Why The Federal Government Won't Legalize Marijuana This August 1st

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
Many news outlets have been reporting that the federal government of the United States will legalize medical marijuana on August 1st. Unfortunately, those reports are incorrect.

Santa Monica Observer apparently broke the news on June 18th, which prompted more and more news outlets to pick up on the information, but it sadly is not factually accurate. In fact, the only source in the report is an anonymous DEA lawyer who claims to have knowledge of the fact that marijuana will be reclassified as a schedule II drug as opposed to a schedule I.

No, it doesn't appear as though the federal government will be legalizing marijuana on August 1st.

By now, everyone in America should be aware that the criminalization of marijuana has nothing to do with the potential "dangers" of smoking cannabis, and everything to do with monetary gain. The reason cannabis is illegal today - and has been for decades - is because of big business. While certain situations have changed and evolved over time, there's one major constant: the federal government keeps cannabis illegal because it allows them to make more money.

Despite the fact that legalization won't happen on August 1st, that doesn't mean that it won't happen eventually. The Daily Chronic reports , "In April, the DEA said they were prepared to respond to an administrative petition calling for the reclassification of marijuana, a petition that was launched in 2011. Replying to a July 2015 inquiry by US Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and seven other senators, representatives from the DEA acknowledged that they intend to respond to a five-year-old rescheduling petition, filed by then Governors Christine Gregoire of Washington and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island. The DEA's response is expected by July 1."

We can hope - but not expect - the DEA to take into consideration how valuable it would be to our entire society to legalize marijuana. The fact that it's still criminalized is insane. It eventually will be legalized - there's no preventing it - so here's hoping that day comes unexpectedly soon.


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Why The Federal Government Won't Legalize Marijuana This August 1st
Author: Mary Wilder
Contact: News Target
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: News Target
There are many factors as to why they do not drop it from a class 1 to lower. MONEY MONEY MONEY and nothing else. The war on drugs (which of course has failed) has kept millions of families with food on the table.
All those jobs CAN NOT just end. That scares them more then anything. Billions upon Billions are spent. Are handed to other countries which of course helps the black market. And who do you think helps supply the black market with just about everything. Governments and and BAD employees making what they can at anyone's cost.
If it was not for DuPont way back when, when they were cornering the market by having it added as a class one drug. Hemp was doing just fine with supply and demand until DuPont put there money hungry fingers and had Hemp banned.
Now the goverment does not go out by saying WE WERE WRNONG no they go out slowly. They make new jobs for the ones on there way out. They are going to cover there ass 1000%

The day will come yes it will. Once it is legal then and only then will the black market lose its appeal for weed.:tokin::tokin::tokin:
This makes me so mad that our government thinks they can control what we decide to put into our bodies. I mean if someone were to hand a blindfolded person 2 pills, one is a opiate based pain med, and the other pill is a marijuana extract pill, and the only information that was given is this, 1. they both will help with pain and 2. One of these pills kills tens of thousands of people per year.... which would you choose? obviously our beloved MJ pill.... and what is funny is the opiate based one is a lower schedule drug, with higher addiction rates and potential for abuse, and kills thousands yearly... and that one is approved by the FDA???!!!!!! right there it shows how messed up our system is.

And yes, it all about the money... for profit prisons, pharma companies, insurance companies and everyone involved in the chain for pharma drugs making money off our medicine. Also not to mention job security for the DEA and other agents that love to bother us harmless MJ growers, users and advocates. Also to mention civil asset forfeture which allows for these police and agencies to strip people of their property, money and assets, even without a crime being committed or proof of a crime...(this makes me livid with anger we allow this to happen). But I think like 80% of the siezed property goes towards the local police and agencies... so again, about the money.

Our country is so messed up right now, where the land of the free no longer means we are free. More and more "controlling laws" get put into place constantly and take our freedoms away. It saddens me and upsets me to think that the majority of the population is more concerned with the kardacians and who the bachelorette picked that the rules and laws being passed taking their freedoms away.

They need to completely removed MJ from the schedule of drugs, as it was put there as a political move, by big government, and big business. It has absolutely no reason to be on that schedule, especially schedule 1 and if they do not lower it or removed it, I will lose complete faith in our system.
This makes me so mad that our government thinks they can control what we decide to put into our bodies. I mean if someone were to hand a blindfolded person 2 pills, one is a opiate based pain med, and the other pill is a marijuana extract pill, and the only information that was given is this, 1. they both will help with pain and 2. One of these pills kills tens of thousands of people per year.... which would you choose? obviously our beloved MJ pill.... and what is funny is the opiate based one is a lower schedule drug, with higher addiction rates and potential for abuse, and kills thousands yearly... and that one is approved by the FDA???!!!!!! right there it shows how messed up our system is.

And yes, it all about the money... for profit prisons, pharma companies, insurance companies and everyone involved in the chain for pharma drugs making money off our medicine. Also not to mention job security for the DEA and other agents that love to bother us harmless MJ growers, users and advocates. Also to mention civil asset forfeture which allows for these police and agencies to strip people of their property, money and assets, even without a crime being committed or proof of a crime...(this makes me livid with anger we allow this to happen). But I think like 80% of the siezed property goes towards the local police and agencies... so again, about the money.

Our country is so messed up right now, where the land of the free no longer means we are free. More and more "controlling laws" get put into place constantly and take our freedoms away. It saddens me and upsets me to think that the majority of the population is more concerned with the kardacians and who the bachelorette picked that the rules and laws being passed taking their freedoms away.

They need to completely removed MJ from the schedule of drugs, as it was put there as a political move, by big government, and big business. It has absolutely no reason to be on that schedule, especially schedule 1 and if they do not lower it or removed it, I will lose complete faith in our system.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg !! They brainwashed us, during the 60s, 70s, and 80s, teaching us hate and racism, to cause a state of chaos in our population. They locked us up and made conditions right for racial conflicts to fester. They taught us to hate each other, blacks fighting the whites and mexicans. The whites fighting the blacks and there's no winners. Made us forget who the real enemy was !! As the old saying goes, divide & conquer !! They've been damm successful to this point, but Icemud I see a change happening in this country"s attitude toward racial problems and drugs in general & especially MJ !!
Biggest problem we got now is what to do with all these fat assed unemployed prison guards !! And retraining the citizens how to do other things, other than hating each other !! The people of America should be ashamed for ever allowing our gov. to strip our freedoms from us !! I am !! # 1 in %age of population incarceration, could some of you good folks explain this to me ?? We need to cure ignorance in this country !!
You folks will believe anything. If you haven't yet lost faith in the govt system we have working against us, when will it happen? You folks kill me. They will not admit to A MISTAKE. That would be... um., human. As we all know, they don't make mistakes. They just play dumb, or ignore us completely (which is closer to giving us the finger, rather than doing what their BOSSES tell them to do. They have gotten SOOO hooked on the money from the lobbyists who work for Pharma, Oil, Tobacco and Big Beer, that it's insane. The commercials show alcohol as being the ONLY way to have a good time, get laid, or recover from a tough day at the gig. Because they want us to die off. LOTS of us. And it's too sad to note, that they are pulling out all the stops, to make that happen. It's also sad to note that they are screwing up the planet while they're at it. They have their guns and money, and security forces, and big homes to hide in.
IF none of this is enough to make you angry yet, you have been working two jobs too long to pay attention. The Dems and the GOP are throwing a party, and we aren't invited. People are too distracted to act, or even get ticked off. So, 2016 is the year Democracy dies without a whimper. Even if there WAS a whimper, it would be censored. People tell me I'm full of it all the time. They too, will learn, albeit too late. I'm over 60, so I can only hope I ain't here when it finally goes south (but then again, I believe it already has.).

If you all don't stop re-electing the sh*t for brains we have in office right now, we will be lost. THAT little problem has been sliding under the radar, because all the children have to blame the other party, and refuse to vote with their brains. Work on your own party, and give THEM the pink slip. If enough of them are told they are fired, that will get the attention of those who are complicit in this scandal of govt ignoring "We, the People". And it will turn them around.

Oh, one more thing, the DEA won't even listen to it's own fricken judge, why would we believe some BS from an unknown lawyer? That carries almost as much weight as the cutesy little memos they publish for NOTHING. WHICH WEIGH NOTHING when it comes to public policy, and absolutely NOTHING legally. It is just a setup for those who still believe the useful idiots who issue such junk, so they can be arrested.
You folks will believe anything. If you haven't yet lost faith in the govt system we have working against us, when will it happen? You folks kill me. They will not admit to A MISTAKE. That would be... um., human. As we all know, they don't make mistakes. They just play dumb, or ignore us completely (which is closer to giving us the finger, rather than doing what their BOSSES tell them to do. They have gotten SOOO hooked on the money from the lobbyists who work for Pharma, Oil, Tobacco and Big Beer, that it's insane. The commercials show alcohol as being the ONLY way to have a good time, get laid, or recover from a tough day at the gig. Because they want us to die off. LOTS of us. And it's too sad to note, that they are pulling out all the stops, to make that happen. It's also sad to note that they are screwing up the planet while they're at it. They have their guns and money, and security forces, and big homes to hide in.
IF none of this is enough to make you angry yet, you have been working two jobs too long to pay attention. The Dems and the GOP are throwing a party, and we aren't invited. People are too distracted to act, or even get ticked off. So, 2016 is the year Democracy dies without a whimper. Even if there WAS a whimper, it would be censored. People tell me I'm full of it all the time. They too, will learn, albeit too late. I'm over 60, so I can only hope I ain't here when it finally goes south (but then again, I believe it already has.).

If you all don't stop re-electing the sh*t for brains we have in office right now, we will be lost. THAT little problem has been sliding under the radar, because all the children have to blame the other party, and refuse to vote with their brains. Work on your own party, and give THEM the pink slip. If enough of them are told they are fired, that will get the attention of those who are complicit in this scandal of govt ignoring "We, the People". And it will turn them around.

Oh, one more thing, the DEA won't even listen to it's own fricken judge, why would we believe some BS from an unknown lawyer? That carries almost as much weight as the cutesy little memos they publish for NOTHING. WHICH WEIGH NOTHING when it comes to public policy, and absolutely NOTHING legally. It is just a setup for those who still believe the useful idiots who issue such junk, so they can be arrested.

gangaguy you forgot by crooked cops !!
gangaguy you forgot by crooked cops !!

Don't you believe it! I was working on the govt baloney - the cops are a WHOLE OTHER STORY!
I have had 3 cops in my family, and one of them wasn't too good at it. Not everyone can be a cop.
Anybody who hasn't been trained properly, and does not have the personality, common sense, compassion and understanding, will execute the job well.
This makes me so mad that our government thinks they can control what we decide to put into our bodies. I mean if someone were to hand a blindfolded person 2 pills, one is a opiate based pain med, and the other pill is a marijuana extract pill, and the only information that was given is this, 1. they both will help with pain and 2. One of these pills kills tens of thousands of people per year.... which would you choose? obviously our beloved MJ pill.... and what is funny is the opiate based one is a lower schedule drug, with higher addiction rates and potential for abuse, and kills thousands yearly... and that one is approved by the FDA???!!!!!! right there it shows how messed up our system is.

And yes, it all about the money... for profit prisons, pharma companies, insurance companies and everyone involved in the chain for pharma drugs making money off our medicine. Also not to mention job security for the DEA and other agents that love to bother us harmless MJ growers, users and advocates. Also to mention civil asset forfeture which allows for these police and agencies to strip people of their property, money and assets, even without a crime being committed or proof of a crime...(this makes me livid with anger we allow this to happen). But I think like 80% of the siezed property goes towards the local police and agencies... so again, about the money.

Our country is so messed up right now, where the land of the free no longer means we are free. More and more "controlling laws" get put into place constantly and take our freedoms away. It saddens me and upsets me to think that the majority of the population is more concerned with the kardacians and who the bachelorette picked that the rules and laws being passed taking their freedoms away.

They need to completely removed MJ from the schedule of drugs, as it was put there as a political move, by big government, and big business. It has absolutely no reason to be on that schedule, especially schedule 1 and if they do not lower it or removed it, I will lose complete faith in our system.

I totally agree.

I saw a bumper sticker :"Quit bit**in and start a revolution". My thoughts also but where to start?
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