 👎 again for me thank you 🙏. Smh CL🍀. :hookah: :drool:
Capn I like it all. :) I am going to get my Sativa grows in because for me that was the only way I ever got any.:hmmmm::bong: If I had to pick my two favorites from last year, they were the Vanilla Kush and the Panama. The Vanilla Kush is an anytime smoke and I do.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong: The Panama is best in the day. Both are still good, the Vanilla Kush is still being smoked daily, the Panama seems to be getting better still.:cheesygrinsmiley:
It's getting better but their are still some bad players around, in particular my next-door neighbors on both sides!
I should clarify. It's not even my next-door neighbors, but their two no-good, 20-something sons. I don't trust either one as far as I can spit a hair! :straightface:
Yeah, my neighbour on one side grows, but if his tweaker stepson comes around we all keep an eye on him.
Capn I like it all. :) I am going to get my Sativa grows in because for me that was the only way I ever got any.:hmmmm::bong: If I had to pick my two favorites from last year, they were the Vanilla Kush and the Panama. The Vanilla Kush is an anytime smoke and I do.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong: The Panama is best in the day. Both are still good, the Vanilla Kush is still being smoked daily, the Panama seems to be getting better still.:cheesygrinsmiley:
I like sativas, hybrids, and indicas.
It's individual strains I react badly to.
After spending the afternoon with family yesterday I'm a bit sunburned, but the plants are doing just fine.

Airmid- day 70
We're starting to get close, but there are still some white stigmas. I hope I won't end up having to do a staggered harvest.

Leona- day 59
Fresh new growth up top looks like she's getting ready to stretch.

Desdemona- day 49
She's starting to show some purpling on her bracts!

Fay Wray- day 8
Ready for nutes as soon as she drains the rest of her last watering.
I'll be hardening her off starting tomorrow.

The garden's looking lovely with healthy plants Mel!
Thanks Stunger!
Hey, Melville, your plants look pretty healthy. However... I do not wish to seem rude, here, but that Dark Devil Auto seems scrawny. About four years ago, an acquaintance grew out one of Rifleman's selfed DDA seeds that SweetSue gave me. It was a pretty basic setup - a Mars Hydro blurple, mylar emergency "blankets" for reflectivity, five-gallon fabric container of (old, but unused) Fox Farm Ocean Forest / FF Happy Frog / perlite, an initial half-dose of Osmocote Plus as the only added nutrients, and crummy high calcium (etc.) heavily-chlorinated water that he didn't bother to dechlorinate before pouring into the container. It was kind of squat, but bushy like a little multiflora rose. Well, not really; I'm sure his DDA wouldn't have stopped a speeding runaway automobile like that stuff absolutely can :rolleyes: . But it was pretty "thick" for its size. This post shows it in its 14th week, maybe two weeks before he got tired of looking at the plant and not being able to smoke the buds (lol) :

It still only produced... uh... between two and three ounces, I forget the exact amount. But it looked like it had more mass than yours seems headed toward having. When I decided to hunt up that old post to link for its pictures, I was planning to ask you if there might be a reason why yours appears to be "small." Then I saw a few more little DDA plants whilst searching for the post - therefore I realize that yours is not a one-in-a-million freak. Some of them end up looking relatively sizable (for an autoflowering strain, maybe more than that?)... and some do not. Just one of those things, I suppose.

But I'm wondering why, and if you might have any insights on the question. Again, like your other plants, that one seems to be healthy (not grossly underfed or obviously deficient in some specific element). Could it be something to do with light level and/or DLI? Other environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, humidity, or...)? Because that particular strain is supposed to be of a relatively early "autoflower generation," so to speak, as opposed to one of the more recently developed autoflowering strains (aka "superautos," "XXLs," etc.)? Just something that occurs with random autoflowers? Something else? I should probably point out that his stayed in the growth phase for so long that he asked me (more than once) if I was sure it was an autoflowering strain, because he'd heard that they tend to enter the flowering phase within a few weeks, lol. And then, ironically, he told me that it had very little actual stretch during the "stretch portion" of the actual flowering phase. And had very little scent at any time, which also seemed strange for a strain that is somewhat known to be so obnoxiously stinky as much as it is for its purple handicap (which he probably didn't exactly help by using O+ and not supplementing phosphorous during its flowering phase, which might have partially explained its leafiness and small bud yield, that plus the fact that it was DDA, maybe, IDK).

Anyway, it was a low-maintenance grow for him. He looked at it once in a while; when it was wilted-looking, he dumped a bunch of water onto it (set the container in a big plastic tote so that he didn't even have to stand there and pour slowly, ha ha ha). So I cannot attribute it not being a tiny thing to his... expert care. Although he probably did top it, once or twice. He used to top everything he planted outside back in the '80s and '90s, those plantings being in the deep woods and him not visiting often enough to do any training, just the usual "sink or swim" guerilla grows.

Ramble on...

I am actually asking for more reasons than simple curiosity. I think I have one Big Devil XXL seed by the same breeder, and the two strains are related in some way or other, if I am remembering correctly. And my experience with autoflowering strains is still slight, so I figure I can use all the information I can get.

It's getting better but their are still some bad players around, in particular my next-door neighbors on both sides!

I feel (and share) your pain. Sadly, like a cop once told me, shoot a thief I catch in the act, and not only would I be unlikely to face any criminal charges, I would probably get my firearm back within ten days - but I am not allowed to... er... be proactive. Come to think of it, he might have meant "one either already inside, or engaged in the act of entering my home." I think shooting miscreants on the property but outside requires that I post signs on the property or something, lol. Doggone lawyers. There seems to be less violent crime (and I cannot recall the last time a mugging was mentioned in the local police report) due to the fact that a person does not need to be a criminal to be armed (or even need a permit), and the odds are pretty good that a potential victim IS - Mom, for example, only stopped carrying her .38 Special a few years ago when her hands became too crippled to hit the range a couple of times per month, and she is in her 80s. Sadly, however, we do still have thieves. My little outbuilding has been burglarized, and - at another time - some punk tried to commit suicide by breaking in, in the wee hours. He failed, but probably still has to wipe his arse (etc.) with his off hand.
All my DDAs were grown outside and none of them looked like the ones grown inside. Methinks they were created to thrive in a very narrow environmental window, so that might be at least one explanation.
Mom, for example, only stopped carrying her .38 Special a few years ago when her hands became too crippled to hit the range a couple of times per month, and she is in her 80s.
But I bet she can still play a mean guitar. ;)
Hard to believe it's been 70 days for any of them! They're really looking great out there. :thumb:

Someone hasn't learned about hardening off. ;)

Not your!
Thanks Shed!
Feels like we're coming into the home stretch for Airmid. It's nice to be thinking about harvest when the next one probably won't be coming down until she's dry, and the third hasn't even started to flower.
Lol, hardening off doesn't work for people like me! I go from white to red, and then straight back to white! You're talking to a man who can get a sunburn in winter!
Hey, Melville, your plants look pretty healthy. However... I do not wish to seem rude, here, but that Dark Devil Auto seems scrawny. About four years ago, an acquaintance grew out one of Rifleman's selfed DDA seeds that SweetSue gave me. It was a pretty basic setup - a Mars Hydro blurple, mylar emergency "blankets" for reflectivity, five-gallon fabric container of (old, but unused) Fox Farm Ocean Forest / FF Happy Frog / perlite, an initial half-dose of Osmocote Plus as the only added nutrients, and crummy high calcium (etc.) heavily-chlorinated water that he didn't bother to dechlorinate before pouring into the container. It was kind of squat, but bushy like a little multiflora rose. Well, not really; I'm sure his DDA wouldn't have stopped a speeding runaway automobile like that stuff absolutely can :rolleyes: . But it was pretty "thick" for its size. This post shows it in its 14th week, maybe two weeks before he got tired of looking at the plant and not being able to smoke the buds (lol) :

It still only produced... uh... between two and three ounces, I forget the exact amount. But it looked like it had more mass than yours seems headed toward having. When I decided to hunt up that old post to link for its pictures, I was planning to ask you if there might be a reason why yours appears to be "small." Then I saw a few more little DDA plants whilst searching for the post - therefore I realize that yours is not a one-in-a-million freak. Some of them end up looking relatively sizable (for an autoflowering strain, maybe more than that?)... and some do not. Just one of those things, I suppose.

But I'm wondering why, and if you might have any insights on the question. Again, like your other plants, that one seems to be healthy (not grossly underfed or obviously deficient in some specific element). Could it be something to do with light level and/or DLI? Other environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, humidity, or...)? Because that particular strain is supposed to be of a relatively early "autoflower generation," so to speak, as opposed to one of the more recently developed autoflowering strains (aka "superautos," "XXLs," etc.)? Just something that occurs with random autoflowers? Something else? I should probably point out that his stayed in the growth phase for so long that he asked me (more than once) if I was sure it was an autoflowering strain, because he'd heard that they tend to enter the flowering phase within a few weeks, lol. And then, ironically, he told me that it had very little actual stretch during the "stretch portion" of the actual flowering phase. And had very little scent at any time, which also seemed strange for a strain that is somewhat known to be so obnoxiously stinky as much as it is for its purple handicap (which he probably didn't exactly help by using O+ and not supplementing phosphorous during its flowering phase, which might have partially explained its leafiness and small bud yield, that plus the fact that it was DDA, maybe, IDK).

Anyway, it was a low-maintenance grow for him. He looked at it once in a while; when it was wilted-looking, he dumped a bunch of water onto it (set the container in a big plastic tote so that he didn't even have to stand there and pour slowly, ha ha ha). So I cannot attribute it not being a tiny thing to his... expert care. Although he probably did top it, once or twice. He used to top everything he planted outside back in the '80s and '90s, those plantings being in the deep woods and him not visiting often enough to do any training, just the usual "sink or swim" guerilla grows.

Ramble on...

I am actually asking for more reasons than simple curiosity. I think I have one Big Devil XXL seed by the same breeder, and the two strains are related in some way or other, if I am remembering correctly. And my experience with autoflowering strains is still slight, so I figure I can use all the information I can get.

I feel (and share) your pain. Sadly, like a cop once told me, shoot a thief I catch in the act, and not only would I be unlikely to face any criminal charges, I would probably get my firearm back within ten days - but I am not allowed to... er... be proactive. Come to think of it, he might have meant "one either already inside, or engaged in the act of entering my home." I think shooting miscreants on the property but outside requires that I post signs on the property or something, lol. Doggone lawyers. There seems to be less violent crime (and I cannot recall the last time a mugging was mentioned in the local police report) due to the fact that a person does not need to be a criminal to be armed (or even need a permit), and the odds are pretty good that a potential victim IS - Mom, for example, only stopped carrying her .38 Special a few years ago when her hands became too crippled to hit the range a couple of times per month, and she is in her 80s. Sadly, however, we do still have thieves. My little outbuilding has been burglarized, and - at another time - some punk tried to commit suicide by breaking in, in the wee hours. He failed, but probably still has to wipe his arse (etc.) with his off hand.
Yeah, she never really filled in. I think it's a combination of not getting as much direct light as she could use, and possibly an issue with the planter. It's not really a true SIP, and is really closer to an attempt at a giant soil hempy.
Happily it's a very large amount of a very nutritious soil, although I do think it's a little lower in N than she could use. The res lasts a long time as she's a small plant for that size planter, so her occasional feedings of MC may not be filling the gap as well as I would like.
I have now acquired the things I'll need to convert it to a true SIP for next year.
I'm not going to guess at how she might yield until after her stigmas turn and she hits the swell. I'm more interested in the quality this strain is supposed to produce rather than quantity, as looking through the community grow thread I noticed the yields other growers were getting were quite varied, even under identical conditions in the same grow. That said, I'm hoping she'll surprise us all. I also have some more seeds, so I'll be trying one or two inside in the future. I think the longer hours of light would produce better results, and more hours of sunlight would be best.
I have a Big Devil seed as well. It's one of the parents of Dark Devil auto according to the DDa strain information. I've never attempted to grow it, so I'll be poking around for journals before I do.
Hope that helps!
All my DDAs were grown outside and none of them looked like the ones grown inside. Methinks they were created to thrive in a very narrow environmental window, so that might be at least one explanation.
I suspect that's true. Given how she's smelling right now I shouldn't have any complaints growing her indoors, even if the carbon filter is starting to go by then.
Bit of a pounding rain last night. They don't seem to have minded it.

Airmid- day 71
She has surpassed my initial expectations so far. I still won't be sending any for testing.

Leona- day 60
It's kind of funny that I usually like to veg for around 60 days indoors, and I'm getting just a bit more than that outdoors this year.

Desdemona- day 50
Judging from the experience of others, we're about halfway there.

Fay Wray- day 9
Getting her first taste of the outdoors.


Airmid- day 72
I really should be checking trichs on the top bud shouldn't I? All stigmas up top have been brown for a while, and they've receded into the bracts. It's just the lower half of the plant that still has any white ones.

Leona- day 61
Seems happy with the bump in feed. I do think my MC has absorbed some moisture, and is a little heavier than it was.

Desdemona- day 51
If the second pic is any indication of how she's going to finish I'll be happy with this one.

Fay Wray- day 10
She's looking a little light to me. I'm still waiting for her to drink a bit more before I feed her, but I think maybe I should just do it today.

They look like they're glowing in that light!

Airmid- day 72
I really should be checking trichs on the top bud shouldn't I? All stigmas up top have been brown for a while, and they've receded into the bracts. It's just the lower half of the plant that still has any white ones.

Leona- day 61
Seems happy with the bump in feed. I do think my MC has absorbed some moisture, and is a little heavier than it was.

Desdemona- day 51
If the second pic is any indication of how she's going to finish I'll be happy with this one.

Fay Wray- day 10
She's looking a little light to me. I'm still waiting for her to drink a bit more before I feed her, but I think maybe I should just do it today.

you have a beautiful backyard and some beautiful plants :)
Good morning el Beardo :)

Looking Schmickey Schmouse bruv!

Oii I got a nightshift tonight! Clear you schedule coz I’m comin in hot!!!111!!!

Google Translate didn't know what to do with that :hmmmm:.
Not a cloud in the sky today.

Airmid- day 73
Getting closer. She's also starting to smell stronger.

Leona- day 62
Just waiting on the stretch.

Desdemona- day 52
More purple, and getting a little fatter.

Fay Wray- day 11
She got left out for an extra hour in the sun yesterday, but she isn't showing any damage, so I'm just rolling with it.

Good morning el Beardo :)

Looking Schmickey Schmouse bruv!

Oii I got a nightshift tonight! Clear you schedule coz I’m comin in hot!!!111!!!
Thanks Tra!
you have a beautiful backyard and some beautiful plants :)
Thanks 12!
Google Translate didn't know what to do with that :hmmmm:.
missed like 2 days of journal time and WOW they grown su much. G the Lemonchello solid tops
I'm liking how she's shaping up!
Mel understands lol.
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