Your Story


New Member
Every smoker has got at least one amazing high experience where the unexpected, funny, or just crazy happened. Lets hear 'em
So, my friends and I like to roof-ride. We get on the roof of (usually my) a car and go as fast as we can through this new subdivision that has no houses or people yet. Just a long, curvey road through a field.

So much fun.

Or to be more specific, I was with my best friend (who just moved to China : ( ). And we were in this huge park, I mean huge. Hines Park, it's called. It's about a hundred miles long, haha.

So we were walking around and smoking a beautiful joint that she rolled me for my birthday when we came upon this perfectly classic grazzy knoll. Beautiful summer day, you know? Most perfect time of my life. So we're lying on our backs on the ground, with the super long grass (maybe two feet high) all around us. When I looked over at her, I could barely see her, just a little through the tall grass. We shared another couple joints. We started talking about how we're always together, and how the world revolves around us. Like one great big Movie, and we're the two leading roles. The stars of the show. We went on for a good two hours. Best time of my life, to this day.

After a few hours, she says to me "Have you been watching that guy too?". I was pretty confused, you know. I asked her who she was talking about, so she pointed to this old man with a dog, dressed in a full on tuxedo. Just standing about five or six feet away from us, staring at us, with his big, brown dog just sitting politely at his feet. "He's been here for about twenty minutes. Have you been watching him?"

The man looked so.... surreal. Just standing there. At first it was sort of awkward, but then he just turned around and walked away. With his big, brown dog loyally following him.

That was by far the best day of my life. I miss her a lot, you know? She actually almost got deported from China, after only a week. In China, cannabis is such a huge offense, you know? They drug tested her, and of course, she failed miserably.

:peace: Earth Child
I remember one time we were cleaning up our campsite, so of course we stopped to smoke a few doobies and when we were cleaning up my buddy dumped this box of usless shit on the fire; we kept on picking shit up when we heard .22 go off we looked around and I remembered we had took the guns back to the ride all ready then .22 shells just started going off so we hit the dirt like it was vietnam and hoped for the best. turns out that box he dumped on the fire had a shit load of bullets in it. after it was all said and done and no one got hurt it was some pretty funny shit..................good times
This happened when I was a junior in high school.

A friend and I wanted buy a bag for the weekend. So we bought from a guy from our school. When I met up with him he told me he had to go get the bud real quick. He gave me his bowl to show me that he wasnt just gone go with my money. When he gave me the bowl I noticed it was fully packed. It had be smoked a lil already but not alot. He told me I could have it while he went and got my bud. (I still cant believe that he gave me a his bowl and weed to smoke it with while I waited)So me and my friend smoked the bud while my dealer went to go get the weed.

My dealer calls me up and says "Im pullin in now" (meaning the parking lot that my friend and I were waiting in.) Right when he said that a car pulled in. SO my friend and I walk over to the car and get in. Now remeber were complety stoned. I was talkin to the guy and I handed him the bowl. And then I realize that its not my dealer and that my friend and I had gotten in to a complete strangers car!!! The guy looks at me and my friend and says in a really confused voice "Who are you guys?" Now after that I dont remember what exactly was said but I found out that this guy was my dealers friend and was gona pick him up. So a about 5 mins later my dealer shows up and I get my dank and leave.

That was a crazy day!!!! Good times back then
When i was about 14, 15 i was at a session at a friends house, there musta ave bin bout 10 of us there.

Picked up like half an ozz of skunk and a quater of resin. Smoked spliff after spliff after spliff in my mates jims back garden, then everyone starts to pile in his house to watch tv for a bit. Im jus sat there finishin off a joint with this dude adam, and this dude called tom sat next to me is staring at this piece of ash on the table talkin to it. I tried talking to him but he just wasn't with it, it was fucked up man, after a while he snapped out of it, and when i asked him what the fuck he'd bin doin, he straight up looked at me like i was the nuts one and told me i was lying lol

I was fuckin creasin, its the some of the most weird shit ive witnessed on a session

I do have another story, but il save that 4 another time ;)
Alright... hmm... I've got a bunch, hard to pick the best... Oh, I've got one!
Ok, so we'd all piled into my friend's car that we'd dubed the Volvasarus. We were just going out for a quick little cruise, but I surprized them all by hopping into the car with a fresh baggy of bud and a big old Bluebarry True Blunt wrap. So we head on our way, buting out the travel kit to get that blunt rolled. We figure since this could take a while that we'd pick a long drive, so we decide on heading some town about four twons away because we'd heard there were a lot of deer there and that it might be fun to try to go see some. We get thr blunt good and over stuffed, light up and and get ourselves nice and stoned. We make it quite a long ways when we realize that it's gotten dark and we're nowhere near our destination yet. We decide to turn back around and head home and find something to do there.
Now you have to understand two things. This is REAL backwood maine. We didn't make it four twons over because it was abnout 50 miles of wilderness between towns. Secondly, it had been raining for about 8 days straight.
Anyways, so we decide to turn back around. In the meanwhile we get a joint rolled up and start to smoke it. My buddy pulls his car over to the side of the road to get us turned around, and the entire right side of the car promptly sinks in the mud right up to the doors. Needless to say, we were not quite expecting this. We get out of the car and finish off the joint as we inspect the situation. It was quite clear that there was no way we could push the car out, it was in too deep and the mud was too soft. Just then a big old black SUV pulls up. I flick the joint off into the woods as the guy leans out the window and asks us if we need help. We explain the situation and he hops out of the car with some toe cables. As we hitch them up to the car he makes it a point to go around and shake all of our hands and introduce himself, saying his name each time. The way the car was in the mud and with the the toe hitch for the volvasarus being on the front, we didn't think the guy could really help. Going from the front we'd have to be pulled through the mud to get out instead of back out the hole we'd already made. The guy trys anyways, but to no avail. Just then two pickup trucks pull up and the guys get out to help. They tell us their friend in the "Big Truck" is a few miles back and he'll help when he gets there. While we wait for the "Big Truck" about six more trucks and SUVs pull up with another 20-30 people getting out to "suppervize" all giving us their ideas on the situation.
I want to repeat that we're in the middle of nowhere right now. We hadn't seen another car in an hour.
Just then the largest red pickup truck I have ever seen pulls up. The thing was gigantic, and the guy driving it hass to actually climb down from it. We hook up to this truck, and when he goes to pull us out, he just gives it a little bit of gas and we pop up out of the mud with a satisfying sucktion sound. Thirty-some-odd people let out cheers and started clapping, then within one minuter, everyone got back in their vehicles and were gone. We got back in the volvasarus, slowly got ourselves turned around, making sure we stayed on the road, packed a bowl, and smoked it as we drove home, not seeing another car until we hit town.
Our theory? Mainers have a sixth sense that tells them whenever they can get the chance to make use of their tucks and they home in on that signal.
Ah well, it was a great night, funny as hell. Maybe later I'll type up my other great car story.
quadracer420 said:
ok, me and a late friend where camping out in michagain for a nascar race, we where camped at mis camp grounds, and it has changed a lot in the past few years, use to clame a spot as big as you want and camp now theres like 40 by 20 foot "camp sites" well we had a tent set up under a canapy and another tent for another guy with us behind us, well our tent had a little screen room part in the front so he had fold up chairs there and every night we would smoke up chillin in our lil screen room, well the ppl to our left where from wisconsin and well we'd be toking up and coughin trying to keep quiet and then we would hear then fake coughin makin fun of us, this happend a few times and then we started talking to them, and they where crazy drinkers, like beer bongs for breakfast and shit, well anyways they where chil with us smoking and all and the old man (dad) wanted to smoke but the wife or something wasent cool or something i dont remember because it was a week long drinking/smoking party and we ended up smking this old dude out for like his 2 or 3rd time and it was fun.

Alright! Another Nascar fan. The wife and I have been fans for years. We do the camping too but at Infineon (Sears Point) Raceway. Been doing it for 14 years straight now. I hear you about the sizes of the camp sites. We use a small tent trailer and get squeezed between these huge ass motor homes every year. And they charge us $220.00 for 4 nights and 5 days worth of camping. But the partying makes it all worth it. Over 2000 camper sites and a lot of achohol. lol
2 years ago I was sitting in the main grandstands and some people we had seen at these races for at least 3 years in a row but really didn't know walked up to me and stated..."you look like a stoner. Wanna get stoned?" Well we proceded to go to the top of the grandstands and shared a joint with them. I know it doesn't sound like much but standing at the top of the stands getting stoned while 800+ horsepower cars are flying around the track and there are 1000's of people within shouting distance made it seem like I was getting away with murder or
Back in 87-88 me and my bros were on a ski weekend to Mammoth CA. The last run of the trip we were going all the way to the top and we smoke 2 fatties on the lift ride up. We were blasted. Anyway on the way down we got separated. I went into the lodge and had a hot buttered rum (one of many that weekend - whole other story) and went out front to wait for them. Guess who's sitting there...Arnold Schwartzenegger. He says "How you doing?" with his big old accent. I say "Very fine." He says "I'm just waiting for my car to pick me up." I'm so f'ed up I can't even think what to say next. DUH! Then his car rolls in and he's gone. Couldn't believe it...I talked to the Terminator! His thighs were seriously pumped from skiing I do remember that...and that I'm about 6 inches taller than him. LOL
Yeah man. I've been on DXM a couple times (just experimenting (sp?)...) normally just the pills... Like 20... But doing that shit isnt for me. I dont like trying anything that you can O.D on. The herb is all i'll need for life.
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