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  • Hello thcmontana! Thank you for checking out my pics. You had asked if that was one or two plants in the photo. They're two plants, with 'Fatleaf' on the left side and 'Big Girl' on the right. Both are the Northern Light #5 strain. They were grown under relatively low wattage in my homemade 'tent'. Big Girl seems to be the best of these two and smells like mango and grapefruit! She also tastes like mango and citrus and is packing a very powerful high. That's right 'out of the box'' so to say as she was like this after just 4 days 'hang drying'. Fatleaf is a more spacey high and hopefully after curing, she also will 'pack a punch'. They have a sister, 'Runt' (a tiny plant) that is still under the lights. You are welcome to check out the entire grow or just the last several pages (if you wish to see their final days) at https://www.420magazine.com/forums/journals-progress/111504-woodsmans-northern-light-5-grow.html. Thanks for your score of '10'!

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