Need some opinions on slight fungus issue - pics

Howdy ya'll. This is my first time growing cannabis and I live in a coastal climate and am totally at the mercy of mother nature. It is obviously humid all the time, and there is much salt in the air. Although my baby has been flourishing quite nicely. She is a strong,tall, and healthy plant at the moment, and it is about day 90 of her outdoor life cycle.

Aside from a nutrient burned leaf or two that I've plucked, I'm coming to realize that mold/fungus is going to be my worst enemy in this situation. About a week ago I noticed some black/gray mold ground completely around the joint that connects a nice branch, and the main stalk itself. My first instinct was to immediately remove the fungus, but did not think about it. I removed it with a stick, and knew that they would probably just grow right back with the humidity, or worse fly through the air and infect upper levels of the plant. Here are pics of after that.

I've been checking on it, and the gray mold was trying to grow back in this localized area. I have been spraying this substance on that localized area, hoping for improvement....

Just this morning I noticed a growth of a white mold now ( not gray ), I applied some more Fung-onil. Note that there is some pretty good air circulation at its position. My question now is if it would be ok to use Pruning Sealer as an extra layer of protection.

Any input would be appreciated, as this issue is probably the largest threat towards my percent yield. Also, I know that a healthy, and strong plant are the best defenses towards battling infection of fungal diseases. Atleast I have some hope....RoorRip
Re: Need some opinions on slight fungus issue ( pics )

That My Friend, Looks for all the World like Stem Rot, Bad,BAD, BAD Stuff. Most plants that get this, do not survive, I am sorry to say. The only thing I can suggest is giving it a good dousing of hydrogen Peroxide, Do not cover it up, as it will stay moist, and You Def do not want that!!! I would even apply some alcohol as well(70% Isopropyl) and keep it dry as possible!!! This happens a lot from over watering, or water getting into areas where it cannot Dry itself out!!! So if You are watering every day, or every other day ETC., Stop Now!!! You need to only water when the plant is telling You, Hey I am Thirsty, Please Water Me. Plants should go through a Wet then be let to Dry out until they need Water again!!! Never water Because you feel like It, only when they feel like it, or need it!!! I am not trying to discourage you, but if that is stem rot, I would say that like 80% of the Plants just DIE, unless you got to it Quick, and do the things I mentioned, remember do not cover it up!!! It needs the air to dry out if it is not too late already. I have seen BIG Beautiful Plants, Die in 3 days time from this!!! No BS. By the Third day, they are all withered and dried up, the Tops usually go first. Get on this right away!!! The simple methods have always worked best for Me, because if Alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide do not work, I am not sure if anything will, so there is no point going out and spending lots of Money on a Plant that has probably had it anyways. Even if You can get it to go away, the Plant will never be the same, or at least in My experiences!!!:straightface: If it survives GREAT, and even if it does not, You learned something new(I KNOW, WHO CARES RIGHT,WHEN YOU LOSE ONE OF YOUR BABIES) but at least now You know what You should and should not do as far as watering goes, and have learned what to look for in case of Stem Rot!!!:high-five: I am here with/for You Relaxed Lee. Fell Free to ask any Questions YOU NEED TO ASK, If I Do NOT KNOW, I Can Sure As Hell Find Someone That Does!!!:hmmm: Take Care. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Re: Need some opinions on slight fungus issue ( pics )

Thanks for such a detailed, and thoughtful response James. I will most definitely stop watering to a minimum of once a week. The plant is actually quite healthy, especially toward the top portions, so I do have hope and confidence she will fight strong until the end. Whats your opinion on using the Fung-onil? And would the pruning sealant be a good / bad idea? If I add hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, won't it only effect things in terms of short-term growth? And how would you "apply" it?

Also, I'm not sure it is actual full-on stem rot, I thought it was more of a case of isolated mold-build up just on that specific location. BTW I'm like 2 mins from the beach!
Re: Need some opinions on slight fungus issue ( pics )

were u talking about the woody looking part, or all those little bumps? I thought/think all those little bumpy lookin things are normal, but idk i guess. i applied some 99% isopropyl alcohol to the infected part. Thanks again for everything! I hope she survives :Namaste:
Re: Need some opinions on slight fungus issue ( pics )

Relaxed Lee, put the Peroxide on By placing a Napkin under where You want to apply it, Pour it on and into the rotted area, the Napkin is there so it soaks up the runoff, so it does not run all the way down Your stem, to where it is not needed. With the alcohol,apply the same way, and dab it dry. no i would not put any sealant on it, that is part of the problem, that area stays to damp, thereby causing your Rot/Mold, they are the same thing basically. Fung-onil, I have no idea about, never used it, but that does not mean it will or will not work. What type of (WAIT A MINUTE) Fung-onil is for Fungus not Mold, I suppose Stem Rot could be a Fungus, I have always heard it referred to as a mold though?!? Just stick to what I told you, and if You are lucky, and it is not a bad case of stem rot, everything I have suggested should work just fine, even for just MOLD or EVEN FUNGUS. But Stem Rot gets inside the Plant, that is why it is so hard to get rid of, and if it is Stem Rot, your picture looks like a pretty advanced case, keep your fingers crossed, do what I suggested, and maybe we can save your plant. But get to it ASAP, if you have any hope of saving your Plant!!! Lets hope it is not stem rot, if it is just mold, we should be able to lick it. Like I said, if it is Stem Rot, about 80% of the Plants I have seen with it Perish, or are never the same. I am not trying to scare you,just relating to You what I have seen happen many, many times. I HOPE YOU DO NOT HAVE STEM ROT!!! If You want to ask any more questions, just ask, I will answer them truthfully, or try to find the right answer if I do not know. Living at the Beach is HARD to grow nice Plants, so you are already ahead of the game in my eyes. I grew up on the beach, and would never want to Grow Outside there, Fog,Dampness every Morning, bits and pieces of sunshine, in My mind, You have some of the nicest Plants I have ever seen Grown at the Beach, or on the Coast. I hope I have helped Relaxed Lee!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
Re: Need some opinions on slight fungus issue ( pics )

All those little Brown Spots are Normal, for a stem that is starting to get woody. What is not Normal is the diseased looking area underneath the limb, and into the stem. 99% should be alright as well, I usually use 70%, but I live in a drier area. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Re: Need some opinions on slight fungus issue ( pics )

Thanks James, I applied everything, now is just a waiting game. Also, I managed to do what you said not to, LOL, which was allowed a drop of H2O2 to drop down the stem just like u said, =(, i don't think it'll do much considering it breaks down to water and oxygen rather quickly. I suspect that the fungal spores may have came from a bag of Kellogg's Mulch. It was not smart to use it as mulch because when I bought the bag 6 months ago there were some mushrooms growing inside the bag even before I opened it. But I think everything is going to be okay. Thanks again for such good, and speedy advice. Your the man!:thumb:
Re: Need some opinions on slight fungus issue ( pics )

Although I do agree with James posts .. I'm suspect on using 100% Hydrogen Peroxide, Bleach it is a very strong alkali ..a 30% solution at most is what I'd use, don't forget to wash down your gear and grow space, for that I do recommend a 5% solution of bleach and hot water, see if you can improve ventilation somehow.

V may be right in some cases,but Stem Rot requires drastic Measures, keep it at full Strength!!! And even if it is not Stem Rot, Full Strength will still be just fine for it, Remember, it is a WEED, not a Petunia!!!:blushsmile: No offense V, I know You mean well, but I know what I am talking about, had to do this very same thing so many Times, I cannot count all of them(MY OLDER GROWS,FAMILIES GROWS, MY TEACHERS OUR/HIS GROWS, FRIENDS and just People I have Heard talking about it), not being a DICK, just telling the truth. Jimmy the part on your stem that looks like Dead Wood,is the problem area(I THINK YOU KNOW THAT ALREADY!!!),:high-five: the spotty woody colored Growth on Your Main Stem, is just how Your Stems look after the Plant starts to age. As it gets older, the entire Stem will start to look like this all over, will not bend, but break, and is a natural occurence in all mature cannabis Plants, so NO WORRIES!!!:) It actually, if allowed to get big and old enough, will look just like a small tree trunk, when it finishes!!! Take Care Friend, Hectic,Hectic Day!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
My opinion is that its not a stem rot, I think it may been a bit over-watered, BUT I think this WAS a case of isolated mold. I Believe this build up was mainly due to a week of monsoonal warm moisture ( + by the beach ) which persisted for 1 week and went unnoticed. The price of it going unnoticed is this. Although, isolated mold build up ( mold IS a fungus ) would be a little bit better of a scenario than full stem rot!! So I do have a lot of hope, considering she is looking mighty healthy set aside this, I have reason to believe she has a decent immunity, also considering the genetics are hardy. , I had been applying the Fung-onil about ~2 applications ( because mold is a fungus ). Then I posted this thread, then James was the first to respond. That is when I applied a a dousing of 99% isopropyl alcohol, followed by Iso. Pr. alcohol saturated Q-tip swabbings on the infected area. I waited a while for it to evaporate. Then later I applied a dousing of 3% hydrogen peroxide (you may not agree on the concentration). After I dabbed it dry with a paper towel, got a little gunk/dirt off. Then applied a final dousing / Q-tip swabbing with the 99% iso PrOH.

So far has been staying dry in that area, even though its been humid, and actually may be looking better. I think these topical applications are going to be successful, and I have a lot of hope for the beauty. Thanks again! Be well :thankyou:
You are right i believe, maybe Fungus is a Mold or Vice a Versa, I am so glad the topicals seem to be working. I understand your hesitation about applying at full strength, but if it is, would have been Stem-Rot, You would have wanted Full-Strength, Hopefully, and it sounds like it, It was not:high-five:!!! Just keep on eye on the area, because it is damaged there now, and You may, I say May have to keep Doctoring it through out the Grow, just to be sure nothing else develops, and keep it DRY, As I KNOW YOU KNOW!!! Growing on the Beach Lee is one of the hardest places to Grow, I tip My hat to You Sir, again and again!!! The real problems will start when she Buds, Botrytis Loves Buds as much as We do!!! Been in the ER all day with My Wife,6-8 Hours of Hell. I am bushed as hell!!! Take care friend!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
James, thank you for your knowledgable expertise in this. I know I can rely on you in case of emergency. Also, thanks for the kudos! Much love! I hope the precious buds do not get mold ! I feel you , I've been at the airport in New York dealing with 6 hours of bullshit! Hectic crap.

Best of luck, Lee.
Sorry for getting back to you SO LATE!!! Been with My Wife all day, too hectic to respond. I do not Care for NY, or Airports, bad Food(AT AIRPORTS) usually, and boring as HELL. Your probably outta there by now, I hope so:high-five:!!! Lets talk soon My Friend Lee!!! Take care, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
No worries my man, I hope that all is well with your wife, and family. And thankfully I am out of there, airport drama is no bueno! IT is nice to experience cannabis from other parts of the world ( I know this is not INDIA) BUT, for a place that has inept at producing decent cannabis, has evolved and flourished into a "lonely but booming" society. CALI ------> NY ------> MAINE ( with a box around it ). Maine is a beautiful land. The air is fresh, its just not year round growin climate.
Yea i've heard of that , I'd rather use hydrogen peroxide and 99% isopropyl alcohol to be honest. Just my opinion though. Luckily the issue from this thread never caused any serious problems =)

Lol, but your torch would definitely incinerate the issue!

Happy Growin!
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