420 Magazine Website News: October 2017


Welcome to our October update. It’s designed to give you a bit more insight into what’s been going on at 420 Magazine over the last few weeks. Now we are past the Autumn equinox, in this season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, we hope that out there all you growers are in a good place, that mites are at a minimum and, thinking of you Northern Hemisphere outdoor growers, that you are bug-less and rot-less as you approach harvest.

Our team of Moderators have been busy as ever. Could we please remind all members about a particular point in our Posting Guidelines. 420 Magazine is not a marketplace, and any discussion of giving, donating, trading or selling any article at all is not permitted. We do appreciate the 420 Magazine spirit when members offer to contribute to the grow supplies of others, however the only item we encourage the exchange of is knowledge. Sorry, however we cannot allow our mission to be distracted by becoming a 420 trading site. Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks to those members who report spambots, spam and other infractions. You are a great help to our busy team. To help both you and ourselves, there’s a new 420 Guidelines FAQ. So whether you’re a new or experienced spambot spotter, please check it out – Questions & Answers – How To Deal With Spambots

Welcome to visitors and new members alike. Thank you for being part of Our Mission.

If you are a fresh face here, please do take a moment and read our Posting Guidelines. They are there to help and protect you and to keep 420 Magazine full of the spirit of knowledge-sharing, friendship and good vibes that we all work so hard to preserve.

We always say that we wouldn’t be here without our Sponsors. However it’s equally true that 420 Magazine wouldn’t be such a great mission without you, our members. We are always grateful for your presence, contributions & positive energy. New Members For Our Spambot Patrol
Many thanks to the many members who have responded to our appeal for more support for our Spambot Patrol team. We are currently going through all the applications. We truly appreciate your volunteering spirit and support for our mission and we’ll be in touch with the candidates within the next couple of weeks.

Tech Updates
Also on the subject of those pesky spambots, we are continually trialling new software and add-ons to stop them before they start. Without going into details – for obvious reasons – we plugged in a new function a couple of weeks ago. Sorry! For just 15 minutes, it stopped not just spambots but also regular members from posting. Apologies for trying to make an omelette and therefore breaking a few eggs. We continue to combat the spambots on the tech side as well as out front.

If you spot any potential bugs or problems, please do report them to our team, either by using the report button at the bottom of every post, dropping any Moderator a Private Message or by sending an email to support@420magazine.com.

We are getting a number of reports concerning problems with the 420 Magazine app not updating notifications. We are not only aware of this, but working on it with our platform provider. We do understand that it’s frustrating, and we’ll have it fixed as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.

Human Resources: Job Opportunities
If you are interested in helping to support our Mission, please do check out our Human Resources forum.

Social Networking Moderator
Our new social networking moderator, Matty Hemp is posting half a dozen photos from our archives every day on Instagram. If anyone has any photos they’d like featured, please feel free to contact him via PM, through our Instagram channel or at matty@420magazine.com

We are delighted to welcome our new sponsor, manufacturers of innovative LED panels GROWant. We thank them for supporting our mission. Please check out their cutting-edge lighting offerings on their website.

You can find all about them here – Welcome To Our New Sponsor GROWant

October’s Sponsor of the Month is VaporWarehouse. We are delighted to feature them on our Home Page across October. They are a long-term sponsor of 420 Magazine and also support our Member, Plant and Nug of the Month contests. It’s thanks to sponsors like VaporWarehouse that we are all here. We are truly grateful. Please visit their website for great deals and offers on top quality vapes, and much more.

420 Magazine Contest Winners
If you enjoy photos of sticky buds or extraordinary plants, if you aspire to be the Member of the Month or want to see some of the best grow journals anywhere, then do look at our monthly contests. Congratulations to all our winners, who, thanks to our sponsors, will be receiving some great prize packages.

TorturedSoul – Member of the Month
Asesino85 – Plant of the Month
Nicholas Flamel – Nug of the Month
VexGrows – Grow Journal of the Month
Creme De La Creme Photo Contest – First Place: Imtoasted Second Place: Agemon Third Place: PlantWrestler

We’re grateful to our new contest sponsor GROWant . They are generously supporting the Grow Journal of the Month, Nug of the Month and our Creme de la Creme Photo contests with some great LED panels. If you are fortunate enough to win one, please do pop a photo of your win. It’s the best way of saying “Thank You”.

Join Our 420 Magazine Contests
420 Magazine runs five contests each month, celebrating our members and their work. You don’t have to be an experienced grower to enter – any member with a minimum of 50 posts may enter and vote in those with polls. There are some great prizes to win – exclusive 420 Magazine merchandise such as nug jars, t-shirts, lighters, magnets (which you can’t get hold of any other way), and some quality and high value goods from our sponsors too; lights, nutrients, vaporizers, seeds, gift certificates and much more.

420 Magazine’s Member of the Month – October 2017 
420 Magazine’s Plant of the Month – October 2017
420 Magazine’s Nug of the Month – October 2017
420 Magazine’s Creme De La Creme Photo Contest – October 2017
Grow Journals Of The Month

So if you fancy picking up a garden-full of great prizes, or just enjoy looking at some of the most beautiful plants and nugs produced on the planet, do check out our contests. They are fun and inspirational.

Voting From Mobile Device: Voting in contest polls can be done by using the 420 Magazine mobile app directly from a smartphone. On your smartphone’s browser (Google Chrome works best), from within any post/thread, touch the screen and in the pop up window, choose “More”, then choose “Web View”. At the bottom of the page, choose “Desktop Version”. You may have to pinch outwards to zoom in close enough to click on the polls. Additional information can be found here

That’s it for this month. Thank you for being a valuable part of our Mission, we are truly grateful for you.

Sending you all lots of love and positive energy through the universe.

Your 420 Magazine Team