Yellow new growth at tops?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I've been growing this black sugar out for about 37 days in promix. Couple weeks ago I messed up a feeding pretty sure the ph was way to low. My 2 other plants were fine but it threw this one for a spin. I've just been doing ph'd water with some well rounded nutrients since. She definitely looks better but still getting that yellow new growth. Any suggestions? I've backed off on the nutrients.


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Are the lower leaves turning yellow under the plant? It's hard to see but they appear yellow. All in all they look real healthy. The new growth may be off color as a genetic thing but if it is it will darken up. If your pH is good and your lower leaves are yellowing I would look at Nitrogen def as a culprit.
Are the lower leaves turning yellow under the plant? It's hard to see but they appear yellow. All in all they look real healthy. The new growth may be off color as a genetic thing but if it is it will darken up. If your pH is good and your lower leaves are yellowing I would look at Nitrogen def as a culprit.
The under growth is a lighter color but that's the small growth trying to make it up top. No real yellowing underneath. Didn't know it could be strain specific would make sense because no one else has issues. I just thought the tops were way to light. Overall she growing good just looks different
Ya I wouldn't worry about it. It looks good and you may be at the edge of too much nutes causing faster growth. That faster growth doesn't allow the greening that you are looking for. It gets there as the leaves mature. I noticed some tips were slightly burned and that's the reason why I mentioned the feeding.
Keep feeding with regular pH water one more time and start feeding again with a lower doseage..
If that yellowing worsens, it's iron deficiency and you should add in 1 tsp per gallon of calimagic.
The tops can look yellowish but when it spreads to those upper fan leaves too, that's iron deficiency
You work at Pearson? YYZ FIR Cat sounds like a maintenance worker there...
Thanks for helping out. Yea I definitely pushed her a lil to much so ph'd water for a bit. I picked Yzfirecat because i own a few YZ250 dirtbikes and love riding. Firecat because I look forward to snowmobiling every year and I own a Firecat 500 thats all.
If that yellowing worsens, it's iron deficiency and you should add in 1 tsp per gallon of calimagic.
The tops can look yellowish but when it spreads to those upper fan leaves too, that's iron deficiency
Thanks. I'll definitely keep a close eye on it. I got some calmag+ that has iron in it I'll use some
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