Will this type of Molasses Work?


New Member
I was at a local sporting goods store and they were selling gallons of Molasses for $7.99. I guess it is used as an attractant for deer. Heres a photo of the bottle and another photo of the back label showing the contents. I wanted to know if this would be a sufficient substitute for blackstrap molases?


Works great!!!!!

EXACTLY the same I use. Found it at TSC

High Brix AND $8/gallon .... Beautiful!

The High Brix is better than blackstrap for plant use.

Save a little and you can have deer sausage to go with the munchies. LOL

Why is it so cheap?

Mainly because it is feed grade. Same stuff they use in livestock feed and you aren't going to poison your livestock. Saying not for human consumption means less hoops to jump through in packaging/selling, lowering the cost.

Also, a deer hunter isn't going to pay $40/gallon for an attractant

Bet the same stuff in a hydro shop with a different label would be way north of $50. :hmmmm:

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