Windgrow's Omaruru 2010

i hope im a great dad and they grow big and tall without any penis heads noticing. I cant wait for the native guys here that sell us the trash weed to see what a bud looks like. i dont hink they will believe me when i tell them what it is, lol!

i have just ordered a ph probe, because when i ph my water its 7.6, but i know thats high, and i have NO idea what the ground is right now. im just hoping the rain and seaweed nutes bring it down until i get the probe. im also excited because i also just ordered some nice purple widow seeds.

tiger, where do you get it? are you in boston as your info says?
haha, im sure they would be glad to give you some, ellies produce 80 kg of poop a day! i have to know all this for my job. its quite interesting bc you learn all of the animals digestive systems, and how they work. hind gut fermenters (horses, elephants, rhinos) are bulk grazers because they rely on bacteria to break the plant cellulose down, resulting in only about 30-40% of the nutes being used. whereas ruminants (cows, deer, antelope) have the 4 chambered stomachs and use a muscular action and the bacterial action to process their food, resulting in about 60-70% of the nutes being used. so the ruminants usually are more selective of what they eat.they're also more water independant than the HGF's and the dung is way more compact, cows seem to be the exception, maybe for the milk production or something.... i read an article on a zoo that uses the poo as decorations, as well as selling it, i think they saved like $20,000 in the 1st year of something!
yeah, 3 years ago i was in shit with the law, and my license was gone for 2 years. i moved home and my aunt was like hey, check this website out, so i came to namibia to do a month of wildlife management, came back and was like holy poop i wanna live there. so i got a construction job with a fam friend, saved up, sold my twin turbo'ed 350z, got rides from peeps, and last august i was on a plane to johannesburg, south africa. i took a year long course to be a guide, and now im back in namibia at my internship, and im quite sure they want me to stay on afterwards. Looking back, i never thought this is where i would be, lol. they filmed the show "into the pride on this reserve about 6 months before i got here.
week 4

so im busy now, about every 3 weeks for pics now....

1 looks normal to me, another is small but very leaves, one is the sacrifical plant, and the other is tall and weird. lol




the last(out of focus) pic was of a male, he has been i started lst'ing on the large one, away from the tiny one. also found 2 seeds that germinated and started growing on thier own. i have a feeling after winter rolls trough ill be quite productive, if i can keep the insects away, as of today ive lost 3 to big cecadas, i think. looking for netting to put overtop now.

Q: im in the southern hemisphere, andi know winter is approaching, where is gets cold, and i wont be able to bring indoors and light, how should i go about doing this? just harvest before it gets cold enough to frost?
How did this grow turn out?

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!

Sending you lots of positive energy through the Universe.
im back with a different plan.... we have a rhino boma which is a 2.5 meter fence built from 5" poles, nothing can get in to eat it.... stay tuned!
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