
  1. Ron Strider

    FL: Medical Marijuana Delays Push Patients To Opioid Use

    Janice Michalski lives in pain. "Being on the opioids, right now the only way is to go up to keep the pain away," claims Michalski. Michalski knows and worries about the risk of increasing her dosage. So does Governor Rick Scott. "Opioid abuse has taken the lives of too many...
  2. Ron Strider

    India: Research In Industrial Use Of Hemp Fiber Is required - Governor

    The representatives of Bombay Hemp Company called on Governor Acharya Devvrat at Rajbhawan today and gave the presentation on utilizing Industrial Hemp as a strategic asset devoted to the reformation of agriculture & boosting its role in the economy along with uplifting socio-economic standards...
  3. Ron Strider

    IL: Governor Rauner Secretly Disbands The Medical Cannabis Advisory Board

    Most of us in the Illinois medical cannabis community are very aware that our governor, Bruce Rauner, is no friend of our medical cannabis program. He has consistently sabotaged it from the very beginning. He delayed the allocation of licenses to dispensary owners which retarded the start of the...
  4. Ron Strider

    NY: Cuomo Urged To Sign Bill Giving PTSD Patients Access To Medical Marijuana

    Governor Andrew Cuomo is being urged to sign a bill that would expand eligibility for the state's medical marijuana program to include patients undergoing treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The state Senate and Assembly have both approved it. The question is when it may arrive on...
  5. Ron Strider

    Vermont Lawmakers Try Again For Marijuana Legalization

    Vermont lawmakers are giving legal weed another shot. Last month, the Republican governor vetoed a legalization bill for recreational marijuana after it passed the state Assembly and Senate. But rather than killing it outright, he sent it back to legislators and asked for stronger protections...
  6. Ron Strider

    The Word 'And' In Colorado Bill Marks Major Mistake For Marijuana Research

    Gov. John Hickenlooper has sent a bill to the secretary of state without his signature, pointing out that one accidental word in the bill negatively impacts its original purpose. HB 17-1367 has to do with marijuana research authorization in Colorado. In a letter addressed to the Colorado...
  7. Ron Strider

    Inside The Fight For Legal Pot In Vermont

    Vermont's lawmakers have been dealing with pot for years now — every legislative session in recent memory has had some marijuana bill on the docket. And while expansions to the state's medical marijuana program have proven successful, efforts to fully legalize weed had never made it through both...
  8. Ron Strider

    Gov. Wolf Focused On Medical Marijuana Over Recreational, For Now

    Governor Wolf is not ready to jump on the cannabis bandwagon, even though Pennsylvania voters are warming to the idea of legalizing marijuana, based on a new poll. The Governor acknowledges a majority of folks, 56%, polled by Franklin and Marshall are in favor of legalizing marijuana...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    CO: Legislature And Governor At Odds Over Smoking In Marijuana Clubs

    A showdown is looming in Denver between lawmakers and Governor Hickenlooper concerning allowing private marijuana clubs with indoor smoking. On Monday, a House committee approved a bill giving local governments the power to allow the activity. Governor Hickenlooper has promised to veto the...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Everyone But Republicans Favors Legalizing Marijuana Nationally

    A recent poll from Quinnipiac University found a big division among Americans about legalizing marijuana at the federal level. A large majority favored the idea. Asked if marijuana "should be made legal in the U.S.", 59 percent said "yes" while 36 percent said "no." However, the poll found a...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    VA: Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, A Doctor, Wants To Decriminalize Marijuana

    Richmond, Va. — Lieutenant Governor Northam unveiled his agenda to reform Virginia's criminal justice system, in an online post published Monday, and it included the decriminalization of marijuana. Northam, currently the key Democratic gubernatorial nominee, outlined the current...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Guam: Governor Introduces Bill To Legalize Recreational Marijuana

    Guam - As promised and just in the second week into the new year, Governor Eddie Calvo has introduced legislation for the recreational use of marijuana. The governor is dubbing is the Marijuana Control Law which would regulate the use, production, sale and taxation of marijuana as well as...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana Bill Gaining Support In SC

    Columbia, S.C. – The Latest on the opening day of the 2017 legislative session (all times local): 12:15 p.m. A proposal legalizing medical use of marijuana in South Carolina is gaining support in the Republican-controlled Legislature. Supporters said Tuesday it's time for politicians to allow...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    AR: Gov To Give Joint Address, Legislature To Take Up First Medical Marijuana Bills

    A State of the State address from the governor and the first salvo of medical marijuana-related bills are expected Tuesday morning, day two of the 91st General Assembly. Governor Asa Hutchinson is scheduled to address a joint session of the state House and Senate at 10:30 a.m. Watch the speech...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Five States Most Likely To Legalize Marijuana In 2017

    The outcome of the marijuana legalization movement over the past 12 months will undoubtedly go down in history as the time when prohibition was given its terminal diagnosis and the reality of nationwide reform illuminated on the horizon of a brand New Year. As of now, over half the nation has...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    AR: Changes To Medical Marijuana Taxes A Possibility, Says Governor

    Arkansas voters approved medical marijuana earlier this month and the governor says he's open to seeing if the voter-approved tax structure should be changed in January's legislative session. Speaking to reporters at the state Capitol on Monday, Governor Asa Hutchinson said he hasn't yet made up...
  17. R

    Iowa Governor Says Finding A "Balance" Critical For Use Of Medical Marijuana

    Iowa Governor Terry Branstad is looking at the prospect to expand access to medical marijuana in the state. House republicans floated an idea around last week, that would link Iowa and Minnesota to allow Iowans to buy cannabis oil from dispensaries in that state. Governor Branstad Monday...
  18. R

    PA: Governor Wolf Thanks Medical Marijuana Supporters

    Governor Tom Wolf paid a visit to King of Prussia on Tuesday to thank supporters for their work in getting medical marijuana legislation passed. Governor Tom Wolf says state senator Daylin Leach was key in getting legislation that he says will help people's lives. But Senator Leach says...
  19. R

    Guam Governor Calvo Weighs In On Medical Marijuana

    Calvo tells PNC news that although he would like to see the process to implementing medical marijuana on Guam move faster, he would like it done the right way. It's been over a year since Guam residents voted to make medical marijuana legal and the finished program is still far from complete...
  20. R

    GA: Emails Show Medical Marijuana Bill Never Stood A Chance

    An exclusive 11Alive poll shows the majority of Georgians want medical marijuana grown legally in their state. That support fueled a bill this legislative session, but after reviewing internal state emails, it seems the medical marijuana cultivation bill never stood a chance. The emails came...
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