New Member
Hello everyone this is my first grow with a proper room just not sure on how to feed plants nutes so i went with the lazy way that might bite me in the behind when it comes to harvest. So i bought PRO-MIX potting soil with micro nutes in the soil that feed my plants and planted my Black Indica's in that so all iv'e been doing is watering every 6-7 days but now i notice yellowing/brownish cracking dry bottom leaves all new growth look health iv'e looked for pest with a magnify glass and cant find any so im wondering if its not even nutes or nute burn i have organic plant food but have not used any yet. HERE'S PICS (Also i dont really want to flush my plants because im indoor and under one Mars 2 400w LED so it takes like a week to dry out the pots) IF ANYONE COULD LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK IS THE PROBLEM THANKS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT