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  • i got a cricket singing away in fort st veg/clone..
    • Haha
    Reactions: Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    I had one in my floor vent in my bedroom. I was close to a mental break.
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    Reactions: bluter
    this one must be heartsick...
    at least it earns it's airtime by eating other stuff i want in there even less
    Throw a preying mantis in there, lol, it'll do the same thing and eat that noisy cricket, besides. They're bad@ss - what other insect can turn its head to look over its "shoulder" at you. Further bad@ssness: They can easily win most fights, even if the other critter has just torn off the mantis' head, LMAO.
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    Reactions: bluter
    ah crap ! got blanked on the clones. bubble cloner scored 100% last time. now at zero. wonder if that still gives me a 50% avg. = )
    urgh...drove 20 min across town with a volkswagen full of live plants. not an experience i will soon forget. least some of them were legal lol
    over -vegged everything. got sick and pegged it back a couple wks. stuff got cal issues while i wasn't around. letting it get healthy then gotta flip in the next 2 wks for sure.
    slowly bringing both lights and nutes up. 3 of 4 plants responding positive. all are way back and super small. this grow has gotten super finicky.
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