Olive oil extract update

cajuncelt;2782856 said:
You're answers are staring back at you.

The study you posted shows how adding fat increases bioavailability of cannabinoids by processing them in the lymphatic system, NOT being absorbed by the intestines or liver.

That's fairly old news friend. That's a "1st pass" process of bioavailability & I myself have posted about it, but a few years ago.

So, let's tie it up?...

You are in favor of using a 1st pass method (of which tacking is also) & use your olive oil/CCO to achieve this and better bioavailability. And, your method of dosing is to ingest (eat/swallow) this olive oil mix. But you're leery of tacking for reasons you've stated.


Ok. Your study has helped you & I make this easy.

First, tacking is ALSO a "1st pass" method.
Tacking is no more than submucosal/submucous method of dosing.
As it's absorbed through the capillaries in the lining of the cheek & gum, it by passes being absorbed by the liver.
When someone's high from tacking, they either swallowed some or their saliva absorbed the thc.

The submucosal method of absorption is 2nd only to intraveneous method for bioavailability. It most definitely is more efficient than ingesting & absorption thru the colon/liver.

That's why being high does NOT equal being medicated. And why tacking works with no euphoria.
Being high is a by-product of THC, not a symptom of it.
In fact, feeling high or euphoric alone shows you that the liver has broken down the THC delta 9, into its euphoric evil twin...11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC).

Also, dosing the meds you dosed by ingesting/swallowing are ALWAYS metabolized by the liver before they reach the systemic system (blood stream) thus further decreasing bioavailability.

That's why the better methods are called First Pass...because they bypasses the liver BEFORE they hit the blood stream.

That's what your study is stating as well.
That by adding the fat to the cannabinoids they converted the meds to a 1st pass ingestion through the lymphatic system (lymph nodes).

So...why are you still ingesting when your own study suggests to use a different absorption process?

Again, what's the most efficient process of absorption?

Next? Well again, submucosal (tacking) is right up there my friend rivaling even nasal.

So you swallow your olive oil/CCO mix, it hits the stomach where the acids start to break it down. At that point cannabinoids are already starting to be metabolized by your liver already decreasing bioavailability.

Next, your small colon starts to absorb no more than...
Let's use your study's number, 47.5%.

Since as your study points out that the fat doesn't increase absorption though, the rest of your meds, 52.5%, you are sending to the local water treatment plant.
Since over half your meds are being deposited in your toilet, consider this....

Your study points out that cannabinoids are a "highly lipophilic" med.

What my "method" and thread is about is liposomal encapsulation.
"Highly lipophilic" (from your study)-liposomal encapsulation (from me).. See how we're tying this up?

Liposomal encapping rivals even intraveneous delivery and it can be used with any method of dosing. Tacking, suppositories, capsules, tinctures, even transdermallly.

This process bonds the meds at a molecular level.

I'll use the Vit C sample everyone does.
You take a 100mg Vit C tab and you'll get 20% absorption at best.
You take a liposomal Vit C powder and the absorption rate is 93%.

P.S. "whole extract" simply means all of the compounds, not just a few isolated cannabinoids.
But, your second post shows that as well.

I'm sorry, but I gotta run. Don't mind any spelling or whatever.

Good luck and Great Health to ya.


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