Papa OG
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  • Just a warning to those who use pressurized sprayers.

    My external regulator failed sending 150+ psi to my water tank as I hooked up the airline.

    I had just finished tightening her up, plugged her in. Before I could blink.

    BOOM 💥

    3 gal of the finest nutrients bursted into a 24ft blast radius. Ceiling to floor.

    As I roll around gasping for air. I noticed how lucky I am. I couldn't comprehend what happened for a moment. As I get off of the floor I'm counting fingers. Checking body parts.

    So after all is said and done. I still had to water my sad ladies. I open the tent, and realized the center post took a nice hit. Couple of plants missing leaves.

    Just feeling pretty lucky. Right now. Onto watering!

    F! That! I'm glad you didn't lose any parts either! Or die. Fuhqn terrifying!
    Papa OG
    Papa OG
    Definitely enlightening to say the least. Now main compressor, goes to secondary tank that has a manual regulator, that is only for watering. I knew I shouldn't have trusted the electronic regulator, but it was all fancy with buttons and led lights. Caught up with all them high tech features.

    Totally glad I didn't lose anything other than some self confidence. Now Everytime I plug air line into tank I flinch. That will go away soon enough! HF has 4gal sprayer on sale for 20$ this weekend. Like it's happening for ME!
    I love harbor freight 💚🤘🏻
    Congratulations to Germany and everyone who fought for legalization. Starting April 1st!

    Germany legalizes cannabis


    Best April fools gift ever, giving the people what they deserve!

    lange leben und gedeihen
    Hi OGP
    Do you also have your tent in a cold area? Mine is in a Colorado garage. It makes tending to them tricky.
    Papa OG
    Papa OG
    Same here. brutal winter and summer. From one extreme to the other.
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