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Happy Birthday Friend :party:I hope it's one of your best days ever
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Thank you very much!
You're worth it! thank you. I am watching filth city, have you seen it?? super funny, the entire season is made up of six or ten minute videos, the mayor is a fat man named Hogg, he hates "Pigs" lol
No, I haven't seen it, I'll have to look it up though..
Happy Birthday Friend :party: I hope it's one of your best, I love the Broccoli, that reminds me of the Dramm single Broccoli, thank you for that.
Happy Birthday @Canuk Seeds :party: I hope it's one of your best I hope to experience your stuff someday, I am a single plant grower type dude so it might take some time but I really like what I see on your site, :thanks:for making the @420 dream possible, you really add to the excitement factor, were all just hoping for recognition in this world, and I really appreciate that you are a part of that. Have a best day :hippy:
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