Help! 1st medical MJ plants are ready flowering stage and look sick!


New Member
Hello out there Twinkie here :roorrip: my medical marijuana plants are ready to switch from veggie growth to flowering stage. I need a flowering light and was wondering what wattage should i use (i have a 400 watt balisk). Also how many hours each day should the light be on. Like 12 on 12 off 16 on 8 off what is best. I am using organic teas which ones do i use now. there are so many you can spend a fortune getting the right product. But i want to try and get as little effecting the taste of the bud as i can should i flush it before i switch over? also is there anything i can add to help produce as many flowers as possible. does it look like i might have more problems i have sprayed for powdery mildew then for mites and thripSo i assume it is unhealthy from all that but i was thinking nutrient problem anyway any help or suggestions please please please help!

i would stop dumping nutrients and teas into the soil when you have problems. The plant doesn't need much to grow and it looks like you have a ph problem. What is the ph of your solution when you feed and the runoff? it should be around 6.3-6.8 to ensure all nutrients are available to the roots.

Depending on your feeding schedule, you may need to flush with some ph'd water and get everything out of the soil so the plant can recover. I wouldn't start flowering until you get the problem under control so the plant isn't stressing out.

for vegging, you want at least 16hrs of light per day, when you do start flowering, you need 12hrs per day for the rest of the cycle.
Thanx for all the input my ph is running about 7.4 to 7.5 i am on well water an i let it sit out for a day or so to let chlorine and metels evaporate. I am using earth juice organic tea and lighting wash for the mites i had. I will get some ph down to help i think it is a nutrient problem now also. TWINKIE:thanks:
Thanx for all the input my ph is running about 7.4 to 7.5 i am on well water an i let it sit out for a day or so to let chlorine and metels evaporate. I am using earth juice organic tea and lighting wash for the mites i had. I will get some ph down to help i think it is a nutrient problem now also. TWINKIE:thanks:

Well water has chlorine???????????????? Where does it come from?
i buy water from grocery store you know the ones outside the store they run the water thru RO system takes out all the TDS out of the water the PH is high you will have to lower the PH.Its does lok like you have a PH problem
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