Serrated leaf edges curling up


New Member
Strain - Was told Acapulco Gold - gifted to me.
# of Plants - 6
Grow Type - Soil - Happy Frog
Grow Stage - Vegetative 5 weeks old
Bucket Size - 3 Gallon
Lights - (4) 100 Watt CFLs
small desk fan oscillating on a wire randomly under own propulsion
Nutrients - none
Medium - soil Happy Frog organic straight from bag
soil PH - 6.7
RH - 15% to 55%
Room Temperature -70 to 84 F
Solution Temperature - room temp tank water PH 6.7 gently agitated to expell unwanted Chlorimine etc.
Room Square Footage - 12 sqft - shower
Pests - None Known

Problem: leave serrated edges are curling inward

Transplanted these 1 week ago into 3 gal pots filled with Happy Frog organic - no other mix added. The old 6 inch pots were FFOF mixed with vermiculite and some other white rocky substance. The plants were root bound so they had to be transplanted. I chose Happy Frog based neighbors experience and info learned here at this site. I have read the entire book Indoor Marijuana Horticulture 1993 printing by Jorges Cervantes front to back. And, I have helped grow for some one while they were out of town for 6 weeks and was able overcome several issues encountered. This is my first grow in my 2nd floor shower, until I complete the veg and bloom rooms in the basement.

Within 2 days the plant leaves started to curl. I was not alarmed as I figured transplanting and into different soil may cause a shock pf some sort. All the plants are still showing the same issue and I can't find answers with pics.

The baffling thing is it looks like a humidity problem so Increased humidity with dripping towels and dripping water from faucet for several days now and no real improvement. The plants are growing well, many new nodes all over new leafs etc. but the issue is still creeping all around on new leafs each day. I have turned off a lamp and stopped the fan to keep humidity up. I manually open and close doors every couple hours and toggle fan on and off for new air. The most drastic step i have made is misting the leaves once a day.

Some ideas and answers would be appreciated, thank for your time.
I have photos below.

I guess if you wait long enough for a question to be answered, the question will just go unanswered.

I moved my veg room to the basement, the curled edges stayed curled but the plants are thriving. The new growth has no curled edges. I inherited 6 more plants of some unknown strain, they are in the same environmental conditions. Also initially in 6 inch pots and then transplanted in to 3 gal Happy Frog these plants are also showing the same signs of curled edges now. Hopefully I will get my answer at some point.

All I did to try to stop the curled leaves was mist them with ph balanced tap water about 3 to 4 times a day. Once I saw the new growth not having the curled leaves I stopped misting.

I felt like providing an update in case others were having this issue and were concerned the plants would cascade into some sickly condition. I don't know why but mine did not become sickly so perhaps just doing what your instincts tell you works as well as anything else. I read the thread by jonathanfrost concerning curled edges and found no update or final outcome summarized so that others could benefit. The information in that thread is good. Patience is the lesson...and doing the least first, to save your plants.

Happy Growing :peace:
I guess if you wait long enough for a question to be answered, the question will just go unanswered.

I moved my veg room to the basement, the curled edges stayed curled but the plants are thriving. The new growth has no curled edges. I inherited 6 more plants of some unknown strain, they are in the same environmental conditions. Also initially in 6 inch pots and then transplanted in to 3 gal Happy Frog these plants are also showing the same signs of curled edges now. Hopefully I will get my answer at some point.

All I did to try to stop the curled leaves was mist them with ph balanced tap water about 3 to 4 times a day. Once I saw the new growth not having the curled leaves I stopped misting.

I felt like providing an update in case others were having this issue and were concerned the plants would cascade into some sickly condition. I don't know why but mine did not become sickly so perhaps just doing what your instincts tell you works as well as anything else. I read the thread by jonathanfrost concerning curled edges and found no update or final outcome summarized so that others could benefit. The information in that thread is good. Patience is the lesson...and doing the least first, to save your plants.

Happy Growing :peace:

Mine are doin same, just outside edge like yours. My humidity is in the 60's, heat is 70-79. No clue whats doing it. I tried more water, waiting to see what happens.
Mine are doin same, just outside edge like yours. My humidity is in the 60's, heat is 70-79. No clue whats doing it. I tried more water, waiting to see what happens.

I live in the mountains of SoCal , ergo, cold weather. I started some seeds (potting soil) in October under grow lights & they came up nicely. When the plants became about a foot tall the serrated leaves began to curl inward (I've seen the term "The Claw" used, funny). Now that it's warming up here, I take the plants out into natural light during the day to let them sun themselves. This seems to have done the trick. I also mist them with plain water. Three times the new growth & no new curling. The previously curled leaves are relaxing,but, I believe I'll just prune them off to give the new growth some added energy.
Obviously, natural sunlight would be prohibitive if you're growing hydroponically, have a butt load of plants or too many prying eyes. You can't beat natural sunlight. If you can, give it a try.
It’s normally from to strong of lighting, cold wind blowing on them to long and or having to much moisture on the leaves.
Don’t spray them and let your soil dry up some and try to keep fans off of them a little…
Try getting humidity down to 55% and temps at 65 to 70. That should help
Strain - Was told Acapulco Gold - gifted to me.
# of Plants - 6
Grow Type - Soil - Happy Frog
Grow Stage - Vegetative 5 weeks old
Bucket Size - 3 Gallon
Lights - (4) 100 Watt CFLs
small desk fan oscillating on a wire randomly under own propulsion
Nutrients - none
Medium - soil Happy Frog organic straight from bag
soil PH - 6.7
RH - 15% to 55%
Room Temperature -70 to 84 F
Solution Temperature - room temp tank water PH 6.7 gently agitated to expell unwanted Chlorimine etc.
Room Square Footage - 12 sqft - shower
Pests - None Known

Problem: leave serrated edges are curling inward

Transplanted these 1 week ago into 3 gal pots filled with Happy Frog organic - no other mix added. The old 6 inch pots were FFOF mixed with vermiculite and some other white rocky substance. The plants were root bound so they had to be transplanted. I chose Happy Frog based neighbors experience and info learned here at this site. I have read the entire book Indoor Marijuana Horticulture 1993 printing by Jorges Cervantes front to back. And, I have helped grow for some one while they were out of town for 6 weeks and was able overcome several issues encountered. This is my first grow in my 2nd floor shower, until I complete the veg and bloom rooms in the basement.

Within 2 days the plant leaves started to curl. I was not alarmed as I figured transplanting and into different soil may cause a shock pf some sort. All the plants are still showing the same issue and I can't find answers with pics.

The baffling thing is it looks like a humidity problem so Increased humidity with dripping towels and dripping water from faucet for several days now and no real improvement. The plants are growing well, many new nodes all over new leafs etc. but the issue is still creeping all around on new leafs each day. I have turned off a lamp and stopped the fan to keep humidity up. I manually open and close doors every couple hours and toggle fan on and off for new air. The most drastic step i have made is misting the leaves once a day.

Some ideas and answers would be appreciated, thank for your time.
I have photos below.

I'm guessing it's a problem that a lot of growers have but nobody has an answer for or a cure. If any of y'all had and survived it let me know is it worth devoting the time and effort on this plant or will it just get worse as time goes on and peter out and produce little or nothing of any value.
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