taylor I just wanted to thank you for posting the nute dificincey chart. I copied it an put it in a blog.
thanks to you I have helped quite a few folks here at
Hey old friend! Just wanted to stop in and say high. You were always very helpful and showed me tons of support during my start up grows, just want to say thanks again. I hope all is well in your world brother. You were legendary when you were still on here, so I can only imagine where your garden's at now! I wish you peace and prosperity Stinky Mcbudz, this one is for you man.
Hi there, I have been looking over on your web page about shipping to the UK and it says it does but when i type my post code is says unable to??? would it be ok for me to pm you??? for help please.(Or if you like pm for details please) Thank you
Please keep the photos coming. You have a great eye for photography; I can tell you put some thought behind your shots. You are an inspiration to me and many others, thank you for joining and sharing your garden with the 420 world. I look forward to some of your future eye candy! Be easy Cola Monster, smoke some of that GDP for me will ya?!