Green Nectar

A February 11, 2013
0.0 (0)
16 0 0 0 0 0


San Diego
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Contact Info

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Hours of operation
11am-10pm Daily

Green Nectar Medical Marijuana Collective is a compassionate, responsible, delivery service who's main concern is the privacy of our patients! We donate the highest grade of Medical Cannabis with a valid, verified 420 doctor's recommendation. Green Nectar accepts credit cards. Must have valid ID. We do not accept credit cards of persons not available to sign. We do not do credit card charges over the phone. Please add $5 transaction fee. Because of the recent robberies of delivery drivers in San Diego, we have changed the way we accept new patients. All new members must send in a picture of their drivers license. We do not accept new patients after 8pm.



Although we will make every attempt to keep all listings as accurate and up-to-date as possible, prices and specials are subject to availability. 420 Magazine ® is not responsible for updating weekly specials and will not be held liable for any expired advertisements. Please call or stop by your provider of choice to check for current promotions.


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