Woman Can't Tell Jury She Grew Pot To Save Son's Life

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
An East Wallingford woman will not be able to tell a jury that she needed to grow 30 marijuana plants in her backyard to save the life of her ill son, following a split decision by the Vermont Supreme Court released Friday.

Sue Thayer was driving her son, Winter Maxwell Thayer, to college Friday and could not be reached.

The mother lost her appeal of Rutland District Court Judge Thomas Zonay’s ruling that forbade her to use a necessity argument to fight a 2007 felony marijuana cultivation charge.

In a 3-2 vote, the higher court ruled that Thayer can’t tell a jury she grew marijuana outside for four years to improve the health of her son, Winter, who suffers from a kidney disorder, and a second son, Tristan Thayer, who died of leukemia in 2005.

A jury could have excused Thayer of the criminal charge if they believed she did it because of an emergency.

The Vermont Marijuana Eradication Reduction Team seized 30 plants from Thayer’s Centerville Road yard in August 2007 after receiving a tip.

Thayer’s attorney, Daniel Sedon, called the decision disappointing but said he would fight to reargue the appeal.

But he said, two judges understood his client’s point exactly.

“Chief Justice Paul Reiber’s dissent shows he really understood the argument we made, that it was an issue for the jury, not the court,” Sedon said Friday.

“What Ms. Thayer did is provide her son with the marijuana that probably saved his life,” Sedon said. “At the time, he (Winter) needed that and it probably made a difference. He just had a kidney transplant.”

Thayer, a master gardener with no criminal history, contends that she grew marijuana outside her home since 2003 because it eased her son Tristan’s nausea following chemotherapy, improved his appetite and contributed to him returning to school.

It also improved the health of her other son, who suffered ill health due to scarred kidneys he had since infancy, according to the ruling.

Three of five justices said Thayer did nothing to demonstrate indoor cultivation was impossible for her for years, citing law that requires registered caregivers to grow medical marijuana inside and limit production to no more than 2 ounces or up to one mature plant.

The justices ruled that Thayer did nothing to try to follow the rules of the state’s medical marijuana law and while she said she was “dismayed” by the provisions in the law, “she is nonetheless bound — like the rest of us — to abide by the law.”

But Reiber, in his dissenting opinion, and Associate Justice Denise Johnson, said Thayer’s dying son was an emergency.

Reiber said Thayer didn’t break the law to protest Vermont law but to save the life of her son.

“I worry that today’s ruling will lead to a trial where defendant’s actions will be viewed in a vacuum and where she will be treated as a run-of-the-mill drug possessor, when in fact, according to defendant, she is a loving mother who simply wishes to provide her son with the best medical treatment available to avoid losing him like she lost her first son,” Reiber wrote.

Sedon said the ruling forbids a jury from hearing the testimony of a longtime family doctor, who says the medical marijuana did help Winter Maxwell Thayer’s illness.

Michele Martinez Campbell is a visiting professor of law at Vermont Law School specializing in drug cases.

She said although state medical marijuana laws differ slightly from state to state, the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled, in a California case, that federal law that classifies marijuana as an illegal, controlled substance trumps all.

“The bottom line is in order to do that (grow medical marijuana or give it to her two sons) she had to go through certain procedures and she didn’t do that,” Campbell said.

“I don’t know what precedent it’s setting,” Campbell said of the case. “We have a law and you need to follow it and the court is saying we’re not going to make many exceptions to that.”

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: rutlandherald.com
Author: Cristina Kumka
Copyright: 2010 Rutland Herald
Contact: RutlandHerald.com
Website: Woman can’t tell jury she grew pot to save son’s life: Rutland Herald Online
It's so sad. Who was she hurting? Did they find out that she was selling it to local gang members? Do they hate sick kids? This was a mother doing the best she could and ow she can't even defend herself in court. This is the result of prohibition, broken families.
These old judges that know shit about less than dick get to make rules for the rest of us. Wow this is truly unbelievable this is why we must vote elections do have consequences it's time for all of us to wake up. Then you bake of course we must have priorities then get to work talk to your friends family:) If there is going to be any progress in this country it's going to take a lot of work to deal with the amount of corrupt money that's out there
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