420 Magazine's Official Comparative Grow with Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy

I've got these new plastic training things but they're not working for me at the moment, I had a couple of problems with them as you can see. I broke two branches. :thedoubletake:
No worries, the branches will survive (probably), anyway I'm sure those things will be handy sooner or later.
So after all that I gave her a couple gallons of water with guano, fulife (leonardite shale), and some flavor savior (fish emulsion, kelp, vermicompost extract, etc) here's how she's doing...




She will continue to prove you can’t keep a good woman down lol.
Just for the record, flipped my PGC clones today
They've had a hard time but they'll get over it
Purple Ghost Candy
18 Days Flower
78 Days Total

The picture-flippy thing does my head in
I need to look at a picture to see it lol
Here's my 3 girls (top of photo). I've topped them all a could of times to keep them short until they go in the garden. They're still in 1 gallon pots but anxious to spread their roots soon! I guess they're almost 2 months old now.

mine seem mostly indica dom. kinda on the odd side of the phenos i've noticed they produce. mine are definitely a hybrid. seen there's more that come up satvia dom and those have some real stretch.
I'm team Roy :rofl: I mean mine are stretching so much, well the one I have in flower is and seems to be a sativa dom. The next time I grow these I'll have to bend and tie the branches down to let the lower nodes "think" there in a scrog...I still have one in veg and she's getting big, and still being trained, so we'll see...
This is my stretcher..


This is the one still in veg...
Day 72 for the Purple Ghost Candy. Slow but steady. Maybe should be considering flipping soon. Might go another week, should still have the headroom.

you're looking at doubling the size in stretch on these.
Here's my unruly Purple Ghost Candy. Just spent five days in the hospital, and all that was done when I was away, was a daily top up on the reservoir by the wife. Surprisingly, the PH was stable when I checked yesterday, after getting home. Res change today and major thinning and more spreading out in their future before they get too sticky to touch. CO2 system is back on again. :)

PGC flip+6 (1).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, flip +6

PGC flip+6 (2).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, flip +6
Here's my unruly Purple Ghost Candy. Just spent five days in the hospital, and all that was done when I was away, was a daily top up on the reservoir by the wife. Surprisingly, the PH was stable when I checked yesterday, after getting home. Res change today and major thinning and more spreading out in their future before they get too sticky to touch. CO2 system is back on again. :)

PGC flip+6 (1).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, flip +6

PGC flip+6 (2).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, flip +6
Welcome home! She did great!
I hit the lottery finding my sweet wife. :) Loyal, keeps the home the way she likes it, which is the way I like it too, and can cook like a master. She's Latina and has mastered many of the international flavors and can cook Southern, which is the cuisine I grew up on.
Just don't piss her off,:oops: she can be pretty hot blooded.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Got a third net? :p
I've thought of using a third net before, :) for those times when the expected stretch is much greater than planned for. I grew Panama a few years ago and they grew so tall that most stalks just fell over. They ended up finishing just fine but the underside of some of the stalks were more yellowed.:hmmmm:🙄 It didn't make them very photogenic though. :hmmmm:
I hope to get that look in some of Seedsman's photos of lanky tropical trees.🤠:bong:
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