dark leaves

  1. P

    Stunted growth - a repeating problem I can not solve

    Dear fellow growers, I need your help to figure out a problem with my plants that has been following me for the last 6 grows. I am running a mid-sized operation and It is a repeating problem that I just can’t seem to understand and resolve. It all goes normal with the seedlings, they are...
  2. Jaygrowing

    New grower

    I’m currently growing grape smash strain Ph at 5.5 to 6.8 Ppm 1500 to 2100 1000w led full spectrum panel Growing in coco Been recently seeing my plant leafs and stem turning dark I was told the plant flower is a deep purple to almost black but I don’t think this is the cause of my problems...
  3. Jaygrowing

    Need help with my plant

    Hi this is my first year growing indoors I just started flower on my plant but have been being too see darken stems and dark leaves on my plant any answers to what’s happening Love to upload some pic but have no clue how too
  4. C

    Dark shiny leaves cupping problem: Help!

    Hi guys, so its muy first grow in mapito and i am having some trouble. I have a 400w hps. Let me say i already done some hydro grows buy only in clay Pebbles and never had this issue. Now, my plants are still young at around 3 weeks into veg, new growth is getting dark shiny leaves and are...
  5. Drakka

    Help: Darkening new growth and yellow tips

    Hi everyone! This is my second thread about some issues that i’m experiencing within my first grow. I got a 60x50x140cm DIY box, I had to place it in a room where temp and Rh varies depending on the daily weather, as I got no other rooms to place it. Light: Spiderfarmer SF 1000 (24 inch away...
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