Our Ongoing Grows

Yes GodSpeed. I get boried with my longer threads. Sometimes it seems I been posting threads longer than I can rememeber. Here there and yonder. I use to be on another big site well was big in it's day, called Overgrow. Scary thing there. Fed's grabed OverGrow's H-Drives and alot of people were worried. All them fools lined up showing up to date pic's of thier grows. Well then didn't take a rocket scienctist to see the bigger producers and their ISP numbers. I wondered afew times if they wood knock at my door. I've always been VERY outrite with my position on weed, hense all the pic's with my face in it, and landmarks. But back then I was living back in Mo. 3 hours south of St Louis. And them people STILL have LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE on the books for growing some large ass number of plants. But even 1st degree murder can have parole. Now thats sad. Hey anyone out there from Mo.??? Or there bout? I hear Columbia passed CITY over STATE in favor of something good. I thing I need to reread what I'm babbleing about. But Columbia is in the forfront in Mo for MMJ. The Mayor claims Herb's help his ailments. Hey do I hear the phase STATES RIGHTS. Wow my Great Grand Father, Nathan Beauford Forrest, fought for states rites awhile back. Maybe for the wrong reasons, but the Civil War was to be fought regardless.,,, BUT the message is still the same. We as a state, know whats best for us. Well that's abit deeper than I care to go,,,,,,,,,
Yes this is going to be another one of then threads. I wondeer alot, how many trips I've been involed with in the last 36 years. I know me and my Bro 'Wolfman' use to grow up top of Altamont Pass over in the Bay Area. We had a barn on top of some hills surrounded by WindMills. We had placed those fiberglass pannels 'white' on the roof of the barn, with yellow one's on the walls that you can see from ground level. Anyways it worked great for afew years. But the last 15 years Indoor Growing has been the thing. Now hell you can get a harvest evey week if ya time all rite. Man that's alot of harvests..............................
OK now this journal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think we all know what's going on here from my last thread BJ's Place. I think new threads shake it up more than a longer winded one. This journal is going to be left over's from last one and a new one coming. I'm still figguring out what I want in it. But I can handel 10 plants easy. Funny thing about how fast this plant is, 'Vantage' but I know I want some in my next, maybe 6 even. But as fast,,,, here is her cuttings I took on the 30th;

Thats what 9 days? These was just dipped in Vita Grow and stuffed in a rapid rooter cube and set up to root. Temps were kept about 78 degree in a flat with a dome. I have the vents wide open. I think I took 9 cuttings and looks like 100% return on them. Not that I want all them.............. 4-6 max vantage. I have atleast 4 others going that are going to deserve that HPS lites. I've heard of Yumbolt herbs before, but add some AK-47 to it and it could get crazy. Bunch of NorCal Hippies running around with 762 machine guns kind of makes wonder where I'm going with this. BRB Bong Time,,,,,,,,,,,,
Wow that's a shocker would be devistating to say the least if 420 went down that route, I trust 420 and I'm sure he's covered all possible flaws to insure we are ion safe hands. Always happy to get to go on board earlie I will be fastening my belt and enjoying the ride!
Lol I'm kinda new to the whole grow scene I planted my first bean 3 years ago and been obsessed ever since, it's strange because iv learned more in the last 6 months then the whole time iv been growing. I'm just trying to put what iv learned to paper now, I'm hoping 2012 will be a fantastic growing year for me, i will be using several diffrent systems to find were I'm comfortable, in an ideal world outside is my dream!

WOW that was a good hit. This Bubble hash add a nice taste.
And GodSpeed, it gets better every grow. After you survive your first '?' mite infection and then the bud rot that sneaks into the main cola unnoticed, on your plant. You always learn. But it always gets better and better. Remember its a weed. It 'could' survive very nicely without mans help. Survives better with. These last 35 years man's improved MMJ to the point where most top shelf pot is like the hash of then. One thing I will tell everyone thats new to growing, don't let it get outta had. You can NEVER have enough space or light. It always starts with a closet, pretty soon it's the bedroom, then the whole basement, and greenhouse,then a 'room addition?'.
One thing I always do wrong, is buy a smaller lite. Then see I really needed the larger.If you think you need a 400 watts, but you can handle the heat from a 600, then get the 600.
I have been staring at this mix from Buddha Seed. 10 fem auto's in a mix pack for 35 euros. Makes my mouth water but then Marijuana is a very photogenic flower. But it's a good looking turn around. Flip all 10 at once with plenty of root room. Alot of the auto flowering strains are yielding, and some good product. I know I did a White Siberian Auto that gave me 4 Oz's. Might be the answer to my PM problems I get around the end of Sept. I could time them to finish the 1st, and beat the problem. Of course I wood rather grow a larger plant. Hopefully this Berkley strain has some truth. 35 days. Man that fast you could watch it fill in.
Well nothing new on the home front. I'm fixing to make a weak fert for the clones. My seedlings are shivering in the garage waiting for their chance in the flower room. Cold weather is a major cause of stress. But acouple weeks inside and they will straighten rite up. Wellllllllllllllllll I shall return Keepem Green
WOW that was a good hit. This Bubble hash add a nice taste.
And GodSpeed, it gets better every grow. After you survive your first '?' mite infection and then the bud rot that sneaks into the main cola unnoticed, on your plant. You always learn. But it always gets better and better. Remember its a weed. It 'could' survive very nicely without mans help. Survives better with. These last 35 years man's improved MMJ to the point where most top shelf pot is like the hash of then. One thing I will tell everyone thats new to growing, don't let it get outta had. You can NEVER have enough space or light. It always starts with a closet, pretty soon it's the bedroom, then the whole basement, and greenhouse,then a 'room addition?'.
One thing I always do wrong, is buy a smaller lite. Then see I really needed the larger.If you think you need a 400 watts, but you can handle the heat from a 600, then get the 600.
I have been staring at this mix from Buddha Seed. 10 fem auto's in a mix pack for 35 euros. Makes my mouth water but then Marijuana is a very photogenic flower. But it's a good looking turn around. Flip all 10 at once with plenty of root room. Alot of the auto flowering strains are yielding, and some good product. I know I did a White Siberian Auto that gave me 4 Oz's. Might be the answer to my PM problems I get around the end of Sept. I could time them to finish the 1st, and beat the problem. Of course I wood rather grow a larger plant. Hopefully this Berkley strain has some truth. 35 days. Man that fast you could watch it fill in.
Well nothing new on the home front. I'm fixing to make a weak fert for the clones. My seedlings are shivering in the garage waiting for their chance in the flower room. Cold weather is a major cause of stress. But acouple weeks inside and they will straighten rite up. Wellllllllllllllllll I shall return Keepem Green

Ha ah love the bubble hash im more then familiar with that :) i have some matter in the freezer from last harvest, will be making this next weekend. I had a friend come around last night wearing a holloween mask, he was stood looking through my window when i walking into my lounge, i almost had to change my underwear boy my pals are pranksters! Anyways.. he brought some dry sift with him and smelt like heaven, lip licking:yummy:, almost put me in a coma i promise there was enough dribble to water my girls. :surrender: I didnt think it was possible to get a smoke so clean through keif, i almost lost it through the gorse bubbled like mad im now in 2 mind to what is better my bags or this sift...:hmmmm:

I try to keep things simple and keep it restricted to a size i am comfortable with, this time round i will be expanding slightly in the past max iv run is dual 400w and i was a bit worried about that but i think that was the full melts fault, this time around i will be running a 600w + 400w, veg room will be some T5's. comfortable with this aslong as temps are kept down things should be smooth sailing, just gota focus on getting these girls healthy and producing big dense flowers! Never grown auto's before this year is the first year im growing a regular and tbh think i will be buying reg's from now on, seems there is more fun to be had :cheer:

Still havnt battled any spider mite i guess im lucky, have had a sworm of fungas gnats tho dam things get into every nook and cranny, fingers crossed i wont have to deal with any more in the future!

Keep it green Woody pop back soon. :peace:
Cool I know ya'll know alot more than me. It did make me wonder. Mo. has some real stiff laws. But even if 'I' got in trouble by posting pot pic's BFD, I can say I've been in trouble for less important things. Whew hope I never have to prove that.......... I hope, but look at Marc. But I got faith. And I'm with it all the way. Till the wheels fall off then grease the hubs up. Thanks alot there 420. I know ya'll are savvy with the legal aspects. Keep Us all Green please. I'm more than happy to do anything to show my support of MMJ. I consider myself a good person and I always tell everyone I smoke MMJ. Back then, '1975?' it was important to me to show the 'older generation' that all potheads weren't worthless. I was a General Contractor back then, and Of course I usually waited till I was close to a check before I informed them I was. It was kind of a public relationship thing. Well sad thing is I'm still worthless. Least that what I'm told. JK I hope.
Well not much going on here as far as this grow. The clones are putting out some roots. And the others are still cold outside. I'm lagging on them. I planted to early. So I need to lag these plants they are going to hurry the ones have have in flowering from the grow I have in there now. Bad planing on my behalf. But I think it will work fine. I'll just top these out a extra week in veg. Makes for larger plants anyhow.

So far here's what's going down on this grow;
So far,
3 Cripit's regular 'to be sexed and is a future mother plant'
1 Yumbolt-47 fem
1 Swiss Cheese fem
1 Tangerine Dream fem
1 White Widow fem
1 Smile fem
1 #1 Skunk fem
4-6 Vantages fem
Should round out my hopes for this journal's grow. I know I'll have to cull a plant or two for the sake of space. But that's whats on the plate for the near future.
Keepem Green
Plenty of room OG. More the merrier. Well things are starting to veg out here. The clones Well I transplanted 5 tonite. And topped out the Cripits. They are growing slow because the cold. But I need time anyways. Here's acouple of them;

They even look cold. But these are going to be in this grow. Along side of these clones of Vantage;

At the time of this pic these are like 9 days old. They never even slowed down really.
I also have a Swiss Cheese going. She's cold also;

Here's another going in here is called Tangerine Dream;

Here's one I don't know if I mentioned. It's a White Widow;

There is 2 more I have up. One's a Skunk, and the other is a Yumbolt-47. She is atad pale. I don't think its from low nitrogen but start a effect of the cold. I guess I can leave lites on 24/7 till flower. I really like some kind of dark cycle tho. My mentor always stressed that plant grow when they sleep. They need a dark cycle to regenerate. Well nothing else new from here. I think I need a bong and no telling when I'll be back, seeing how I got some of this to sprinkle across it.

Well till laters thanks for dropping in and Keepem Green
Hey Lord, I understand the worry. People even myself post faces and landmarks. I always worry some punk kid is going to see my pic's and recognize my home and know exactly what I have in the yard. They could watch and wait to see when I say I'm going to harvest, and do it for me.......' Knock on Wood' it hasn't happened here. I imagine after Overgrow got got, people learned how to protect us for fed's.
I understand not wanting to post pic's till they look good, but you do have to start somewhere. Most start like this;
Well here's a first with this vendor's genetics. Outfit called Kannabia and it's called simply Smile. Shes suppose have Yumbolt in it. She was a slow starter and did turn alittle yellow until I transplanted her;

She's in this thread here along with this youngster. I know this use to be a staple in everyones garden. I grew some outside last year. But it was one that was sacrificed to the 'Pot God's'. This is White Widow;

And here's some Sensie Seed's #1 Skunk;

Well when I put the Iced Grapefruit in flower in my other thread, I took one cutting from her. She was hard to clone for sure. Took afew weeks to get roots but sure is one sweet stout plant. Well depending on how good the one in flower does as too if I keep this strain going. She's got the satvia look. And the weed smells like diesel fuel;

Well thats afew of them. I have the Vantage clones also. So it's going to be a good size flip over in this thread. Well here's a peek in the veg room. First off it's a 4X4 tent, with 600 watt MH Lite. Soil is as a rule Black Gold with afew amendments, 'blood, bone meals, worm castings, and some Mycro's from Xtreme Gardening' and perlite added. Temps are on the cool side but I decided to kick the lites on 24/7 for the heat issues. Well here's what I have going so far;

and the larger kids;

I plan on taking atleast one cutting off each of strains I put in flower. You never know till ya grow. I lost count of how many plants I've grown and kicked myself in the ass for not getting a clone.
Well I want to thank all for taking a peek and seeing whats up. Here is always the SSDD Keepem Green
Hey Lord, I understand the worry. People even myself post faces and landmarks. I always worry some punk kid is going to see my pic's and recognize my home and know exactly what I have in the yard. They could watch and wait to see when I say I'm going to harvest, and do it for me.......' Knock on Wood' it hasn't happened here. I imagine after Overgrow got got, people learned how to protect us for fed's.
I understand not wanting to post pic's till they look good, but you do have to start somewhere.

Yeah your right I guess. I am so glad to have this forum, I have learned 20 years of growing in just a few short weeks lol. Just think of how hard it was back in the day before the web. Thanks for sharing your girls with us man, they look kick ass and I wish I was there when you fired em up. :welldone:
Hey miwa, Welcome. I see Midwest. I just moved from that neck of the woods. Southern ILL, and Missery. I almost got flooded out afew years back. And here I move to Oregon and the next year the river did crest out the flood walls along the Miss River And OG I'm a trying.
Well hope everyone is doing great out there. I know my plants are doing their thing. Clones. Well 2 of them are alittle slower than the rest, but most them didn't miss a lick of growing during while rooting. Here they are I moved them to the 2X2 tent with a 250 watt MH;

I plan on using the 4 most uniformed plants for my flower room. The flower room works real great for 8 plants, but I can flip 12 in a pinch. I also have a Swiss Cheese and a Yumbolt 47. They are going to love the room. One old phase I always heard,,,,,,,,,,,, Marijuana will fill any alloted space. Roots and Lite make for a big plant. Well these got a ways to go. I want to get at least one clone from each, then if it works I'll have it. If it don't well I have a garbage can. Anyway here's them's;

They just got a dose of full fert's. Well I need to run.. Keep em Green
Oppps hey there Jdub. Welcome on board. One thing bout my thread, is they are slow paced. Just like me. I don't hurry. But anyone ever need help that I may be able to help with, ask. One nice thing bout this site, is that there is alot of knowledge out there. If man devoted as much to the production of say wheat, We wood end world hunger.
Pot grows have improved their products immensely. THC levels use to be like 10% 'as a guess' to now, some go to 30%. Insane. Well welcome and hang in and we'll see some buddage. Keepem Green
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