Yellow leaves?


New Member
Hi firstly.I am writing to you in Turkey so privacy is so inportant for me.I have lots of bad things on my plant.Their leafs are yellow I dont know why they are like this.My lamb is 1000w hps and have a fan and-
ventilator my room not more hot.tempature is good and height is 100 cm(1 meter).they-25 days from seed.Thanks for your attention.Have a good day

Re: Yellow leafs

I dont know what is coco but ı think my soil good as coco thanks to my last harvest.I am using biothrive grow and root.It looks nitruent but my light maybe can be problem I will use revive.Now can you say me why they are looking like this plant ? As I said to you my lamb height is enought ?1 meter.If my lamb is not problem what can I do for them I am so nerveus help...
Re: Yellow leafs

I am watering them between 3-4 day.I think soil is always wet ı under the soil's pot mat always wet there are always water waiting.

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There are not any holes at the bottom of the sack ı will drill my sacks this morning .

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