Why is my Cannabis plant so small?


New Member
Hey everybody, my name is Brian. New grower

So I ordered some seeds from herbies head shop. Heard that was a trusted site. Strain is Greenhouse Cheese. Details said yield should be around 800gr per plant with flowering starting late September early October. I planted her in April so its been about 4 months.

Tomorrow being the first of August it does not look anywhere near ready. Can somebody help me out?

Have it in Organic soil growing outdoors.
Re: Why is my cannabis plant so small

Hello mate :thumb:
What happened to all the big fan leafs?????
I've grown GHS Cheese and it sure is a great yielder, mine didn't look anything like that though. It grew big and bushy with a little training. What are your night time temps like??? Cold will hinder its growth and also when did you pot up last, have the roots filled out that pot??? If so that could slow growth down. Good luck with her bboy, RR...
Re: Why is my cannabis plant so small

Hey man thanks for response. Ummm ya I'm really not sure whats going on. I just recently transplanted It thinking it would do better but no luck. I'm in Cali so temps are perfect I believe. Definitely not too cold. Its growing veeery slow and leaves always died before they got big, its just not where its suppose to be in this stage. The only problem I had was a minor insect problem. But ya idk. I'm using very simple and organic grow technique. Water, organic soil and sun.
How much sun is it getting? That's going to have an impact on the size of your plant. Also, the strain is important but each strain has different sub types (called something like phenotypes, not sure of the spelling) and you may have gotten a runt. I sprouted three seeds of two different strains for a total of six seeds and one of them was really spindley and another was pretty short, and it still is the shortest of the bunch by quite a bit.
I would ask about growing conditions like the type of soil, watering schedule, nutrients, etc.. but I don't think they would have that great of an impact on the overall size of your baby.
Hey Elious.. that makes sense because everything seems to be right. Its in a spot where sun hits it from morning to night with good organic soil. Watering isn't too much nor too little. I got 3 seeds so around this time next year I'm going to plant the other 2 and then some and see how things go. This is my first plant so I just gotta keep practicing :) thank you guys for the info and advice :thumb::cool:
hi, can you please provide more info such as
nutrients and how often as their may be something not rite as something seems off,

ive only purchased from herbies and only had 1 issue, i had a fem seed that turned out male, i told herbie it was not of souvineer quality and he sent me 2 free femenised seeds of the same strain in my next order, so cant fault herbies customer service or low prices and his free seed offer is one of the best out their,

so lets look at the plant and see how it can be improved, have you been removing leaves or anything else to try and train it,
Hey everybody, my name is Brian. New grower

So I ordered some seeds from herbies head shop. Heard that was a trusted site. Strain is Greenhouse Cheese. Details said yield should be around 800gr per plant with flowering starting late September early October. I planted her in April so its been about 4 months.

Tomorrow being the first of August it does not look anywhere near ready. Can somebody help me out?

Have it in Organic soil growing outdoors.

It looks as if you are growing in seed starter soil and havent added any nutes.
While the seed starter soil is great for seedlings.....its nutrition gets used up rather quickly by a healthy growing plant.
Also there is usually very little perlite and/or vermerculite in it.........you need a rather large ratio of these elements to provide a light and airy texture to the soil so that your roots get plenty of O2..... and it also provides better soil drainage so that over watering is less of a problem.
Its probably too late in the game to transplant her now........so I would just use a very mild low dose of flowering nutes (not miracle grow!) and hope for the best.
Maybe look up the recipe for compost tea and give that a try......its mild and it shouldnt harm an immature plant.
Best of luck:goodluck:
Re: Why is my cannabis plant so small

What kind of light and how much are you using? What is your nute program?

That is pretty much the burning question :thumb:
Hey guys I really appreciate all the help. This is my first plant so I am still learning all the tricks and needs for the plant. I read your your take on this and decided to go purchase a PH testing kit. You guys are going to think im dumb but the problem (very big problem) was all it was feeding off of was straight organic soil in which it only contains nitrogen and potassium. I added magnesium, zinc, and iron and within 4 days that baby BLEW up! As it should. Ill be posting more pictures at the end of the month to show you guys how shes doing. Really appreciate you guys taking the time to read my post and comments and taking the time to help me out.

This is only the beginning! :thumb::thanks::MoreNutes:
Re: Why is my cannabis plant so small

What kind of light and how much are you using? What is your nute program?

Hey guys I really appreciate all the help. This is my first plant so I am still learning all the tricks and needs for the plant. So I have figured out the problem and you guys will probably think im stupid but im a noobie so all I can do is learn. Its growing outdoors in a spot where sun hits it from morning to night, really no better spot. Plus im in CA so weather is perfect. So I went out and purchased a PH testing kit. Found out the problem (which was a very big problem)... Ive kept this plant in Organic soil and added nothing as far as nutes. Organic soil containing only Nitrogen and Potassium. After checking the PH and did some research, found out I needed to add Magnesium, Zinc, and Iron. Within 4 days this baby BLEW up! As it should.

Thank you guys for taking the time to read my comments and post and help me out. Ill be posting pictures at the end of this month to let you know how shes doing. Hopefully its not to late for her to grow to her full potential. She does have a little more than a month.

This is only the beginning! :thumb::thanks::MoreNutes:
I have a similar problem. My 2 plants are getting lots and lots of sunlight, look nice and green, but they are teeny tiny, no more than 10-15cm high! They have buds, also tiny, but it looks to me like they may be ready to harvest! Is that likely? It hardly seems worth the bother to be honest, the plants are so small. I'd love to know what I've done wrong...
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