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Hi Bill. Thx for follow 😎 check out my pictures if you can. Any advice for a newbie.
Hey, I’m a new member and amateur grower. I’m looking for any recommendations and advice on growing healthy plants with good buds 😎
Papa OG
Papa OG
Your in the right place! Welcome to 420! Lots on information available, and more people willing to help!

Buds Buddy
Buds Buddy
Lot's of variables in that question. Indoor or Outdoor? Size of Growing Space? If you're just doing it for personal use & it's indoor you can do it pretty cheap. Obviously, first grow costs the most due to buying equipment. But you get your money back in bud in just one grow. I usually pull a pound or more off 1 plant. That can be done in a 3x3 tent with a 200 - 250 watt light. The trick to it is to grow in a SIP (Sub Irrigation Planter) Bucket. That's pretty much how the "SIP CLUB" thread got started. I won plant of the year with it & pulled well over a pound. Once everyone seen that... Well... they all started doing it. Can't really blame them as it's such a simple way of growing that anyone can do it. As long as you LST (Low Stress Train) your branches & veg about 6 weeks.... you will pull a pound. Check out the SIP CLUB thread.
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I’m outdoor personal use. I have no idea what strain I’m growing either as the seeds were gifted to me by an old friend who is no longer around. They are happy outside and growing well 😁
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Wishing everyone a safe and spectacular 4th of July! Here in a few hours we will all be celebrating our Independence Day! A proud moment for anyone.

Our country's founding fathers had one thing in mind, stopping the injustice. We were all created equal, having the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Today I feel it means so much more than that. It gives us a moment to stop and reflect.

Remember random acts of kindness go along way. It's contagious.

This year I want to ask what Independence means to you?¿
I would be remiss not to stop by and let you know that the review you wrote on the

was incredibly well done. When they made you a reviewer they chose well, as some reviews seem to be more of a rewrite of a company's marketing info, where yours was engaging, interesting, and very informative.

I don't have a need for a Volcano Hybrid at the moment but your review almost makes me wish I did! :bravo:
Someone please explain to me how to use this website?

I'm happy to have received my hemper prize win from the NOTM win, unfortunately it arrived broken ☹️. I've done a "repair" on it to see if I can salvage the piece for use but if not it will end up being turned into a decoration.

Regardless @Hemper thanks for taking part in the contest and providing us with awesome prizes.
Damn… I really want to see the photos on page 107,230 really really bad 🥲
game 7 tonight puck drops in 1/2 hour. oilers poised to make history. it's gonna be good.
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