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Hey Bill👋🏻

I have a quick question If you know they answer to that i would Like to start hydroponic growing and i have 3 Inch Mesh pots. Are they big enough for the plants to grow?
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Hey @darkdragon2451 hope you are doing well my friend :high-five:
I believe they are too small unfortunately.
6 inch is standard , to hold her and the roots.
Check this thread by @gwhunran it tells you everything. :thumb:
Anything else I can help you with let me know.
hello friend, I wanted to give you my input on the seedling issue, I myself use a flexible clip on desc lamp with a 60 watt regular utility bulb, that you would be able to keep 6"-12" over your lil flowery friends, I myself grow on a hydroponic top feed, and start my seed's in soil, and transfer them when I deem ready. Hope this helps, I do it every time, no nutrients during the seedling stage, the seed actually has enough energy resources to get itself to the vegetation stage without.
Have an awesome day friend
Have been using your formula for making my own nutrients from raw salts (the one similar to Flora Nova Bloom) and it's great, thanks for all the tips especially boiling the water to improve solubility
Furthermore, wanted to know if it is possible to provide the formula for veg cycle?
Thanks in advance for the help ser
Hey, I saw youre new here, you mentioned on my friends timeline that you are also interested in making friends and making the most, I would be happy to be your friend, I like your photo too, I live in a place that there is scenery similar
Got my clones on May 1st, started transplanting on May 14th plants got 2 gallons of water everyday and super thrive for root development. June 16th upped water to 4 gallons my OG kushs identified as males so I pulled them and got more clones of Humboldt Dream planted same day. Plants started getting fish emulsion and unsulphered black molasses once a week until July 6th that's when I started cal mag feedings once a week 1 teaspoon per 2 gallons like normal. Plants are getting 6 gallons of water at this point but only 2 of the 6 gallons are nutrient mix. When it's flowering time I will update the feeding list.
Plant training was done while it was still in the red solo cup I topped at the 4th node and let recover for 2 weeks before transplanting on the 14th. Topped again on the 1st of June and stopped training for the month when I was getting sus of my og kushs. Training resumed when I got the new humboldt dream clones and all males were removed on the 16th plants got low stress training every day from then and hasn't been topped sense. Will update when I have more progress.
856 photos! Whoa! Keep growing friend, I love it, I am new to taking photos personally, I feel like they're simply never good enough to show how beautiful it truly is
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I have a lot from the past 3-4 years.... Once you start doing it daily the number climbs fast 😅.

Don't be shy let's see em :headbanger:
Hey Krusty, so you were asking about opinions on removing the fan leaves. My opinion is just remove the ones at the lower canopy, they help feed the plant the light source. Plus when the plant needs to cannibalise itself here and there, it will feed off the older leaves. If you have removed them, then it will eat whatever it has, so keep that in mind. I don't scrog but from what I've seen here at 420Mag. A lot of scrog is naked looking under the net, with a full blown canopy above the scrog. Like little naked canna chicken legs. 💚
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