420 Magazine Photo of the Month: March 2018


We want to showcase and celebrate the very best photographs of our beloved plant, Cannabis. Unlike our Plant and Nug of the Month contests, this Photo of the Month contest is all about the quality of an individual photo. It is judged by the 420 Magazine staff, baseed on composition, lighting, originality and general quality.

Congratulations to Cola Monster whose photograph triumphed in this month’s contest.


Cola Monster wins a great list of prizes, thanks to our contest sponsors:

“420 Photo of the Month” title, Medium 420 Magazine Nug JarBic 420 Magazine Lighter420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Mag Stickers

GROWant Contributes To Our First Place Winner:

Crop King Seeds Contributes:

Seedsman Cannabis Seeds Contributes:

Terpinator Contributes To Our First Place Winner:

GeoPot Contributes To Our First Place Winner :

Dope Seeds Contributes:

Bomb Seeds Contributes:

Auto Seeds Contributes:

Congratulations, Cola Monster. Thank you for your great photo.