living organic soil

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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 10 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 6
  2. 20210522_163738-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express Charging up some new soil with @GeoFlora Nutrients ! Sooooo much easier than having to source individual amendments. 1oz / 1 gal soil
  3. 20210522_112511-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 10 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 6
  4. 20210522_112336-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 10 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 6
  5. 20210522_165218-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express Added 3.5 Tbs to a gallon of water. Earth Alive Soil Activator - roughly 15 gallons of soil.
  6. 20210522_163845-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express @GeoFlora Nutrients
  7. 20210522_112038-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express @GeoFlora Nutrients #1,2,3 - Veg Day 10 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 6
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express Earth Alive Soil Activator getting watered into new soil mix.
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express Earth Alive Soil Activator
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #2 - Veg Day 9 - Looking better today only after a light spritz of water around the fabric. No deep watering.
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 9 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 5
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #8 - Veg Day 4
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #9 - Veg Day 4
  14. 20210520_025442-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #2 - Veg Day 8
  15. 20210520_025535-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #7 - Veg Day 4
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 8 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 4
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 8 - canopy height difference
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1 - Veg Day 8
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express Image enhanced to show the darker areas on the leaves. Not sure what is going on. Any ideas?
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 8 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 4
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