2 600's, Ebb & Gro, WW_Violator Kush_PPP

nsmn8r I use a tub or a bucket with a small pump to flush mine.:grinjoint:
I bet you could flush the whole system without to much harm. But I don't that much about ebb & grow if you can split the system.
I myself wouldn't like depriving nutes during flowering IMO.

Starting week 6 of flower. I took the doors and plastic down off the box and removed one of the sides. I'm slowly working on getting rid of it all together. Turns out it wasn't such a great idea. I think I'll be better off just using the whole room.

I just got my Mini-split unit AC/Heat Pump hooked up. It works great. Up until now I've had to open a window to let cold air in to keep the heat down during the day. I have a 4" intake coming in from outside, but it wasn't enough with all 3 lights going. With the new AC unit the temps are staying right at 80 all day with the lights on. It will also heat the room when the lights are off in the winter. It doesn't bring in any air from outside the room, so I'm thinking it should work out pretty good for a CO2 set up next grow.

Here are some new pics:

A wide angle view of the whole room:

Below are some pics of the Pure Power Plant. This is a pretty cool plant. It's starting to look like a Christmas tree.
Hopefully, it's done growing. My light is up as high as I can get it and it's about as close as it can get. It seems to be handling it ok.
The buds aren't nearly as developed as the VK and White Widows. I'm guessing this one won't be ready to harvest as soon as some of the others.



Here are some shots of the White Widows. Some nice fat buds on these girls. I'm almost tempted to just grow only these things next time around.




Below are some pics of the Powerskunks. I'm not sure what to think about these things. They're almost like vines. I've been tying them down from the bottom as much as I can and I strung some lines up across the tops of them and I've been just bending them under the lines to hold them back from the light. They're a tangled up mess. There are dozens of branches coming off these things that are probably 5 to 8 feet long if you stretched them out. There are literally hundreds of tiny little buds all over them, but none of them are big buds. I sure hope they fatten up a little. I guess it's better than running empty buckets though..






The branches of the powerskunks that are closest to the light are turning a little yellow between the veins. I'm pretty sure it's light bleaching. A pic of one of the leaves is below. What do you guys think?

Thanks for stopping by..

and Happy Easter to ya!
nsmn8r Looking good.:ganjamon:

The WW plants are really getting juicy and ppp looks good too. That power skunk does grow like a weed the smoke is good for a freebie and will yield lots of sparse bud. I'm hoping that they fill better too.:goodjob:

+rep Darn it wouldn't let me.

Thanks guys!

McBudz- The box is 3.5ft wide X 7ft long X 6.5ft high. The controller is outside of the box. All 12 buckets are in there, but 2 are empty.

Thats roughly the size of my new darkroom. DR240W 3'11" x 7'10" x 6'7"
Cool man. Can't wait to see what you do with the ebb & gro.

Are you planning to put all 12 buckets in there?

I'm really surprised how crowded it got in my box even with only 10.

Yup. Thats the plan man. crop circle style. maybe even 2 controllers too. I think I'd like to harvest 6 at time and keep 2 strains going. So may need to look at getting a second setup. We'll see how this works out first.

Like so. maybe fit the controllers in the circles or the corners. The reason i need to get them in the tent is because there is no ground level access into the tent. The sites wont fill and drain properly unless the contrl's are in the tent or I cut a slit to run the tubes which I don't feel like doing unless absolutely needed. And if thats the case I have a plan... sew a light proof zipper at the bottom for access the open the zipper and cut the tent. Now I have a new zipper access. Just need to find a 12-24 inch light proof zipper to make it work. Wonder if Secret Jardin will set me up with a sample strip then incorporate my idea into their newer models .. lol.

crop circles:

Inch thick stems, fat colas, looking awesome.

will definitely pick up one of those.

sorry the CMH didn't work out for you, always next time.

same thing for the higromite.

the problems with your plants might just be weak RNA, I know out of my six I've got vegging now one is much stronger than the weaklings.

In the Cannabis Bible by Jorge, he says to start five at a time, one will be the strongest, cull the others, keep the strong one, veg her, clone her.

I'd add to that clone for sex before culling, the second tallest might be the female.

You're using House & Garden aren't you?

How would you rate it versus other things you've used if you can touch on it in one of your future posts
Thanks flyfishinrock.

McBudz- That's going to be a cool set up. I'm looking forward to seeing it in action.

Truck Nuts- Thanks for the tips. I just ordered Jorge's book last week. Can't wait for it to show up.
The CMHs look cool. Too bad they only make them up to 400W.
I looked into the Higromite too. It sounds like it might not be very compatible with the Ebb & Gro system. I've heard that the sediments it gives off can plug up the plumbing.
I am using the H&G nutes, but I don't have anything to compare them to. This is my first attempt at growing my own.

I'll post an update and some pics tomorrow. I've been working my ass off down there all day. I hung the lights from the ceiling and got rid of the box. Gotta go buy some reflectix for the walls tomorrow. This should be a much nicer set up.
McBudz- Just curious, why the change? I'm starting to plan my next grow. Any suggestions on how you would set up 18 pots under 2 600's and a 1000 in a 12 X 9 room?

Here's my weekly update:

Started week 7 of flower on Friday. As I mentioned, I got rid of the box and hung the lights from the ceiling. I have the 1000 in the middle and the 600's on the ends. I love it like this. I wish I would have done it like this from the beginning. It's great being able to get to the plants in the back now.

I'll tell you guys this at the risk of looking like a total dumbass. Until now I've had the 1000W on the left and the 600s in the center and right spots. I didn't realize it until I unplugged everything to move the box out, but the 1000W bulb has been hooked up to a 600W Ballast since I added it and the 1000W ballast has been hooked up to a 600W bulb. I always thought the 600 on the right looked way brighter. I always thought it was hotter than the others too. Now I know why.. I hooked them up the right way this time and everything seems to be working ok. I just wonder what it did to the bulbs lifespan.

Anyways, here are pics of the new setup and some bud porn. I wish I could take some better pics. These pics just don't do them justice. They're way cooler looking in real life. You can't see it in the pics, but it these girls are super gooey and sticky.. It looks like someone dumped a bag of coke all over them.

Happy 4/20!















Nice plants very nice. I will think about your 18 pot 3 light setup in 12x9 space and get back to you.
hard to say what will happen to the bulbs and ballasts. How long were they running like that? I would contact the bulb and ballast manufacturer and explain what happened and see what they have to say about it.
Thanks for the reply.

The CMHs look cool. Too bad they only make them up to 400W.

- You can get more even coverage with 3 400W CMH vs 2 600W HPS and because the majority of the heat in a CMH bulb travels up, you can get them closer to the plants, which as you know due to the inverse square law of artificial light, the closer the light the more intense the lumens.

I looked into the Higromite too. It sounds like it might not be very compatible with the Ebb & Gro system. I've heard that the sediments it gives off can plug up the plumbing.

- I don't know who told you that, I'm not expert but I haven't had any issues with pump, I know the rocks biodegrade through erosion over time but I don't think its at a rate that would be of a concern except perhaps in aeroponic where the tolerances are so tight.

- There are other alternatives to hydroton and higromite, dyna roc, sunleaves silica rock (heard it was chalkie and falls apart, causes issues like you mentioned), lava rock and sand come to mind as well.

I am using the H&G nutes, but I don't have anything to compare them to. This is my first attempt at growing my own.

- Your results look amazing, I will definitely consider running H&G's line once my GH is out.

Look at that main stem.... that's far far thicker than an inch.

Seeing your results with H&G looks like Advanced is going to have to show some indepdent tests where they beat them otherwise I'd think with porn like this around its only a matter of time before people take the plunge.
Thanks for all the kind words you guys.

I'd like to hear some opinions on my plan for the next few weeks.

According to my original schedule, I was planning to flower for 8 weeks beginning 3/7 and ending 5/2. The Violator Kush and the White Widows are looking like they'll be ready to harvest on schedule. In fact, the trichomes on a couple of the VKs are already close to 50% amber.

The problem is it looks like the PPP and the 2 Power Skunks are going to go a little longer. The trichomes on these 3 plants are 50% clear/ 50% cloudy. There are very few amber trichs on them so far.

To complicate things further, I start a new job on 5/4 and I won't be able to do anything with the plants at all for the week of 5/4 through 5/8 and the week of 5/11 through 5/15.

So my plan right now is to flush from 5/1 to 5/3 then harvest the VKs and WWs that Sunday night 5/3 and put the nutes back in the system while I'm at work 5/4-5/8. Then, when I get back to them on the evening of 5/8, I'll flush again and harvest the PPP and Power Skunks the following Sunday 5/10 assuming they are ready by then.

I hate to flush the PPP and Power Skunks while they're still flowering, but I don't really see any other choice. This is one drawback to the ebb & gro system.

What do you guys think? Will the PPP and PowerSkunks be ok getting flushed and going back on nutes again for another week then flushing again? I'm using some stuff from H&G called drip clean. You use .4ml/gal for the entire cycle and it is supposed to shorten up your flush time to 2-3 days so at least it's a short flush..

Another thing I am considering is only harvesting the tops of the VKs and WWs on 5/3 and lowering the light to fatten up the bottom buds a bit more since I'm going to be running the system an extra week anyways. Think this is a good idea?

Any opinions on this would be appreciated!
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