Is this root rot? (DWC, omg pics)


New Member
Hey there,
This is my first DWC setup.


They are 17 days old now, their 9th day in the bubbler. PH is at 5,5. I hadn't measured the ppm for a couple of days and it had tropped from 280 to around 70, so I raised it to 490 to see how that goes.
But that's not my problem. I believe there might be root rot developing, but not sure, so here are a couple of pics:



Might that be root rot developing right below the pots there? And what can I do to fix it?

Bonus pics comparing today and a week ago, massive growth. You can see I topped them two days ago.

Are you using organic nutes ? If so thats the color your seeing if not ...well I don't have that knowledge.. But someone here does and I'm sure will be here shortly !!
Hmmm... hard to say this early. What nutes ?

Hows the smell ?? When all else fails, do the smell test ! Root rot stinks. Any "bad" funk in the res usually gives off a nasty odor.

Can you feel any of the brown "stuff" ? is it more slimy/icky ? Or hard and sand/gritty like ??

Plants seem to be growing great.

What temps ? You know the temps in the res by chance ?

When was the last full drain and replenish ?
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