Leaves curling/cupping, too much light?


New Member
Hey guys, here's the basics.

What Strain is it? OG Kush & Headband
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Hybrid, unsure
How Many Plants? 52
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? Veg
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long? 36 days
If in Flowering Stage... How Long?
Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Hydro
If Hydro, Reservoir size? 100 gallons per table
If Hydro, Reservoir Temperature? 65-68 farenheit
If Hydro, what type of Medium? Hydroton
If Hydro, what type of Setup? Flood & Drain
If Soil... What is in your Mix?
If Soil... What Size Pot?
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? 2x 1000W HPS on one table.. then 4x 800W Advanced LED on two other tables. 3 tables total 2 lights per table.
Is it Air Cooled? Yes
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 65-75 farenheight
RH of Room/Cabinet? 50%
PH of Medium or Reservoir? Three reservoirs sitting at 5.8,5.6,5.5
Any Pests? No
How Often are you Watering? 2x per day for 3mins each time
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? H&G full line at ~1/2 strength of week 1 430PPM/CF9
Size or Square Footage of Room? 10'x20'

I have these leaf curl issues... my neighbor and I think it's them shying away from overly intense lights. Any other ideas?



looks like a little to much light, try raising your light a tab bit to see it the leaves straighten out, also it could be a little too much fertilizer. cut back just a bit on your ferts. My best guess would be to raise your light some
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