Producing Feminized Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

Mr. Krip;1449846 said:

Here's an excerpt from an article specifically on cannabis seeds that addresses your question regarding the freezing of the seeds:


Seed Dormancy

Seed dormancy is a naturally occurring ‘survival factor’ found within many species of plant. Under ‘natural conditions’ the dormancy of cannabis seeds is quite normal. The “over-wintering” of seed is then a naturally occurring phenomenon. That is, when under dormancy (even where perfect germination conditions exist) a seed will NOT germinate! Under “artificial conditions” cultivated plants tend to display lower levels of dormancy. The seed of cultivated plants, especially those used for food, have an unnaturally shallow dormancy period. The ‘survival factor’ has quite literally been bred out of popular cultivar in order to ensure a homogeneous crop/harvest.

There are three different types of seed dormancy – Exogenous Dormancy (external), Endogenous Dormancy (internal), and Combined Dormancy (external and/or internal):

Exogenous Dormancy is governed by the external covering of the seed itself (the seed coat). With Cannabis the seeds coat is relatively thick. The seed is slowly permeable to water via a fissure line in the shell. This mechanical resistance inhibits dormancy. A period of warmth, followed by a period of cold usually encourages germination.

Endogenous Dormancy involves the internal development of the seed embryo (both morphological and physiological). Whilst internal seed morphology is aided by ‘warm stratification’, both small and immature embryos are always found in combination with another type of dormancy (mostly physiological). Physiological endogenous dormancy is the most common type of dormancy found in nature. An inhibitor inside the embryo and/or an incomplete chain of chemical reactions imposes dormancy. Annual species such Cannabis experiences a relatively ‘shallow dormancy’ period. Shallow dormancy can be overcome by “after ripening” (drying seed). A period of ‘cold stratification’ is then required in order for physiological dormancy to be complete. Growers use cold-rooms and refrigerators for this reason.

Combination Dormancy is displayed when several types of dormancy (often internal and external) are displayed in the same seed. This may involve exogenous dormancy (a seed coat), coupled alongside endogenous morphological resistance (embryo development), alongside physiological dormancy (a shallow inhibitor), all within the same seed structure. Cannabis seed display ‘combination dormancy’. The underdeveloped embryos MUST first develop into their full size during a period of ‘warm stratification’ before a period of ‘cold stratification’ can be effective.The best way to test levels of ‘seed dormancy’ against levels of ‘seed viability’ is to play with seeds. Try keeping collectives of marijuana cannabis seeds under different conditions (dry, wet, hot, cold…). Then sow each seed group into separate trays of soil. Place each tray into a contrasting environment (dry, wet, hot, cold…) make note and record the results.

Seed Development

Seed development is a funny old thing… it never ceases to amaze. The smaller the seed, the more amazing the transformation from genetic time capsule into seedling. Let’s face it, this is where the ingrained magic of growing anything begins. What the people in white coats like to call “plant science” is in fact just Mother Nature doing her own thing. Now people may call on the traditionalists, but cannabis seeds like things best in soil. There is just no escaping this. With ‘paper towel’ and ‘glass of water’ methods people can look, touch, and prod the seed as it germinates (and we’d like to think this is one of the best ways to learn about the habit of seeds). Seed development is however an extremely delicate process. For this reason seed development is often perhaps best left untouched by hand.

The germination and viability of seed is foremost governed by patterns of seed dormancy. Only once the natural cycle of embryo development is complete will the germination of seed successfully begin! Fresh cannabis seeds are usually far less viable than those that have been subjected to dry conditions (warm stratification) followed by cool conditions (cold stratification) prior to sowing. Only following a period of dormancy can then true seed germination and accurate measurements of seed viability begin. Before this seedlings tend to be weak.
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