
  1. Stoney Roads

    Dark Devil Auto

    Just wanted to share my Dark Devil. It is on day 35 from germination. The purple is starting to show really nice. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  2. M

    Fan leaves stem turning purple

    My plant is purple! I'm running an 18/6 schedule and When i went to go check on her after 6 hours she looks like this. It's only the petiole stem on the 2 fan leaves. This one was a little purple before the lights shut off and now the other one is starting to show purple now too. what the heck...
  3. K

    Purple Kush near harvest then this happened?

    Hi everything was looking good kinda for my purple kush then i tried to add some more lights and the next day they looked like this. Any ideas..was it the lights? any suggestions? The top pic is the after pic and the bottom one is the before.....
  4. R

    Grow in progress - Need help!

    My 2nd set of true leaves are coming in and they look kinda dark idk if it's cause my strain is a purple or is it a defect ? Or am I just being a newbie and being paranoid
  5. P

    Freedom Purple Express Auto

    Seedling bursting soil. I'll call this Day 1. 400 watt HPS, 3100 Wattached fluo and a rack of fluo tubes on side
  6. M

    Purple BloodySkunk - Macro Included

  7. B

    Purple Kush Feminized - FFOF Soil - Pots Outdoor Grow ARK

    Purple Kush from Crop Kings Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil Starting in 1 gallon pots of just potting soil No ferts yet So I'm starting this a little late were 12 days in of our Purple Kush trees. I ordered 5 they sent 7. 3 germinated. I just got my pH tester found out I've been watering with...
  8. M

    Seedling With Purple Tissue

    Greetings All, To begin with and to be clear, I am beginner and a No Till Gardener.......So not sure if this is of concern, but, my three inch high Blueberry seedling has a purple trunk and is also completely dark purple on the underneath of the leaves too? Also, the leaves are somewhat...
  9. cannilingus

    Pure purple stalks on my Girl Scout Cookie

    This must just be this strain of plant. I do not know, where this one orignates from. what breeder. Anyone recognize it? Andway, such purple limbs! the plant, she looks happy, otherwise, and this cut allways has done this to me. She seems happy, tho. just thought id share, and perhaps get some...
  10. NastyAce05

    Crop King Seeds Purple Kush Feminized DWC Monster Cropping - HHT - Canna Aqua Grow

    :welcome: What strain is it? CKS Purple Kush Feminized Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid?Hybrid What percentages?75% Indica 25% Sativa Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg If in Veg... For how long? Day 19 from seed If in Flower stage... For how long? Will be 8 to 10 weeks Indoor or outdoor...
  11. M

    MisterFlora's Something Purple - Closet Grow In Soil & CFL

    This journal is absolutely for the inexperienced grower like myself, on account of some lessons and tricks I learned which were not clear to me. Where do I even start? So last summer we grew 2 strains for seeds. 1 green plant (A), and 3 purple plants (B, C, and D). Purple B was male and...
  12. Hashassinz

    Purple bud

    What is the darkest purple bud to grow from Herbies. I just want to see some color idc about potency. I have never seen bud that is like all the pics I see on internet as purple. Came across some gdp but never crazy when it was all purple just seems like gotta be a plant in a 100 that gets that...
  13. K

    Needle size rust

    Rust spotting? As progression happens worsens on veins...purple stem...small needle size spot?
  14. 420forsure

    Couple pics from my CKS photo tent you might enjoy

    White widow and purple kush
  15. E

    Purple & Yellowing Leaves Late in Flowering - Please Help - El Amigo Verde

    I'm in week 7. Organic Super Soil with light nutes watered in during flowering (Cal Mag and half strength roots HPK, molasses, silica, various microbials) Are these purple leaves a sign of severe lockout? I know yellowing is normal and a good sign but a friend of mine says he would be freaking...
  16. P

    New420Guy's Original Grape 48 & Pauls Purple Fire Grow 2016

    This will document my first indoor grow of my two first top shelf strains, which have both been popular in northern California for 4 years. This is my second attempt at doing a grow journal, obviously my first journal, but hopefully you will see why these two strains are being grown by many of...
  17. K

    Purple Kush at 4.5 weeks - Leaves turning brown/yellow?

    I topped this purple Kush 5 days ago. At the time the leaves in question were already yellowing / turning brow slightly. A couple days after topping, I changed the nutrient solution and the browning yellowing leaves turned worse. After changing the nutes, the PH flew up from 5.8 to 7.5...
  18. Purpsmagurps

    4x4 Mainline Madness - White Cookies & Purple Kush

    hey guys! Purple kush and white cookies from Crop king seeds. Day 47 day 52 - the purple kush has been transplanted into its 5 gallon smart pot. letting the white cookies mature out a little more before flipping, the ceiling is the limit!!!!!!
  19. Eugene1

    Has anybody grown Purple Destroyer?

    I received 4 purple destroyer seeds as a freebie and growing one along side with three White Widows. I cannot find any description of the strain anywhere. Has anybody grown it, and if so, could you give any info on it? Thanks!
  20. J

    Canoeing top growth - purple burn on leaf tips - fading leaves & brown necrosis

    My whole veg room plants are basically yellow all over, with purple burn spots with purple outline on the edge of the leaves. Also, they are canoeing slightly (not canoeing from heat or lumen stress). I am using multiple 8x4 foot CFL fixtures, and heat is definitely not a problem. I'm in...
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