High End Deliveries

A March 21, 2013


San Diego
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Hours of operation
1pm-11pm Daily

Minimum 1/8 delivery. High End Deliveries is devoted to delivering the highest standard of medication to legitimate Prop 215 patients. We take pride in the quality of our medications and only those medications considered to be High End medications will be included in our menu available to our patients. We also care deeply about the patient experience and ensure that all deliveries are handled in a safe atmosphere for both our patients and our delivery drivers. In order to comply with CA regulations, we will require a scanned/fax copy of both your doctor's referral and drivers license. You will also need to complete a patient authorization form, membership agreement and code of conduct. All can be emailed to you or we can have you manually fill out the forms when we arrive once we've verified your patient status. Should you not have direct access to a scanner/fax machine/smartphone, we will reimburse you for your fees incurred to do so (i.e. Kinko's), within reason (just show the receipt to the driver).

High End Deliveries will only be accepting new patients for a limited time only to ensure the integrity of our collective and to promote equal access to any of our medications posted in the menu. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who we deem to be not in the best interest of our collective. 18 and older only, please. Delivery times may vary based on time of day and location. High End Deliveries is a registered Non-Profit Mutual Benefit Collective in accordance with California state law. We have all required legal paperwork and follow the state attorney general's guidelines to the letter, abiding by all regulations set forth by Prop. 215, SB420 and H&SC 11362.5.


Although we will make every attempt to keep all listings as accurate and up-to-date as possible, prices and specials are subject to availability. 420 Magazine ® is not responsible for updating weekly specials and will not be held liable for any expired advertisements. Please call or stop by your provider of choice to check for current promotions.



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