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  • Hey Seedsman, do you guys ship to New Zealand? Very keen to try your strains.
    hello there Bionic!

    yes we send seeds to New Zealand!

    have a look at the link below and let me know if you need any other info!

    stay safe
    Doing an Aeroponic grow atm with your seeds, had great success at spouting 15/15... i just sadly killed most of them but hey a warlock, tangerine dream and purple bud is now vegging in the tent, let me know what you think.
    Grow journal 2020
    • Love
    Reactions: Tokin Roll
    hello there!..great thread my friend very informative... and also your plants are happy!

    sorry to hear you killed some, it happen sometimes!

    stay safe
    Hello seedsman, just stopping by to shoot the breeze. Dont suppose you do Dark devil feminized (not auto) do you?
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    Check to see if they have a Big Devil XL photo.
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    I checked , it looks like their Big Devil Fast is the photoperiod Devil strain.
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