2 x 600 Watt Tent Set Up - 12 x Cali Connection Plants/Strains - 1st Indoor Grow

I think I may have finally figured out what was causing all of the problems with my plants. After going a few weeks without any nutes I decided to add a very mild dose of the earth juice bloom and it caused the solution to become extremely acidic. I did not check this the once or twice that I applied the nutes before the problems began and I stopped using nutrients altogether. Now that I have the pH lockdown hopefully the rest of grow will finish out alright. More pics to come soon. Even though some leaf damage remains on most of the plants a lot of the buds are looking pretty frosty :). That's it for now.


Today I spent a while in the garden cleaning up the grow room and pruning dead leafs. I also spent a while chasing a spider who had made it's home amongst the Black Russian buds.(Still not entirely positive I got him, as he disappeared. Anyway the ladies are looking pretty good if I do say so myself considering the hell I put them through. I'm now down to 7 plants total, as I decided to get rid of of the remaining runt plant because it was only attracting pests. I believe that today is around day 44 of the 12/12 cycle. I think I'll probably be harvesting my first plants in about 2-3 weeks. Without further ado, here they are... :)


I wish I had taken clones, especially the way some of these buds are looking I would love to have seen what they could have been having been grown to a fuller potential. The cali connection definitely has some fire genes, and I will more than likely be buying from them in the future. But, as of right now I don't have the means , $, or equipment at the moment needed to be perpetual and sustain clones while the rest of the grow is going on. However I do have some seeds I have saved after finding them lonely in dank buds I have bought in the past and I plan on using them to hone my skills a little more before I go about purchasing more seeds. I do plan on starting a perpetual grow on a slightly smaller scale with two smaller tents for my next grow. I have already learned so much during this grow, not only from the hands on experience but just as much from the knowledge and kind help from the people here on 420, that I can not wait to start my next grow and see how much I can improve upon this one.

Hello Everybody!

I hope ya'll had a wonderful holiday weekend! Now that I'm getting near to the end of this grow, I'm looking to pick up a scope to view trichomes. My question to anybody with some experience is, how strong of a magnification should I want be using to accurately view the trichomes for ripeness? Thanks for any and all help fellas!

Well I was near the hydro store earlier today and picked up a nice little 100X LED scope for $20. Examined a few sugar leafs on a couple of the plants and the trichomes are still mostly clear with a few just starting to cloud up. Anyway this scope looks like it will work perfect for my needs. No more than 2 weeks before I start harvesting :)!

Decided to harvest the first two plants yesterday :). The Larry OG and the Black Russian. Each had a decent amount of amber trichs. In the excitement of the harvest I forgot to take pics of the Black Russian before it got chopped. Both plants turned it very well in my opinion. The Larry OG is very dense, smelly, and frosty :), the Black Russian has a pretty exotic smell (in a good way) and the buds aren't as dense, bit it makes up for it with trichome production, a very frosty strain indeed. If things are looking right I'll probably be taking another 1-2 plants on Monday. I'll provide more pictures and details on the buds of each strain as they get harvested, dried, cured, and smoked. I'm happy I'm finally nearing the end, but already cannot wait to get another round going. Thank you to everyone that stuck around this journal and to those that helped out along the way! Without further ado, here are the first harvest pictures :)
I'll be doing a more precise trimming job once everything has dried. Let me know what you guys think!


Larry OG

Larry OG

Black Russian
So far I'm averaging about 2 ounces a plant :), which is much better than I was expecting after the meltdown in the grow room a couple weeks back. And the buds these ladies produced for me, even after everything I put them through, are pretty damn good. The Black Russian and Larry OG are both dry and now curing. Both of them already are a pretty good smoke 1-2 hefty bong rips of either and I'm set for a good 3+ hours. They taste wonderful too. I ended up cutting down the Chem Valley Kush and Chem4 OG, and they are currently hanging up and drying. I didn't really like the phenotype of the CVK I got, the buds just lack the density of the rest of the plants except for a few select kolas. It does smell wonderful though. The Chem4 OG smells amazing and looks absolutely beautiful. I plan on harvesting the 818 Headband this Sunday. I've got to say that even though the 818 took the most damage during the crisis mid way through the grow, it has produced some of the best looking buds in the bunch, all buds have turned dark purple causing the massive amounts of trichomes to just glisten beautifully. And then either Wednesday or Thursday I'm going to cut the last 2 plants, Critical Jack Herer and Tahoe OG, both of which are looking excellent. I'll elaborate a little more on each bud and give more accurate weights from each plant once I get my pictures downloaded, uploaded, and posted. But overall I am more than happy how this grow ended up! Cali Connections genetics are fire. Even with the giant screw up these plants produced great bud for me. I would have loved to have seen what these plants could have look like under the care of a more experience grower. That's about all I have for now. More pics to come soon.

Hey Planetary, sorry for being away for so long but just caught up with your journal and wow, looks like after the lockout/soil issue things really improved and you harvested some killer looking plants :) Great job on the save!!! Ive run clones from Cali Connection seeds and yep, very amazing genetics!!
@geturgrowon: Thank you! I'm very excited to get a round #2 up and going as well!

@Icemud: Thanks for the kind words! I ended up being quite proud myself on this grow after managing to bring my garden back from near death. Of course with the helpful words, tips, and suggestions of those here on 420 :).

Here are the pics of the continued harvest. Chem Valley Kush is still hanging up and the Chem4 OG was just put into jars. I also just chopped down the 818 Headband and boy was she a beauty with rock solid nugs :). I only have the Tahoe OG and Critical Jack Herer remaining in the tent until this Thursday. I'm going to provided pictures of the dried buds once all have been cut and dried. I had some problems with my phone/camera and lost the pics of the CVK and Chem4 OG plants before they were cut and just had to retake the drying pics. So, without further ado here are the drying CVK, Chem4, and 818. Enjoy :). Thoughts and comments welcome!


Chem4 OG

Chem Valley Kush


818 Headband
Quick update for today. The CVK has finished drying and I ended up with just over 80g's from her. Even though the buds don't quite have the density I prefer, they are very sticky and smell wonderful :). Also, I forgot to mention in my last post something I just thought was cool was that many of the trichome stalks on the 818 had also turned purple and looked really neat under the scope. I wish I had a scope with a camera to show all of you. I'm also finding a couple seeds here in there in a few different buds, not really any specific plant. You can definitely tell they are few and far between because none of the buds actually look seeded and none of the buds that I have actually smoke so far have had any seeds. I just happen to see them at the bottoms of the jars as the buds have been shaken around during the cure. Not sure if one of the plants in the grow room popped a nanner or two somewhere or it might have been pollen from the autoflowers I grew (one of which was a known hermie) right before this in the same room(different tent). Either way I'm kind of happy to get a few seeds from these buds because they're definitely going to get saved and eventually sown :). That's it for now. The last two plants will be coming down in a few days. Then a week or two after that will come the stunning conclusion to PlanetaryHerb's first grow journal!! Stay tuned folks :)

Peace and Happy Toking :peace:
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