420 Magazine's Member of the Month: September 2021

420 Magazine's Member of the Month: September 2021

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Renee Roberts

420 Support
420 Staff
Welcome to 420 Magazine's Member of the Month Contest!

420 Magazine would like to include not only our valued growers, but also more of our non-growing members in this contest. We are by no means excluding growers from the Member of the Month Contest, but we feel that our Plant and Nug Contests are already serving these members pretty well. Please help and support us in this effort.

Specifically, we're looking to thank those members that help and support our site in so many under recognized ways, such as:
  • Greeting new members
  • Helping people with questions
  • Peacemakers
  • Activism efforts
  • Promoting our Sponsors
  • Activity and content generation
  • Reporting violations
Please send your nominations to 420 Support (@Renee Roberts @Pat Puffer or @Teddy Edwards) via private message, including detailed reasoning for your nomination. 420 Staff will assess and approve the community nominations, then members determine the winner by poll.

Nominations are accepted from the 1st until the 14th at midnight PST every month. Approved nominations will be posted shortly after midnight PST and, at that time, the polls will open through midnight PST on the last day of the month to vote for a winner.

Please follow the above guidelines to propose a nomination and do not post or discuss nominations in the contest thread. Nominations and/or suggestions of nominations in the contest thread will be deleted without notice.

All winners receive "Member of the Month" title and the following Prize Package:

420 Magazine: 420 Magazine T-shirt, 420 Magazine Lighter, 420 Magazine Magnet, 420 Magazine Stickers & Small 420 Magazine Nug Jar
GeoPot: Five 7 Gallon GeoPots
Geoflora Nutrients: 4lb Geoflora Veg & 4lb Geoflora Bloom
Cannabis Irrigation Supply: 12 Outlet Manifold Kit for Greenhouse and Hydroponics
Foods Alive: Organic Toasted Hemp Seeds
Sierra Natural Science: SNS-217 Spider Mite Control - 1 Quart Mix Pouch
Prescription Blend: Complete Nutrient Kit

Shipping fees may apply to some packages shipped outside of the U.S.
You are responsible for any additional fees applied by customs.
Additional Details On Prize Shipping & Customs Duties

Monthly winners are automatically eligible for our prestigious "Member of the Year" contest, held in January.

Contest Guidelines:

1. Members must have at least 50 posts to be entitled to vote.

2. 420 Magazine staff members submit nominees and rationale in the contest thread.

3. Promotion (i.e. campaigning) for yourself or a friend, or any attempt at voting more than one time per person (i.e. multiple user names, etc.) is considered cheating and is prohibited. Promotion also includes family and friends who register a new account for voting purposes. Campaigning in any form - including but not limited to mentioning the nomination in any thread outside the contest and campaigning via PMs - will result in the member being removed from the month's contest. A second instance, either in a different contest during the same month or in any future contest, will attract a lifetime ban from all future contests.

4. Members cannot nominate themselves.

5. Members may only win this title once per year.

6. Staff members from this or any other cannabis forum/community will not be nominated.

7. In accepting the Member of the Month title, prize(s), and the respect of the members, the winner agrees to wear his/her title with honor and to continue to set the example with his/her actions and posting behavior. To retain the Member of the Month title, the winner must remain compliant with contest rules and site guidelines.

Contests Are Legitimate: Now that votes are publicly visible, it should be obvious who is voting. We have endless ways of discovering cheating and are always successful. If you are caught cheating, your entry will be deleted and you'll be called out in the public thread, visible to everyone. Reason being that in the past, when we removed the offending entry without any announcement (to help minimize embarrassment for the member), it often led to uninformed (or worse, misinformed) members questioning our motives and calling us censorship nazi's. More often than not, the cheater themselves would claim innocence, causing a higher workload for our staff. For these reasons, we now alert the community of what happened, to save all the confusion and massive workload on our team.

This year's winners who are now ineligible for nomination:
January - @VetSmoke85
February - @Sunnyskies
March - @Bill284
April - @Rexer
May - @Carcass
June - @Grand Daddy Black
July - @Tokin Roll
August - @013

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
September Nominees
I would like to nominate Hashgirl for September Member of the Month. There are many reasons why I think Hashgirl is not only deserving, but well overdue for September MotM.

She has a fresh and friendly persona when greeting new member; and when helping other grower Hashgirl seems to honestly care about the information she gives out.

She not only supports our sponsors she does sponsors grows for them as well. One of her current sponsor grow is:

420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By HashGirl

I think she is a well-rounded member of the 420 Magazine that is deserving and overdue for this recognition.

I forgot to mention how she goes out of her way to greet and the say Happy Birthday to all members.

@West Hippie
West Hippie has all the credentials for a MOTM. He's run multiple journals and he's been recognised by Perfect Sun, with whom he's now running a sponsored journal. He welcomes new members with a smile, and he helps out with great advice with member's questions and problems. He just takes part in 420 Magazine all round, with a generous and positive spirit. A Hippie shoe-in!

I'd like to nominate TorturedSoul. He's been helping members with growing and making their own medicine for years, never asking for anything in return, or subscribing to the cliques and drama. He even plays mediator sometimes with arguing rebels, helping them to see the logic in it all. I was sad to see him disappear for a while, and super glad to see him back helping others again, continuing the 420 Magazine mission of paying it forward!

I think Bluter deserves another chance at member of the month. He is always helping people out in FAQ's and can always be found in other member's journals offering support and advice. He definitely deserves some recognition for all the effort he puts in here. The 420 community is lucky to him.

:goodluck: Good luck everyone! :goodluck:
September Nominees
I would like to nominate Hashgirl for September Member of the Month. There are many reasons why I think Hashgirl is not only deserving, but well overdue for September MotM.

She has a fresh and friendly persona when greeting new member; and when helping other grower Hashgirl seems to honestly care about the information she gives out.

She not only supports our sponsors she does sponsors grows for them as well. One of her current sponsor grow is:

420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By HashGirl

I think she is a well-rounded member of the 420 Magazine that is deserving and overdue for this recognition.

I forgot to mention how she goes out of her way to greet and the say Happy Birthday to all members.

@West Hippie
West Hippie has all the credentials for a MOTM. He's run multiple journals and he's been recognised by Perfect Sun, with whom he's now running a sponsored journal. He welcomes new members with a smile, and he helps out with great advice with member's questions and problems. He just takes part in 420 Magazine all round, with a generous and positive spirit. A Hippie shoe-in!

I'd like to nominate TorturedSoul. He's been helping members with growing and making their own medicine for years, never asking for anything in return, or subscribing to the cliques and drama. He even plays mediator sometimes with arguing rebels, helping them to see the logic in it all. I was sad to see him disappear for a while, and super glad to see him back helping others again, continuing the 420 Magazine mission of paying it forward!

I think Bluter deserves another chance at member of the month. He is always helping people out in FAQ's and can always be found in other member's journals offering support and advice. He definitely deserves some recognition for all the effort he puts in here. The 420 community is lucky to him.

:goodluck: Good luck everyone! :goodluck:
Wow! Thanks to whomever nominated me. There are a lot of good members in competition with me. May the best member win!
Well, I'll be. That was a surprise! I feel honored to have been nominated. A warm welcome back, for sure.
It’s always an honor to be up here again . Didn’t read between the lines this time , sorry. CBG is some great mood changer , check it out . For some reason I enjoy seeing the newbies come in and what they bring . There’s some that come in and put questions in the introduction which means they didn’t hit the helpful link from Teddy I like . He’ll move them to the frequently asked questions which requires extra work for him , so if your greeting newbies try to guide them to the right thread if they over look the intro.
Please join me with the Perfect Sun LED Goliath V2 grow . If you hadn’t seen this light in action before it’s got my heart thumping.
Thank You who nominated me :love:
Definitely want to Thank 420 Magazine and all there wonderful sponsors :love:
I was gonna put up all that I’d vote for but I’d run the internet dry .
Congratulations to all nominations
Just got back from spending all day with the silk screeners, getting our new t-shirts tweaked to perfection. I’ll be picking them up on Monday and including them as a prize in this contest again, moving forward :goodluck:
Your old design still sees the light of day, now and then ;) .
Green lettering on a black t-shirt. I confess that it's looking a little worse for wear (but so is the wearer), and seems to be smaller than it once was. I've actually been asked what 420 Magazine was, a few times. And... link given.

EDIT: 420 is in green, cannabis leaf inside the 0, the registered trademark symbol and the MAGAZINE is in white. I had to go look in the clothes hamper to be sure. The mind, you know.
This is the same logo, with better coloring, better method of silk screening and better shirts than before. I spent five hours with them getting everything dialed in this morning, before moving forward with production. Also making sure the shirts were American Apparel Made in USA as opposed to the ones being made in Guatemala, Honduras and Columbia. The last silk screener changed shirts without advising me, didn’t realize it until we had already given out a hundred of them. They were terrible, almost as if sewn together by children. The placement of the logo was in the stomach, instead of the chest, and the coloring was off into the neon green spectrum. I sent the rest back and haven’t made anymore until finally finding the right company. I’ve got the first one on right now, can’t wait to share them with all the members of the month soon.
Green lettering on a black t-shirt. I confess that it's looking a little worse for wear (but so is the wearer), and seems to be smaller than it once was. I've actually been asked what 420 Magazine was, a few times. And... link given.

EDIT: 420 is in green, cannabis leaf inside the 0, the registered trademark symbol and the MAGAZINE is in white. I had to go look in the clothes hamper to be sure. The mind, you know.

Mine is on a Brown Tee, usually get comments on mine too asking what it is (especially when in a dispensary ;) ).
Picked up the 420 Magazine T-Shirts yesterday, @Renee Roberts will be adding them to this and a couple more contests today.

Logo on the small, medium and large are 4" wide and XL, 2XL and 3XL are 8" wide.

The ink is the same, but we made it breathe this time to avoid peeling and cracking later.

Once we get the store finished this week, we'll be selling them here as well.

Thank you for your support everyone, we couldn't do this without you :Namaste:
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