With a room that size, how many are you thinking about using? A dozen or more, I assume? Unless your growing style requires maximum penetration, you would probably get more efficiency out of an equal wattage worth of 600-watt lights (IMHO).
If it was my grow room, whatever size lights I ended up going with, I'd make sure to buy the highest quality/rated
air-cooled reflectors that I could find. IDK if odor control is required for your grow, but if it is, your carbon filter(s) will last longer if you do not have to flow as much air through them - and also last longer if that air is not as hot. You mentioned air conditioning. Whether or not this infers a sealed room, I would still go with air-cooled reflectors. They will
significantly lessen the burden on your air conditioner (and, therefore, your electric bills). Bring (relatively) cool air in, pass it through all your reflectors, and send it back out without allowing it to mix with your grow room environment. Also, there are insulated reflector covers available for many of the more popular reflector brands/models - which will help even more with controlling your flowering room temperatures.
With a room that size, your greatest expense is probably going to be your monthly electric bills, methinks. Since you'll be paying the same regardless of whether you purchase the best reflectors on the market or cheap open ones - but ought to see a significant difference between the two ends of that range - I suggest you get the best ones on the market (whatever that happens to be this year, lol). After all, a garden of that size is not a small personal grow, it is a
production environment. So you might as well produce
BtW, are you going to run a journal? I hope so - we could use more journals of (relatively) large-sized grows.