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  • Still waiting on what to do to get rid of black spots on the top and bottom of my leafs. Anyone have a suggestion? Please help me.
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    Reactions: Pat Puffer
    You need to go back to your post and answer the questions we've asked you about your plants.
    It's not as easy as, "hey, look at this one leaf and tell me what's up".
    Give us more information....
    Pat Puffer
    Pat Puffer
    Yo Patrick. As Adaminco stated, no one can tell you for sure until we know other things. You could be in coco with pH too high. You could be deficient in Cal. It could be the start of some mold issue. Answering those questions on your post allows us to get a better idea of what's going on with the whole environment. A leaf only shows symptoms of an underlying problem, if present.
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