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Grow Shop Online Diosa Planta se ha consolidado como el Nº1 en precios y calidad para los cultivadores de cannabis en España. Con una amplia gama de productos, precios competitivos, asesoramiento personalizado y un firme compromiso con la satisfacción del cliente, Diosa Planta es la opción ideal para aquellos que buscan lo mejor para sus cultivos. Si estás buscando un grow shop que combine calidad, precio y un excelente servicio al cliente, Diosa Planta es sin duda la elección perfecta para llevar tu cultivo al siguiente nivel.

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(Sunday) did my flip to 12/12…..Here we go🤞🤞
She a monster, I think I enjoyed grooming (LST) my bush TO much…has bn fun shaping/manipulating my bush so much, that like a 70s porno, I let the bush get to thick :laugh:
(I bn trimming her almost everyday for weeks) Ol’ well, taming a wildly bush is just as fun
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I’ll let her start the stretch, then nip off some leads here n there tht are to crowded.
..I’m probly at most peace when im trimming/maintaining my plants :Namaste:
:welcome: 🥒Welcoming pickle for you, I like your handle, it is very unique. Hope to see you grow with us, this site is addictive in a great way, giving and getting kindness constantly feels really good. can't show off my grow and live safely anywhere else you know
Welcome @denisrobinson, I see that you are living in AUS, I wanna hear all about what, I am praying for you to get your "legalization" this year, that is exciting to hear, I envy you actually haha, and I hope that you do go straight to legalization and skip 'decriminalization" its a grey area over here in the USA mate. Talking to a new friend in AUS making me remember how badly I want a didgeridoo, remember "The Wild Thornberries"? Thank you for reminding me about that. I have lots of friends who live in your country, I hope that you have great success in your endeavors.
Velkommen @DutchThug I am excited to see some of those "Dutch Treats" that all the USA seed banks don't carry or have on a different page, when I try @Herbies Seeds it will be for the Worldwide section. I hope that life is treating you well, and Thank you for being here. Check out @420 mission statement when you have time. I did and it made me appreciate this whole thing a lot more, I hope to see you around new friend
Fancy seeing you here :welcome: 🥒 This is your welcome pickle, I hope you like it, please just don't eat it. Ihave visited your site many times when researching genetics, thank you for being here, do I sense a sponsor coming on?
Thanks for the warm welcome! We would definitely be interested in becoming a sponsor, yes! We'd also love to do some giveaways. But we also just want to engage with this awesome community!
Once again Florida shows why it's America's penis.
Well I'm also a Red Sox fan , so I'm no YANK maybe a yanker tho
Ok, you've convinced me. "Driving while black" is just the Radical Left trying to rile up black people not to vote Republican. And the Republicans are absolutely right telling black people they they were better of under Jim crow cause it let them know their place. Anyone who thinks Black people aren't treated differently on Routine traffic stops has their head up their ass. I CAN'T BREATHE ! sorry if this offend any one, an if it did to fuckin bad. if ya wanna ban me from the site so be it
Dang waking up at midnight 😕 gotta watch the babushkas now that they are packing on bud don't want any animals getting to my beautiful ladies.
Here's another one for you @HappyHazmat88 , if you like playing around in lightroom and photoshop.

I keep fussing around with Adobe Photoshops' Generative fill feature, and after many attempts at getting something believable and worthwhile, I've decided I will just stick with my own creations. They take set up time and thinking, but I am much happier with results.

First I asked generative fill to provide me with "moon and stars" in a selected area of my photo. I got a beautiful red pepper with a long stem. LOL
Then I asked generative fill to give me a waterfall in a selected area. I got a goldfish? Cute....but nothing even close to what I asked for. :laughtwo:

Adobe should rename this "Generative Surprise".

I suppose it looks like an underwater trichome reef....

Trichomes play-3.jpg
Did you mean just north of Boston or Christopher st ?
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ok now, your not with secrets police are ya ? damm I knew eventually I get caught for stealing that street sign. honestly I was a drunk stupid kid an the bolts weren't even tight. an my buddy J gave me ten fingers so he's an aclomples, crapp did i just confess
Sorry J didn't mean to throw you under the bus
Greenwich not Greenwood! Also, I brought a 4 foot long No Through Road sign back from London to California that was half off it's mount and I hope I don't get nicked for that. Your secret is safe with me. :thumb:
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